Presented in packaging illustrated by famed artist Alan Lee, this gift set includes the 4-disc Platinum Series Special Extended DVD Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, collectible Gollum polystone statue crea... more »ted by Sideshow Weta, and "The Evolution of Gollum" exclusive: bonus DVD on the Weta Workshop and how the Gollum statue was created, featuring interviews with Peter Jackson, Richard Taylor, the cast and more plus a printed companion piece showing how Gollum evolved from pencil sketch to sculpted maquette to digital character Weight - 3 lbs., 5 oz. Width - 8 in. Height - 8 3/8 in. Depth - 6 in. Not seen in theaters, this "Extended Version" of this epic adventure features over 40 minutes of new and extended scenes integrated into the film by the director. DVD set consists of four discs with hours of original content including multiple documentaries, commentaries and design/photo galleries with thousands of images to give viewers an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the film.DVD Features:
A CGI fantasy classic featuring an all star cast of characters!
Movie Reviews
Arwen's love story was close to Tolkien's heart
John Thomson | 11/09/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I give LOTR The Two Towers five stars. It is among the best movies ever made. And those Tolkien purists who complain about the differences between the books and the movies don't understand that the love story of Arwen and Aragorn was really close to Tolkien's heart.The love story of Arwen and Aragorn is not found in the LOTR story itself, although it is found in an Appendix in Vol 3 ROTK, and is also found in Tolkien's Silmarillion. And so we know that the story is based on the love story of Beren (mortal man) and Luthien (immortal elf-maiden). In the movie FOTR (extended version), Aragorn as much as tells us this himself, when he sings the song about Beren and Luthien while he leads the hobbits in the wilderness on their way to Weathertop.The love story of Beren and Luthien was important to Tolkien. After the Hobbit was a smashing success in 1937, the publisher asked Tolkien if he had any more material to be published. Tolkien gave him the story of Beren and Luthien, as part of the Silmarillion. The publisher declined to publish this story, preferring instead to print a sequel to the Hobbit. As we all know, this sequel is LOTR...And here's the reason why the story of Beren and Luthien was so important to Tolkien. Beren is Tolkien himself, and Luthien is Edith Mary, the sweetheart of Tolkien's youth, whom he married in 1916, and faithfully adored until her death in 1971, two years before Tolkien himself died. You can see the inscription on their tombstone in the Wolvercote Cemetery in the northern suburbs of Oxford, UK ( Tolkien wrote that Luthien was the fairest elf that ever lived, he was writing about his wife. And when Peter Jackson decided that his movies should showcase the themes that Tolkien really cared about, he knew what he was doing when he included the love story of Arwen and Aragorn."
Sam Cable, what are you talking about?
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No movie protrayal can match a good book, but Jackson's attempt is the best ever effort in the history of movies. His team's enormous amount of research, attention to detail and love of the original literary work comes through. Yes, some plot lines are altered in minor ways to keep the off-screen characters part of the movie as it still has to serve an audience that didn't read the books, but overall anyone must admire their work. Yes, all of us Tolkien fanatics would love to see a movie of 139 hours in length that shows every scene and includes every line of dialog from the books, including Tom Bombadil and the everything else, exactly as written, but that obviously isn't going to happen.Sam - please read the books again as many of your review details are wrong. Gollum does have an internal struggle of Smeagol vs. Gollum, it's right in the book. It is pretty obvious in the movie that Sam is disgusted by Gollum and Frodo is more pitying him, same as the book. There is the conflict between Arwen and Elrond about her relationship with Aragorn and her struggle with remaining elfen and going West vs. staying with Aragorn. But it is subplot not detailed in the books as much, but Jackson is trying to flesh out characters. Aragorn does have doubts and struggles about coming out of hiding to rise to the thrown, he sets this up more in movie #2 for movie #3 but it is there in the books. Saruman does have control over nameless character "A" which nameless "B" breaks with a struggle and in the movie he has to make it obvious (over-do-it) what is going on or movie-goers would go "what the heck?" since they aren't reading the book. Saruman does rip down all the trees and into forest which P-O's the Ents, moving them into action, which WAS inspired by Tolkien's dislike of the industrial age (more to come in movie #3 I'm sure as in the books). There are warg-riding (i.e. big rats) orcs (even back in the Hobbit books) - READ THE BOOKS AGAIN!!! But some variations are needed for a movie version for the general public; I'll agree with you that all were not needed _FOR_US_, but there is the Joe Blow ticket buyer he is trying to entertain as well, to actually make money on this colossal project (which was completed, by the way, before movie #1 came out and was still a gamble then; hindsight only shows he could have gotten away with "less", perhaps).It's easy to tear down pick on every detail especially when movies are based on books. But this has to be (with the others in the series) some of the best movies ever made, and clearly the best attempt to mirror books on the screen; especially with the fantasy setting and special effects requirements. "To Kill a Mockingbird" is another great adaption, but it's not so hard to find a small Southern town and a guy named "Boo" as it is to create Balrogs, Orcs, Rings of Power and the Eye that Never Sleeps. Give him a break."
Compared With Theatrical Release
Sara E. Davies | Seattle, WA USA | 11/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The extended version of The Two Towers is richer, flows more smoothly, makes more sense, fills in the blanks on missing motives of a number of characters, most notably Faramir and Eowyn, adds some important details about Aragorn. It provides more depth, background information, humor, and overall character development. Though many of the changes are small, they affected the way I interpreted scenes from the theatrical release, put a slightly different spin on things, making for a fuller experience. Which is not to say the theatrical release didn't hold together well - but the extended version is just a better film.I'd like to add that I notice a number of people have commented on the disappointing editing done in the theatrical release - to be fair to Jackson, et al, I would say: Just remember the theatres make their money by having multiple shows. They probably limited the length of the film to get more showings in per day. It would take planning for an intermission and a greater commitment by theatres to fit in what is essentially a four-hour movie. I don't think that's intentional "dumbing down" for the audience, it is just a business decision a lot of us would rather they didn't have to make."
Not perfect, but pretty darn good
J. Swanson | California | 10/29/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Overall Viewpoint: Well worth watching, for people who have AND haven't read the book. Can't wait for the extra footage. Note to Whiners: What did you expect? Tolkien's work could never be turned into another format. I've read the books six or seven times, and I'm quite aware of the atmosphere of otherworldliness that he creates. The movies are much closer to the books than most book-to-movie massacres, and Jackson DID manage to bring some of the feeling of the books to the big screen. Props to him. I don't like the changes to the plotline, but this is still a masterpiece. Not a masterpiece on par with the books, but still a true work of art.Note to Prosaic People: If you don't have a philosophic bent, don't waste your time on this movie. You have to be at least somewhat idealistic and interested in the purpose of humanity, or this movie will just seem way too long and overly dramatic. Put another way, you'll either "get it" and love it, or miss what it's all about and hate it. Don't worry, you'll know in the first 10 minutes or so.Note to Old-School Readers:There are now two kinds of people in the world---those who read the books first, and those who watched the movie first. If I ever have kids, they're reading the books first, that's for darn sure."
MISTER SJEM | CALIF BAY AREA United States | 12/21/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"THE TWO TOWERS is the slowest of the three films mainly because the characters split up and many new characters enter into the scenario. Additionally, a lot of exposition must be added to explain many of the new cultures, people and scenarios.Overall, FELLOWSHIP was smoother b/c the group stayed together.
In TWO TOWERS, we have not only the viewpoints of the villains but also three heroic viewpoints. Going back and forth takes time, but, to its credit, this is true of the books.The extended version gives us more insights into the split personality of Gollum, Faramir's loving relationship with Boromir yet tense relationship with their father, more with Merry and Pippin dealing with the Ents (and a hostile tree) and extra clips at Helm's Deep. Look for the end fight banter between Gimli and Legolas. A favorite of the creators but one that had to be taken out.The true value of the DVD is in the LONG commentary of the creators, which gives us more insights into the characters and story development. Examples include:(1) Why different suits of armor were used for different races and what they represented (i.e. the uruk hai have armor for the front but nothing in back b/c they will never retreat; the elves have elegant armor to reinforce their elegance as an elder race of Middle Earth);
(2) Why Faramir changed from the books in attempting to take the ring;
(3) Why Aragorn had the pretend death in the movie;
(4) lots of info and interviews with the stunt men at Helms Deep who fell off the walls;
(5) swordplay instruction for almost all the characters (with real swords);
(6) Why Gimli would never marry;
(7) Sean Astin remarking on how Andy pulled them back at one point and ripped off Sean's wig. He was quite ticked!;
(8) Andy Serkis playing Gollum and growing into the character;
(9) the different styles of swords by each race/culture;
(10) the designing of Rohan with an emphasis on the horse culture;
(11) CGI for graphics;
(12) Why Shelob was moved from book two/movie #2 to movie #3;
(13) How they got all those people to ride horses (i.e. turns out their was a womens riding club nearby which volunteered with wigs and beards);
(14) viewpoints of various scenes by the actors;
(15) the introduction of Gollum, which includes many drawings, his CGI design and the overall studio design makeup;
(16) emphasis by the drawers/painters of various scenes/background, including the moonlight waterfall forest area where Gollum was almost shot by arrows;
(17) How Viggo (i.e. the Aragorn actor)broke his toes during one footing; and
(18) extra scenes of the Helms Deep battle, as well as some additional fight scenes with the Wargs.Overall, a great piece of work!!! Sterling silver quality."