A Hong Kong detective and an Interpol officer work together to save a kidnapped young boy who holds an artifact of mysterious power called the Medallion. — Genre: Feature Film-Action/Adventure — Rating: PG13 — Release Date: 1... more »-AUG-2006
Christine S. from NEWINGTON, CT Reviewed on 7/9/2017...
Another fun loving Jackie Chan movie. Enjoyed it very much with the whole family. Lots of action and a little bit of love interest, as well.
John Rys-Davies made the movie full of laughs.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Don K. from BEAVERTON, OR Reviewed on 6/2/2012...
Two stars at best.
Jackie Chan has made a lot of movies, a few good ones and a whole lot of bad ones. This movie, unfortunately, falls in the latter category. The dialogue is bad-Chinese-movie basic, (in other words, boring and inane), the acting is waaaaay over the top, (especially Lee Evans, who has to over-emote each and every facial expression), and the sub plots could have been written by a 12 year old. The main plot had potential, but the movie is made too long by all of the unrelated filler. The fight scenes are VERY basic, unlike much of the fun and inventive choreography typical of Jackie's better films.
The only bright light is Claire Forlani, who manages to do a lot with very little. She should be doing love scenes in Hollywood movies. Wow.
Bottom line...don't waste your trade points.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Cendy H. from WICHITA FALLS, TX Reviewed on 12/26/2009...
I got this for my son (really into action movies) He watches this movie at least once a week. He says that there is alot of action, and that the movie is really good.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
JP S. from RICHARDSON, TX Reviewed on 11/25/2008...
Funny movie with lots of Jackie Chan martial arts. Fairly standard good guy/bad guy plot. Similar to Golden Child, with more action.