I Can't Rate This to High....
IsSoUKnow | ft pierce, fl United States | 05/21/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I only bought this because I'm such a fan of Allen Payne. Sorry but this play was sooooooo utterly boring.
1. There were two scenes that I had to just fast forward through because they lasted so long and were so dry, and then I just stopped the DVD altogether.
2. It was too much like the movie, "the Brothers." Now had this been called, "The Brothers (the Play)", I could have gotten in to it. But it wasn't so I couldn't. There was the sexy light skinned guy getting getting engaged, there was the bitter black guy who didn't like black women, there was the super sexy player who could never commit, and the fat guy was the comic relief. There was nothing original about this play and I hated it. The 15-20 minutes that I saw of it anyway.
3. Someone said this was "so real", but no it wasn't! It was cliche matter of factly.
4. Allen Payne is pretty good actor but I don't think the stage is his forte. He may need a little more practice at stage plays because he really wasn't that good here.
Like someone else said, rent or borrow before you buy. This play was awful."
MOMMIE4LYFE | San Diego, CA | 02/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"From his days as Lance on the Cosby Show to the present, Allen Payne has been one of my favorites. In my opinion, he gives each role his all regardless of subject or budget of a project.
I would also have to say, the brief display of his abs, coupled with the fact that he has taken a lawn mower to that chest of his (if you've seen Jason's Lyric, you know what I mean), was well worth the price of admission, so to speak.
I highly recommend this play."
Men have feeling s
CTB | Renton, WA | 05/23/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Women think man don't have feelings and don't hurt, but this movie showed a man can hurt like us. Great job."
A Hot Mess!
Ladyofvirtue24/7 | I'm on the map.. | 05/08/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This play was HORRIBLE!!!..I desired to see it because it was here in my city and i missed it..needless to say i fell asleep on the DVD and come to find out i did not miss anything when it came here. not sure who's play came first, but i noticed that this play was fashioned after some of Tyler Perry's stuff. two thumbs down on this one.SAVE YOUR MONEY...if someone is giving it away then view it and make sure you give it back to them...LoL my brother on the crutches was fine as wine (Christoper Williams)..you hear me? but his acting was HORRIBLE! all that falling around and laying on the floor when he asked ol girl to marry him?!?!?...What was that? Pay attention when dad goes back over Derrick's house when he rings the door bell watch how the sound effects was delayed...(UGH)"