Hiroshi Ozora meant to create a superpoweed suit to combat crime and make himself a media darling, but after his sister Mirai modified the suit to include high heels and silk stockings, he had to modify his plans. Now Mir... more »ai must defeat the nefarious and strange Dr. Machinegal and his army of female robots before she can get back to shoping and trying to win the heart of the handsome astronaut, Mr. Misaki! Moldiver DVD (Contains episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6)« less
"There's a lot of anime out there. Some good, some bad, some just mediocre. There are also incredible anime adventures, but they can be pretty expensive. "Moldiver" is one of those rare anime gems that pop up now at then and a price mere mortals can afford. A fun, enjoyable romp through six episodes, "Moldiver" is a great way to spend an anime afternoon. A spoof of superhero/mecha anime, the "Moldiver" series is one of those that you just wish had continued past six installments.Set in a futuristic city where technology has solved all of mankind's problems, the Moldiver Unit is created by Hiroshi, a brilliant, but awkward, young man working from home. The unit will make his dreams of becoming a superhero a reality.Unfortunately, his sister Mirai gets hold of the unit, with comical results. She becomes a superheroine, which makes their little brother jealous (and he later creates his own Moldiver!).Dr. Machinegal, who maintains a veneer of respecability as a great scientist and philanthopist is secretly plotting to take control of the city. Naturally, he wants the Moldiver secret for himself. As the Amazon reviewer mentionms, things take a bit of a downturn around Episode 4, and the series ends on a somewhat sappy, but reasonable resolution. Even so, one should not pass it up because "Moldiver" is just too fun! To be sure, this is not "Escaflowne" or "Project A-ko", but "Moldier" is great to watch while saving up some dough for your next, more expensive, anime selection."
Better than I thought!...
Orlando L. | Miami, FL USA | 11/20/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought Moldiver because the art looked cool, because of the price, and because I love Anime.Prudish parents be warned, there is nudity, however it is NOT sexual in any way.I wasn't expecting much at this price but as it turns out, this is a worthy part of any collection. Even a "hardened, seen it all," Anime veteran friend of mine thought it looked cool based on just 7 minutes.The quality of the art is 10x better than what you see on the cover.The first episode is a bit slow, but is important. It starts moving along with the 2nd episode.Moldiver is mostly comedy, and is partly a love story.BTW, I call it a movie because it has a beginning and an end, despite the end being a potential for a new beginning.I'll try to do Moldiver some justice by pointing out a couple of the many scenes (sans some details for the sake of brevity and for the sake of "surprise") that I consider to be hilarious. Please note that I've done my best not to reveal anything:1) The inventor of the Moldiver saw the professor and ended up showing him an "ancient" video tape instead. As it turns out, the professor is the bad guy [1st episode].2) The hero goes into a changing room, a burst of light appears, and out comes the transformed hero. A bystander looked in shock. This is hilarious because it shows how "unprofessional" this hero is [3rd episode].3) The hero "saves the day" but always manages to cause massive destruction in the process [ongoing].4) The hero, having started out, got so wrapped up in competing against an enemy and getting used to the suit that they got side tracked momentarily forgetting to rescue someone [1st episode].Take the same chance I did, I'm sure you'll love Moldiver :)"
Silly, but cute spoof with a romantic twist (no spoilers)
iwakura | Shinto Shrine | 06/20/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This story is about sibling interactions in the framework of a cute, sweet, and totally wacky parody. Older brother wants to be superman, so he engineers this Moldiver device. Sister (Marai) figures out what is going on and modifies the Moldiver to suit her purposes. Can they handle all the attention (and duties) of being a super hero? Will little brother join in their sibling rivarly?There's something for everyone in this one. Guys will appreciate that Marai just happens to be a race queen (Japanese motor sports bikini contest model.) Gals will appreciate that she's in a romantic rivarly with another race queen, and the targeted fellow is really handsome. Lots of outlandish mecha fights too, since the hobby-super heroes have attracted the attention of an evil mad scientist. The animation style is smooth and quite pleasing.Tenchi Trivia note: This is Mihoshi's favorite T.V. Series. Look carefully, and you will notice her watching Moldiver in Tenchi Universe episode 8.This isn't "the best-ever anime series ever" (typical hype statement), but it's very much worth watching. You will like this if you also like parodies such as Project Ako, Dragon Half, Fraulein Yuna, Nuku Nuku and Digi Charat. Considering this is a 6-episode OVA series, it's a great value."
Well, it started out good at first...
Ronnie Clay | Winnsboro, Louisiana | 09/13/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The first two episodes of MOLDIVER were pretty hilarious, with Mirai and Hiroshi fighting for control of the power. And Professor Amagi/Professor Machinegal was always funny to watch. But, unfortunately, the last four focused on the relationship between Mirai and Mr. Misaki, and I feel that this hurt them. Still, the final two episodes did have a decent fight scenes.
Rating 13 and up: nudity, minor profanity, violence, and sexual and toilet humor."
A good series, but not a professional release
Ronnie Clay | 07/05/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The OAV series is highly amusing and enjoyable to watch. The series does have a little bit of fan service, but I guess that is to be expected in most series nowadays.The only reason that I didn't rate this series higher is that Pioneer did one of the WORST jobs I have ever seen in the subtitling department. The timing was way off, and the translation was horrible in places (it looks like they did a dubsub, it means that they pretty much used the dub track as the translation). There are so many poorly translated lines and horrible timing that it is painful to watch at times. The dub is much preferable to watching the subtitled version. I might give it a try watching it in Japanese without subtitles though, the subtitling job is THAT bad.The only subtitling job this poor that I can think off of the top of my head was the 4th Utena tape that CPM put out, it didn't have a bad translation per say, it was just that the timing was at times 20 seconds off and they missed some lines completely. It is really a shame since the Moldiver OAVs are quite a bit of fun."