Ashton Kutcher (Dude, Where's My Car?, TV's That '70's Show) and Britney Murphy (8 Mile, Don't Say A Word) take the cake in this outrageous hit comedy that proves love and laughter are the perfect match. Sarah (Murphy) is ... more »a happy-go-lucky rich girl whose« less
Tony B. (Hollywood) from MINNEAPOLIS, MN Reviewed on 12/5/2013...
Painful to watch. I kept watching hoping it would get better but it did not. Not funny, no plot, and a big question - why did they even make this movie?
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Nancy W. from CHARLOTTE, NC Reviewed on 12/18/2010...
Really cute movie. It will make you laugh.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Shelba A. from ORIENTAL, NC Reviewed on 12/5/2009...
Ashton is a natural...funny!
you are laughing when you least expect it!
1 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Predictable; Second Half is Funny
Lonnie E. Holder | Columbus, Indiana, United States | 06/16/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I found this movie to have two distinct halves. I somehow did not find it funny when Ashton Kutcher pushed Brittany Murphy near the beginning of the film. Getting liquid all over her front was supposed to be slapstick, but I thought it was cruel and mean, even if they weren't getting along. Because of this beginning, I found it difficult to get into the movie initially.Our story is an old one. Poor boy meets rich girl. The two fall in love. The families object. The two persist, and get married, and it turns out badly until the end of the movie; sort of like "Romeo and Juliet", only nobody dies, and it's funnier.However, I didn't get my first laugh until about 22 minutes into the movie. I had to wait until about halfway through the movie before it started to get really funny. The movie was supposed to be funny before that, but the humor was flat. For example, Ashton Kutcher is plugging a sex toy into an electrical outlet. Of course the toy has a plug for 110 volts, and the European hotel they are in has 220 volts, the European standard. Ashton somehow believes he can get the plug in. His rather more experienced wife stands by while he jams the plug in and predictably causes all sorts of havoc.Later the couple plows into a snow bank. Ashton throws a snow ball at a passing car that doesn't stop to help them. The old lady driving the car backs up and, again predictably, pushes their car over the edge while giving the two of them an obscene gesture (that part wasn't predictable).While I found the first half of the movie predictable and funny only in places, the second half of the film picked up substantially. I finally identified with the characters, the movie became funny, and I thought the ending was touching.This movie does one thing really well. Most movies about weddings and honeymoons try to paint a picture of how perfect everything is. This movie shows a honeymoon disaster. Further, it shows how two people who truly are in love with each other can find how truly difficult life can be when things go wrong.If you like light romantic comedy, this movie may be for you. You may find more humor in the first half than I did. If so, the second half will be an absolute riot. The ending touched me. Worthy of watching at least once."
Cutesy and clichè
Sara Smolinski | 07/04/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
""Just Married" is a painfully cheesy movie that's almost too lighthearted and cute. Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy play a Romeo and Juliet-esqe couple that has been repeated in so many movies, its sickening - he's the classic dorky sports fan and child of middle-income parents, and she's the daughter of some billionare whose profession we never learn. Her parents would have rather married her to the snobby Peter Prentice, a dull antagonist who is more of a roadblock then an actual character. Anyway, the cute couple get married and jet off to Europe where their lies to eachother and unbelievable circumstances (they are kicked out of a hotel after they ruin the circuit system by trying to plug in some kind of sex toy) hinder their enjoyment of the perfect honeymoon. The movie was worsened by bad jokes, boring characters, and clichè storylines. I think I considered laughing about once.The terrible thing about this movie was how unbelievable everything was. Every character was able to pull a beautiful and heartwarming monologue out of thin air. Most of the speeches didn't even fit the character's personality, for instance, Kutcher's character gave at least two of these monologues, and each one was one of the best parts of the film's script. Too bad they came out sounding forced and awkward, since the character isn't supposed to be the brightest bulb in the box. Finally, the characters were painfully underdeveloped. We don't know whether or not Murphy's character likes being rich, nor can we ever really discern whether she's a rich-girl ditz or an art-loving intellectual. We never find out what Murphy's father does, and although a good, strong father-son relationship is hinted at between Kutcher's character and his father, we never know for sure. Finally, an attractive blonde was constantly around Murphy's character...was she a sister? friend? cousin? It nagged me through the whole movie.So, why not 1 star instead of 2? Well, Murphy and Kutcher proved to be excellent actors with amazing chemistry together. Murphy especially lit up the screen with her dazzling personality and cute, scratchy voice. Kutcher will be forever typecast as the dumb guy, but its a character that suits him well. I found them to be the only highlights of the movie.Bottom line: This movie kept me awake. It was fast paced and mildly enjoyable, but lacked anything fresh or different. See it if you like teen chick fliks, not if your idea of a movie is one that will keep you thinking."
~Funny and Enjoyable!~
Ashley | USA | 01/05/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was an enjoyable film with two hilarious actors! Brittany Murphy is such a likable character in this movie playing Sarah, a rich girl who falls in love with Tom, played by Ashton Kutcher.
These two get into some hilarious situations while on thier honeymoon after getting married "too young" as their families and friends think.It is very funny and the actors are very very convincing especially Brittany Murphy!
It may not be an award winning movie but it's full of fun and laughs!I reccommend this if you love comedies and just watching movies to have a good time!
The DVD extras are pretty good with a couple of deleted scenes and commentaries.
This movie is really funny and just a fun, feel-good movie!
Give it a try! :-)"
Just painful
David M. Lovin | Willow Spring, NC United States | 11/15/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I don't understand what constitutes a comedy these days. Here is another "comedy" that is unfunny and focuses too much on the same tired jokes, mostly sexually related, without trying to develop any kind of storyline. The acting is unremarkable, the script is below par, and the direction seems uninspired. What a winner!Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy play newlyweds who at the beginning of the film are returning from what was clearly not a great honeymoon. They act like kids, running each other into walls and throwing gum into the other's hair. We flash back to their meeting (Kutcher hitting her in the face with a football) and subsequent romance. He is a graveyard shift traffic reporter for a radio station, while she has had all the education possible and is an avid art lover. The honeymoon is in Europe. Right away you should realize what some of the jokes will be. How about trying to plug something from America into the wall when the outlets won't fit and the power is twice as strong?...Ha Ha. Then there's the jokes about European hygiene, with huge bugs crawling on our heroes when they are in the next hotel. Driving in Europe? Then you have to get one of those suitcase sized European cars that can't be a worse shade of yellow. Oh, and no extra points for guessing that an old flame of Murphy's will show up and try to steal her away.All in all, this movie is bad. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, which is why it has two stars instead of one. But this is completely brainless storytelling, we've seen it all before. We've just usually seen it better."