"This DVD is a waste of time, I am glad I only rented it and didn't buy it. It has no performances of Mariah Carey. There is one interview done by a foreign interviewer who can barely speak English. The interview is in black and white and is placed inside an animated screen about 1/3 of your TV Screen. The rest is close up shots of some English people giving their opinions about Mariah's career. The little time they actually show Mariah is the same shot over and over, I don't think they had any permission to use actual photos or video of Mariah. Don't waste your time out of the whole DVD maybe 10 min, outside of the interview, do you actually see any image of Mariah Carey. If you like to look at a bunch of people telling you everything you already know about Mariah Carey then good luck, otherwise steer clear!"
Mimi's Emancipation | 09/06/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is unauthorized product; not an "official" mariah carey video. Music Box is licensed to Columbia Records/Sony Music, but this DVD is being released by a random 3rd party. This explains why there are no videos from the album.
Also notice the cover photography looks nothing like her font/style. Do not order this, its a waste of money...just interviews with some critics and a verbal chronicle of the album's chart history."
Don't waste your money
All about Babs | 11/26/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It looks like amatures put this together. The quality is very poor. I know it says An unauthorized documentary film on it but most of the time they are usually at least good. This one is very very very bad. I'm a big Mariah Carey fan and I couldn't watch more than a few mintues of this documentary."
Don't buy!!!
Nicky leanne | NSW, Australia | 12/19/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is the most boring Mariah video EVER made!!!!!!! I am the most loyal Mariah fan ever and i couldn't even watch the first 5 minutes of this crappy documentary! Even Mariah would be ashamed!!!!!"
ericasharlette | London, UK | 11/05/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
Guys when I tell you that some mean-spirited, evil person (Madonna, Cameron Diaz, Marshall 'used to' Matter; shoot, maybe even Chris 'I Adore Myself Above All Else' Martin) concocted this and released it as a genuine 'homage' - please believe me.
Were it not for the fact I couldn't save my review without it, I wouldn't have rated it with any stars at all because it quite frankly doesn't deserve the honour of a single one. Since I WAS forced however - the one I did give it is for Mariah's name and the professional looking sleeve - it has all the clarity the entire DVD does not!
It's pure nonsense with the WORST graphic clarity I have EVER seen since, and I'm talking pre-digital age, old-school wooden televisions - bad.
Basically, it's an inaccurate recounting of Mariah's 'so-called' life so far; told through the eyes of journalists who haven't actually done ANY research or fact-checking whatsoever - it's as if they never heard of the concept! Prime example being one particular 'journalist' who got the film AND title song after which Mariah was named so matter-of-factly, wrong. Another one gets her birth-date wrong entirely!
I hadn't seen this before I bought it (obviously), because if I had I would immediately have denounced it to anyone who would listen before I wasted money outbidding some other poor sap for it on a "rival site"! But PLEASE take my word for it - it's INACCURATE, it's of HORRENDOUS AV quality (the entire thing is shown on the 'screen' of some tiny Clip Art telly box in the centre of the screen, with NO sound filtering whatsoever), and quite clearly, it's a rip-off.
You'll only be conning yourself if you still buy it after this - I for one know I want my money back."