"If you like Metal, _This Is Spinal Tap_, "Beavis and Butthead", the mockumentary genre, lots of death and explosions, other Adult Swim shows, brilliant writing and animation, great comedy, dark humor, buy this DVD collection now. Support quality programs on Adult Swim. They ruthlessly kill off good shows as seemingly as often as people get offed in Metalocalypse. Season 2 sees the return of characters introduced in the first series, some of whom viewers were given the impression were probably dead or gone for good. This was a pleasant surprise as is the further development of the characters. There's more to some of them than you first realize. Season 2 also continues to follow a certain strange top secret orginization monitor and cause trouble for the band. It does have me curious how they'll wrap that up. I do know this - the concluding episodes of seasons 1 and 2 are so kick *** they leave you wanting more."
A fish with tits... titty fish
FaustsHausUK | Chicago, IL, USA | 11/30/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The second season of Metalocalypse was every bit as brutal as the first. Buy it on the internet, or at your local food libraries.
If nothing else, buy it for the episode where they release a clothing line; or the fantastic Dave Lee Roth-parodying Dr Rockzo's rehab episode, Cleanzo."
Good, but flawed.
A. Seiwell | 12/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The music is amazing, the episodes are funny, and the story is good. However, if you want to see some good special features, you will find that there are practically none. First of all, they're ALL hidden, and though easy to find if you know the definition of "Easter egg", once they are found, only one...maybe two are actually worth watching. There is one that shows Ofdensen (band manager) trying to fit in with the band after Dethsources, and the other worth watching, is the music video for Murmaider (from the concert). All the other features are completely useless and a waste of time. And if you were expecting a revelation hidden somewhere like the one with Selatcia in Season 1 DVD, don't hold your breath. Nowhere to be found."
Pretty good
Robert A. Landis | 02/18/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The best death metal bAnd in the world. They are tools of a conspiracy to start Armageddon."
Finally They Listened!!!!!
Brian Banning | Philadelphia, PA. United States | 12/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just pick it up today, and it's anamorphic enhanced for 16x9 tv's. Thank you Adult Swim, Williams Street, WB, and Brandon Smalls. Oh! don't let the outer box fool you it states: Standard Version, that's a printing mistake. All the episodes are anamorphic enhanced."