A mysterious mist, thick with blood-thirsty creatures, descends on a small town, where a group of people holes up in a grocery store to fight for their lives.
Rodney P. from BEAUMONT, TX Reviewed on 1/10/2014...
I'll make this short and sweet! FINALLY a monster movie that is quite scary and has one of the most shocking downbeat endings in film history!
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Andrea W. from REDDING, CA Reviewed on 9/10/2012...
One of the better Stephen King books made into a movie. I loved the novella. This movie had much better monsters.
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Daniel A. (Daniel) from EUGENE, OR Reviewed on 2/8/2010...
I love being able to hate a character in a movie as much as I could in this. The suspense was more intense when the monsters weren't on camera. More dramatic irony than expected in a monster movie.
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Renita W. from LAFAYETTE, IN Reviewed on 6/23/2008...
the emotions from all the different characters in this movie is classic stephen king. the end is phenomenal. the best movie i have seen in many years. i cryed and jumped and shivered at the little critters. excellent
6 of 6 member(s) found this review helpful.
Steven M. from PORTLAND, OR Reviewed on 4/22/2008...
I will never part with this two disc editon, has the movie in the original color version, plus on disc two, a black and white version that gives "night of the living dead" feel to the movie. Gives you a whole new take on the movie. There was to be a intro to disc two on why Frank Darabont put this on the edition, but it's not there. You can find the intro on YouTube.
The ending of this movie is so shocking that even Stephen King wished he had wrote it. Pair this movie up with "Dreamcatcher" and you've got a great Thomas Jane/Stephen King double feature.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
A Movie with Many Problems
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 03/29/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"THE MIST has the full panorama of responses, from those who find it 'the best of the Stephen King story adaptations' to those who find it a feeble attempt to wed science fiction with biblical predictions. Frank Darabont has consistently brought King's popular horror stories to the screen with great success. For this film he's gathered a substantial cast, used computer generated graphics well, but in the end the result is a confusing mishmash of story versus sermon versus actors being overwhelmed by some really strange upstaging creatures.
David Drayton (Thomas Jane) is a graphic artist who manages to weather a freak storm only to discover a mysterious mist hovering over his backyard lake. Going to town with his young son to get supplies at a Food Store he joins the other townsfolk in the gossip about the mist which now engulfs the town: could it be due to some experiment at the military post lab in the mountains? The store's generator sounds like it is fumbling, and while brave David tries to fix it (mind you, in this town with no electricity, the lights in the main store remain on....), he sees the back wall buckling and hears a bizarre noise. Returning to the storefront, David informs the crowd of his findings, but his descriptions are not believed - especially by the town psycho Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden) who sees all things in relation to her channeling of God via her knowledge of the Book of Revelations, and the pessimistic out-of-towner Brent Norton (Andre Braugher), who has a running disagreement with David. But gradually David gathers some sensible folk (Toby Jones, Chris Owen, et al) to accompany him to the generator room and against David's warning, the back door is opened by the young stock boy and huge tentacles enter from the mist and consume the lad. Thus we have two factions: those who side with Mrs. Carmody's religious zealot need to sacrifice people to the outdoor monsters now flying about the store and those who are convinced they must fight the offenders with force and escape. The mess of a story is further confused with overlay of father/son devotion, mass hysteria, mob rule, revenge on the military for loosing these 'other world monsters' on the public, and 'what do we do if this is the end of the earth'. How it all winds down may satisfy some and may irritate others.
So why rate this film with two stars instead of one? Marcia Gay Harden gives a bravura performance as the crazy Mrs. Carmody and Toby Jones offers a solid representation of the stable man as a clerk in the store who keeps his wits about him. Thomas Jane is Thomas Jane, and for an action hero, he seems to melt with the circumstances. The movie is long, silly, not scary, and suffers from a weak script. For those who are entertained by this sort of story it may be worthwhile. For those who are fatigued by the same old line of good versus evil in the form of gooey huge monsters, pass on this film. Grady Harp, March 08"
Michael Jackson Was Wrong, It Does Matter if The Mist is Bla
Mike Liddell | Massachusetts | 04/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"On the two disc edition of The Mist, on disc 2 there is a glorious Black and White version of the film, with an introduction by the director Frank Darabont. Darabont says he originally wanted The Mist to be in B&W and be a throwback to the 50's and 60's horror movies such as Night of the Living Dead, which I felt it had a lot in common with. Darabont says this can be considered his director's cut. I knew he directed two other King favorites The Shawshank Redemption (Two-Disc Special Edition) and The Green Mile, but I didn't realize his other contributions to the horror genre, until I checked out IMDB. Starting in 1980 as a production assistant on Hell Night and going on to write the screenplays for A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors, The Blob, The Fly II (Collector's Edition), and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
The Mist is an entertaining, at times infuriating, tragic horror film filled with fun scares in the form of 50s and 60s era monsters lurking in the mist outside and the uglier monsters inside that apply to our present day, a true creature double feature.
Darabont reminded me of Romero and his use of horror and social commentary. Here he makes an atmospheric horror movie, our main character, David Drayton, played by, Thomas Jane, (Deep Blue Sea) designs posters for horror movies, followed by a big storm, and ultimately has David and his son (mom at home) trapped in a supermarket with the towns people. Similar to the mall in Dawn of the Dead [Blu-ray] evil lurks outside the market, not in the form of zombies that can be seen, but old school monsters that lurk out in the mist. That's the surface of the film, but as we go through the layers we find much more, such as the monsters that lurk inside the supermarket. Human nature, when afraid and backed into a corner and the role the military plays once the smoke clears are some of the movie's other factors.
The Black and White Version is the way to go, to get that old school feel the director intended, even the way the title on the dvd is written is like an old monster movie. Highly Recommended, one of King's best film adaptations.
DISC I Features Commentary by Writer/Director Frank Darabont - Deleted Scenes with optional commentary - Drew Struzan: An appreciation of an artist - Behind the scenes webisodes - Trailer Gallery Dolby Dig 5.1
DISC II - Frank Darabont introduces The Mist in Black & White - The Director's Vision: The Complete Feature Film in Black & White - When Darkness came : The Making of the mist - Taming the beast - The making of scene 35 - Monsters among us: A look at the creature FX - The Horror of it all: The visual FX of the mist. Dolby Dig 5.1"
A King-sized thriller!
Steven Hedge | Somewhere "East of Eden" | 04/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Director Frank Darabont successfully adapts yet another King tale. He had done a great job with King's prison tales The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, but is equally good at working on King's thrillers.
***This may contain some spoilers. I think I'm vague enough, but some like to be warned of any potential spoilers within a review. So, here's your warning***
This film is based on a novella, a short novel that is usually less than 150 pages, which helps to keep this film tightly focused on a small band of people trapped in a supermarket as a strange mists surrounds an entire town. Within this mist are incredible monsters that are very effectively produced as part CGI and part puppets. They do look frighteningly real and not as obvious special effects. As with any of these "band of survivors" kind of films there are an odd collection of characters, but I can't label them as stereotypes and that is a welcome change for this genre of film.
All the actors bring a real and human quality to their characters. Thomas Jane, of Deep Blue Sea, King's Dreamcatcher, and husband to Patricia Arquette of NBC's Medium for which he had a role on two episodes, has always been something of an action actor with passing acting abilities, but here the director gets a sincere and highly emotional performance out of him. Andre Braugher as the initially hostile out-of-towner, turned nice guy, turned angry guy, turned determine guy is performed quite well considering the complexity of the actual role. You see the tension with him all the time, but you also see a "nice guy" trying to come out and get along with others who struggles with insecurities. In addition, there is Toby Jones, The Painted Veil and Infamous, as a shift manager who is keenly insightful about people in general, but believably so. The supermarket is rounded out with the likes of Frances Sternhagen who graces any film she's in, William Sadler who is great at playing semi-villains, and the ever reliable Jeffrey DuMunn who is no stranger to starring in King films. Lauren Holden as a kind of a stand-in wife/son to Thomas Jane's character and his son while trapped at the supermarket and is good in her role. She may be best known as the macho cop in the horror film Silent Hill.
I would be remiss if I didn't note the Oscar-winning actress Marcia Gay Harden's role as the sick, sadistic, Bible thumping, I'm against the world, bitter religious zealot Mrs. Carmody. In the Stephen King world this is the Christian stereotype as it was in his Carrie novel. King himself admits that he has had a very negative view of Christians prior to his near fatal car accident, and often painted them with the same brush he painted Mrs. Carmody. Even prior to his accident he was beginning to lighten up on his view of Christians and his The Green Mile - Six Volume Box Setis a good example to that softening of King's views. Having said this, Harden plays this role a bit over-the-top at times, but is still convincing. She does eventually become a caricature of sorts, but she is very compelling to watch and I give her kudos for that kind of performance.
As much as the actors make this a very enjoyable film, much credit for the success of this highly effective horror film is the writing and directing by Danabont who just knows how to handle King's stories. King often fought with his publishers when he had downer endings. Publisher hate it when an author kills off the heroes in a story or evil appears to win, but King, to his credit, never flinched and has had numerous stories in which his main characters die and evil won. I admire that with King and some of his most effective stories have been the ones with downer endings. I'm not saying who dies in this story and who doesn't in this story or if the evil in the mist wins as I don't believe in spoiling someone else's enjoyment of a film, but this adaptation is very faithful to the novella and it does have a strong ending. In fact, the ending is quite shocking, moving, harrowing, and just plain jaw-dropping. I doubt anyone would see it coming which makes it all that much more effective.
This is an outstanding horror film that is worthy of a place in your DVD collection."
The Mist
Michael Zuffa | Racine, WI United States | 12/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After a bad storm that puts a tree through his studio window, David Drayton (Jane), his son Billy (Gamble), and neighbor Brent (Braugher) head into town to get some supplies from the supermarket. Once there, the mist that they saw rolling across the lake has made it into town and engulfs the store. The terror level is upped when a man runs into the store with blood on his face, screaming that there is something out there. Indeed, there is, and soon those trapped in the store see what it is. To make matters worse, a religious fanatic by the name of Mrs. Carmody (Harden) is stirring up some of the customers with her talk of the end of the world. David finds himself looked to for guidance, and when things seem to be as bad as they can be, things get worse.
Director Frank Darabont takes another stab at a Stephen King story, this time a horror story, and succeeds quite well. Like "The Shawshank Redemprion" and "The Green Mile", "The Mist" is a faithful adaptation of the source material, with an added on ending that may or may not work for viewers. I, for one, enjoy endings of this nature, but am not sure that it was the right ending to tack on the end of this particular story. The acting is solid all around, especially Marcia Gay Harden as the disturbing Mrs. Carmody. The film has its share of monsters, but the scariest ones are inside the store, not outside it. "The Mist" works because it is a smart thriller, directed by an excellent director. I recommend this film.
H. Schneider | window seat | 07/21/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is of course not your standard dumb monster horror flick, not with a King novella as material and Darabont doing the movie. But it is also not quite satisfactory.
There is too much being in two minds going on here! Just look at the reviews, so many of them: so many are absolutely enchanted, so many others are totally put off. That must mean something.
The reviewers' split mirrors quite appropriately the film's own schizophrenia: it is about important issues of the American society of today, about its separation in camps, about the split of modern and scientific rationalism versus the spirit of biblical literalism. Pragmatism versus Old Testament is the main message. But the plot is based on the horror vision of science gone wrong, of monsters born out of the hubris of military scientists.
How can one get disentangled from that spiderweb? One can't easily, and the ending has a nice touch of futility. Don't get too logical about the ending, many will be frustrated by it, one can even argue that it is not logical, but it is certainly a powerful message.
Before watching the film, I knew little about it and somehow hoped that it would be creative with using mist for horror. Then the fact that the mist is actually just hiding monsters came as a bit of disappointment, it somehow cheapened the film. On the other hand, the monsters are quite good, with a distinct Boschian quality. Finally, the main monster is of course good old M.G.Harden who preaches the fear of an apocalyptic kind of god very effectively. Sort of a Lady of the Flies."