The Gundam pilots face their toughest challenge ever as the battle OZ forces equipped with a battle program based on the Epyon's operation system! Heero leaves Quartre to take command while he goes off on a separate missi... more »on -- to sneak onto the Libra. He Relena face Milliardo, but Milliardo has other callers as well. His old friend Treize has arrived and challenges him to a duel to decide the outcome of the war!« less
Steady and solid plotline. A must for military and transformer anime lovers!
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Movie Reviews
Gundam Wing The best anime ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trevor Wright | 12/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now It's War.episodes 41: Crossfire at Barge:
Unhappy with her tactics,an angry Treize removes
Queen Relena from her position.Meanwhile,the
battle for space Fortress Barge begins,with the
Gundam pilots caught in the middle. episode 42: BattleShip Libra:
Wu Fei fight on alone.On Earth,Treize's forces
gather once again.Sensing the time to strike is
now.Zechs ordes the now-completed battleship
Libra directed at Earth.episode 43: Target: Earth:
Treize Faction forces take over a space Colony.
Duo moves in to free the citizens.Meanwhile,
Relena arrives in a shuttle to try and talk some
sense into Millardo.episode 44: Go Forth,Gundam Team:
A battle program based on the Epyon's Zero
System is loadedinto the OZ Mobile Dolls.and the
Gundam pilots have no choice but to engage them.
Heero encourages Quatre to take command while
he goes off to fight antother battle.eoisode 45: Signs of the Final Battle:
Hilde manages to sneak onto the Libraand steal
some valuable data,but she is discovered.
Meanwhile, the White Fang prepares to battle the
forces of Earth and desroy the Gundam pilots."
I Just Feel Rythym Emotion....
Gaijin | Hilo, HI United States | 07/18/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Operation 9: Episodes 41-45: This set of shows sets up the series for it's big finale. You will see the Gundam boys reunite with each other. You will see a character thought dead still alive...and you will also see the Gundams kicking a lot of mobile suit's butts! With Zechs now in command of White Fang, and Treize assuming control of Earth's forces, the stage is set for war with the Gundams stuck in the middle and Relena trying desperately to stop her brother from waging all out war with the earth. Some high points in this disc include seeing Quatre struggling to use the Zero system, the return of the Mercurius and Vayete(with Heero's and Trowa's data imbedded in them), and the Libra fully operational. With this disc, we see the revised opening animation set to Rythym Emotion which is welcome and on a side note, the audio for the opening track seems a lot cleaner than the older Just Communication...a treat for those with high end audio systems or Dolby Digital/Pro Logic theater set ups. A small goof on the DVD...the credits which feature over the openings of the show still list the opening theme as Just Communication even though Rythym Emotion is blaring through your speakers...I suppose that one slipped through...I know it's nit-picking, but the credits should be accurate. As we get closer to the end, these episodes are getting much better...don't miss it."
It's all coming together...
amanda-sama | New Jersey United States | 07/03/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Lots of great stuff for Gundam fans here! Did anyone else realize that episode 42 (Battleship Libra) has the ONLY TIME in the entire series that Wufei pilots a Gundam other than Shenlong or Altron? That episode 43 (Target: Earth) is the first time in the series all five G-Boys gather together? That episode 44 (Go Forth, G-Team) has a really, REALLY awesome name?! I would never consider myself a GUNDAM fan, but I'm flat obsessed with Gundam W. The characters are really well developed, the storyline is interesting and full of that wonderful thing called PLOT, and... I just like the show. Plus, starting with Operation 7, new ANIMATED menus are used on the DVDs that I just can't get over! There's cool stuff on this DVD for fans of just about everyone except Heero (sorry!!), too- Wufei's stint on the Zero system, Trowa recovers his memories, Quatre's return to the Zero system, and Duo's battle against the mobile doll versions of Mercurius and Vayaete are all worth seeing! And finally, episode 41 has the FULL LENGTH version of Rhythm Emotion playing... so... watch it. Watch!! That is all."
Wing Zero
Heero is Zero | LOWELL, MA United States | 06/22/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I rate it a 5 cause i love it just as much as all the other operations
It's all good and my point is that i got all the operations and the soundtracks . It has the episode that has Duo, Quatre, Trowa and Noin in a battle in between space fortress Barge.
Zechs and his Epyon going afther it too. You'ill have to see it for your self. and this goes to gundam fans and non gundam fans.
It was worth every penny for this DVD"