Irwin Allen's LOST IN SPACE is classic sci-fi adventure at its best. Take the journey to this inspiring, intergalactic space odyssey with America's favorite space family in the 60's TV classic - LOST IN SPACE! Continue yo... more »ur collection with the first volume of LOST IN SPACE SEASON 3 on DVD today! Watch for LOST IN SPACE SEASON 3 VOLUME 2 coming in June 2005.« less
"Season 3 of Lost in Space had a very ambitious start. You could feel the excitement of the new direction the show tried early in this season. From the exciting and grand new theme to actually going into space more often, Season 3 did start out very well. However, the lazy writing to "comedic villain" of the week started to creep up by the middle of this volume.
Season 3, Volume 1 features some of the best episodes of the third season and a few approach the best or at least the most ambitious of the entire series. We start out with the action packed "Condemned of Space" where we see the Robinson's lift off, dodge a comet, loose the Robot in Space and come across a frozen prison. We move on to "A Visit to a Hostile Planet" where we feature one of the best of the series (though logic is out the window) where our crew returns to Earth of the Past. We take a trip to a comical yet original premise in "Kidnapped in Space" and then the traditional "crash" in Hunter's moon. And even when stuck on a planet for a while, they to attempt new fresh ideas, most notably some bonding between Don and Smith in "Space Primevals." And bad creature effects aside, "Space Creature" gave us one of the deepest Lost in Space episodes to date.
Near the end of this volume, it would seem that the writers milked all they could out of the return to action and adventure and had to settle back to farcical fantasy and the results not very good. We get three episodes in a row that pretty much sign the death certificate of the entire series. "A Day at the Zoo" puts the Robinsons in a traveling Zoo. "Two Weeks in Space" features the Jupiter 2 as a resort for fugitive aliens, complete with a cash register and badminton equipment. And "Castles in Space", while starting strong, falls on its face with a silver Mexican, Don making a mannequin in the likeness of a Mexican woman, and the robot getting drunk. If it weren't for the excellent "The Anti-Matter Man", this volume would have gone out on a horrible note.
Season 3, Volume 1 is presented in broadcast order I believe. This is a welcome change because prior video releases did not have them in this order and we often had illogical order to them being crashed and then back in space. The DVD transfers are good but again, a remaster would have been welcomed.
Season 3 rates way above season 2 in terms of quality but because of hitting rock bottom with some truly dreadful episodes, the show alas was doomed. Volume 1 of Season 3 features the strongest of the entire season."
Only Slightly Less Campy than Season 2
John A Lee III | San Antonio, TX | 06/28/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"LOST IN SPACE was a silly series. Of that there can be no doubt. It was, however, quite fun. Jonathan Harris, playing Dr. Zachary Smith, stole the show as a cowardly, greedy, lazy and incompetent stow away. He was always causing problems and good for a few laughs.
The series changed over the course of 3 seasons. It started out as a fairly serious science fiction series. By the second season, it had become nothing more than a campy comedy. The third season saw a reversion back towards the serious end of the spectrum but only just barely. The plots were, by a large, a bit more believeable but there was no doubt that this was as much comedy as drama. The cast did not take themselves too seriously and that contributed to the fun.
The series was noted for laughable costumes and special effects which used a bang, flash of smoke and disappearance/reappearance to solve any effects situation. What the series lacked in seriousness, costume, plot, and effects, it made up for with good humor and some of the richest color to appear on television at that time. It comes through well on the DVDs.
The episodes in this collection include:
One of the things I like about this particular collection is the music. The theme was different each season had had nothing to commend it until the third. For some reason, this theme song struck a chord in me as a young boy and I still like it. It is not great but, to me, it is memorable. Like the series itself, it is not to be taken seriously it is to be simply enjoyed for fun.
Condemned of Space - The Robinsons and crew are finally back in space again. They had no choice since the planet they had been stranded on was targeted by a rogue comet. As to be expected, they barely made it. No sooner than they out into space, Smith manages to jettison the robot by pushing the wrong button. It seems that the robot is lost for good when the ship finds its way to a space station for convicts. Lo and behold, the robot is there waiting for them. While Prof. Robinson and Maj. West go looking for some spare parts, Smith and Will go exploring. Smith wandering around in a prison is NOT a good idea.
Visit to a Hostile Planet - They almost make it. An accident takes the Jupiter II to Earth. They land but are mystified when they cannot contact anyone. Slowly, the awful truth sets in. They are not in their own time of 1997 but are in 1947 instead. People think they are hostile aliens and the reception is decidedly cold. Things get even worse when Smith decides to stay on earth to become some sort of a leader. As a bonus, Judy has more lines in this one than she has had in any episode for almost a year.
Kidnapped In Space - The Dr. Smith hears an SOS from another ship while he is listening to the radio. He is inclined to ignore it until he hears that there is a reward. That caught his attention. When he shows up he is told that he will be forced to do brain surgery on their leader. Failure to effect a cure will result in a death sentence for Smith. It gets more complicated when the leader turns out to be a computer. This is where the robot steps up to the plate. His services are liked so well that they do not want to let him go.
Hunter's Moon - An emergency leads to a forced landing on a planet. The problem is that their presence interrupted a hunter during his hunt. The hunter is a crown prince and his suitability to the throne will be determined by how well he does in his hunting. He decides to make up his deficient score by hunting the Robinsons.
Space Primevals - Volcanoes are threatening the Jupiter II and Smith is sent with Maj. West to set of a charge to cap one of them. When they get near, they are captured by a tribe of cavemen who are ruled by a computer. Smith and West are sentenced to death. This one is kind of sick in that West and Smith hate each other but impending death draws them together. Seeing the robot do caveman dances does not make up for it.
Space Destructors - Smith stumbles into a cave with a machine that makes cyborgs. He decides to make his own personal army to conquer the galaxy. Needless to say, the others are not happy with this development.
The Haunted Lighthouse - This one features Penny who finds a castaway boy with strange powers to affect the minds of others. The Robinsons take him in just as they launch. While whizzing about, they come across a lighthouse from earth and its caretaker. They have an opportunity to get home but that means that the boy will not be able to get home. He is not pleased.
Flight Into the Future - Will and Smith accidentally land on a strange planet in the spacepod. A machine tries to convince them of a Rip Van Winkle event and that they are all far in the future. Meanwhile, the rest of the Jupiter II crew lands and tries to find them.
Collision of Planets - While the Jupiter II is grounded doing some repair work, the planet they are on is on a collision course with another planet. The inhabitants of that other planet dispatch a shiftless crew to destroy the Robinson's planet. They are a bunch of inconsiderate hippies who will not grant the Robinsons a few extra hours to complete their repairs. I didn't care for hippies in the 60s and they seem no better now.
Space Creature - The Jupiter II is captured by a living mist. If this is not bad enough the mist is evil and feeds on fear. It does all it can to frighten the travelers. Smith makes a likely target.
Deadliest of the Species - While flying through space, a foreign probe hitches a ride behind the Jupiter II. When they land, the probe crashes nearby. It turns out that it contains a very dangerous prison escapee and that escapee is a robot, a female robot. The Robinson's robot naturally falls in love and is willing to work against his own family. This one was pretty sappy.
A Day at the Zoo - In intergalactic zookeeper captures the Robinsons to put on exhibit in his zoo. Smith manages to ingratiate himself and even manages to take over, lured to this course of action by his own avarice. He again manages to hack off everyone. This episode is more like those of the previous season in tone. The first appearance of the alien is so ludicrous that it is a relief to learn he is only wearing a mask to frighten his prey.
Two Weeks in Space - While most of the family is away, Will, Smith and the Robot are left behind at the Jupiter II. They get a call from an incoming spaceship and Smith sets up as a resort hotel to cash in on the visitors. The problem is that the visitors are fleeing robbers and are looking to set up their hosts for the fall.
Castles is Space - While working on a remote communications relay, Wlll, Dr. Smith, Maj. West, Judy and the robot come across a frozen alien sarcophagus. The revived alien turns out to be a beautiful princess from an ice planet. Another spacefarer shows up looking for her. He has been searching for her so that he can hold her for ransom. When West refuses to give the princess up, the bandit kidnaps Will.
The Anti Matter Man - Don't expect antimatter to mean was physicists mean. In this case is means the "evil twin". Professor Robinson gets kidnapped by his evil double from an evil parallel universe. The plan is to replace the real Prof so that he can stay in our universe. When he comes through, however, everyone notices that he does not act like himself.
Don't miss this season of LIS!
Tim V. Balistreri | Sunnyvale, California | 12/11/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As an avid fan of LIS from day one, I enjoyed all three seasons
of the show. I agree with another reviewer of season #2 that it
was fun and interesting, not stupid as some claimed. However, for
those with a negative impression of the show based on what they saw of season #2 or what they've heard, watch season #3. Irwin Allen decided on a more serious treatment for #3 which was more in the spirit of season #1. The result was at least three of the
best episodes of the series: "Visit to a Hostile Planet", in which the Robinsons were propelled through a time warp to Earth
of 1947, fifty years before their voyage started; "Condemned of Space" in which the Jupiter 2 lands on a prison ship, and "The Anti-Matter Man" featuring awesome performances by Mark Goddard and especially Guy Williams portraying their anti-matter selves.
True, this season did contain the infamous "The Great Vegetable
Rebellion" with a talking man-carrot, but stupid though it may seem, my advice is JUST HAVE FUN WITH IT!
Buy this season and enjoy!"
dep1701 | Florida | 02/26/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What can you say about a DVD set in which the FBI, Copyright warning, and menu screens are the best looking things? All the episodes appear blurry, as if someone tried to digitally enhance, and failed. The coming attractions are the best looking part. I've seen VHS copies that look better. This show deserves better. Fox should recall and reissue correctly.A real disappointment!
Lost in Space Season 3, lost out again...
Ted S | southern MN, United States | 03/04/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I've looked forward to having LIS on DVD for quite some time. I had hoped that Kevin Burns and 20th Century Fox would stop milking the franchise and perhaps make the effort to invest a little bit back into it after all these years. But, alas, I was wrong.
The transfer of the 3rd season episodes is weak, to say the least. The episodes are soft, fuzzy, and lacking detail. They are looking old and tired, much worse than the first season, which wasn't so good either. Only the 2nd season episodes come close to looking decent on DVD.
I was really looking forward to the 3rd season on DVD because many of the stories were quite good. But the weak transfers takes much of the joy out of it.
Normally I wouldn't recommend a purchase under these conditions, but since it is unlikely we'll ever see the money invested to do good, digitally remastered transfers from the original negatives of this series you might as well buy it now. But it pains me to reward Kevin Burns (the license holder for the LIS franchise, so he does have input into these releases) and 20th Century Fox for the cheap corner cutting of these DVD sets. The series deserved better.
Seeing another post here about this DVD set looking better played on DVD player and TV, I popped this set into my Denon DVD player and viewed the episodes on my 36" Sony XBR.
I haven't changed my opinion one bit. The transfer still looks weak and blurry, lacking resolution. They look as if they were mastered from 16mm instead of 35mm material. I'm not sure what they used as a source for the mastering of these episodes, but it is obvious that there was no quality control done.
The reason it looks somewhat better on a TV versus a PC is that a PC's higher resolution reveals more of the tranfer flaws than a DVD player/TV combination will.
I do note that different companies have been used to master the releases of Voyage, Time Tunnel, and Land of the Giants than the one that did LIS."