On this video version of the best-selling book, Abraham, an aspect of Non-Physical Source Energy facilitated by Esther and Jerry Hicks, explains in clear, practical terms how to create financial abundance . . . and anythin... more »g else you desire in life! Tracks: Opening Titles: 1:16 The Expanded Version of You: 13:52 This Is a Vibrational Universe: 16:14 Tell a Different Story: 4:47 I Want My Millions, but . . . 11:35 Limited by Thoughts of Action: 5:38 You Are All Many Different Worlds: 15:28 Aligning with Your Veritable Fortune: 8:32 Create with Every Word and Thought: 7:55 Closing Titles/Contact Info: 1:13« less
Elaine D. from FORT MYERS, FL Reviewed on 10/9/2009...
This is definitely one of the best inspirational teachings so far. The Law of Attraction has brought this into my life and I choose to change my negative, obsolete way of thinking to accept all prosperity that is my birthright! This DVD is easy to understand and adapt to a better way of Life. It has taught me to be my own Best Friend - when I have a question about anything, I ask myself what would I tell my best friend to do and that is my answer. Asking another person is unreliable - they are speaking from their experiences and reality, not mine or yours. I wish you the best of fortunes!
Movie Reviews
It's me | LONG ISLAND CITY, NEW YORK USA | 02/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ok... I'm not sure exactly how to write this, so I'll just go ahead and say it...This woman feels she is speaking to some kind of spiritual being she calls abraham whom she works as a medium for and abraham literally takes over her body on the stage and starts talking.
Those of you familiar with the books already know this. However this DVD was my first experience with anything involving Hicks and so I gotta admit, popping in the disk and seeing this woman breath and take on this entity made me instantly feel like I'd been had by some scam artist voodoo psychic type. But I paid for the thing so I painfully kept watching and I'm glad I did. As crazy as the whole thing is or seems, the message is what is important and it is a great message that I know works because I've experienced it in my own life. It can uplift you and help you with faith in all that is you. I think they should've done something at the beginning to fully prepare any viewers not familiar with the author's works for the whole medium thing. The passing written statement at the beginning doesn't cut it, but still a good buy.
I don't know if the whole medium thing is real, if it's a scam, or if it's just that this lady is crazy, but who cares? The message behind it all works and I'm grateful for her. However a small portion of the participants in her seminar have these looks on their faces as if they see her as some kind of God which is a little scary. As far as that goes I think its a good thing she was the one to get to those people before some money grubbing evangalist did.
I doubt that this woman actually taps into any real extraterestrial being- She talks really fast which because of my college thesis I happen to know is an old trick that's been used by scam artists who work with 'spirits' for ages in order to both stimulate the nervous system of the viewer as well as make them too interested in making sure they don't miss what is said to point out any inconsistancies in the claim. John Edwards and Van Praagh also claim to talk to spirits and they too make it a point to speak very, very quickly. It's not a coincidence that they all talk at super speeds. Why do I mention any of this? To let those who aren't familiar with the books or the whole Spirit of Abraham thing that no matter how you feel about the method of delivery you shouldn't let it put you off the way it almost did for me. It's a great message, a really good dvd, and if this is how she chooses to present it (real or not) then so be it- You will not regret. This was very well worth the money and is recommended."
Great Message
S. Kapsandoy | Salt Lake City, UT USA | 06/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Of all the books and audios I have read or heard from the Hicks, this one is the best. The message is so true and uplifting and as previous reviewers have said, don't worry about how th message got here but that its true, it works and if you just try it will change your life and how you view the world."
Thank you, you changed y life.
Bonnie Bruderer | 04/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this book! Right on, the Law of Attraction is THE most powerful thing you can do to change your life forever.
Thank you for spreading this news. As an author, and creator of a business that trains women to teach Vision Boarding (we are hiring by the way), I love to see more people involved in the Law of Attraction.
Thank you,
Bonnie Bruderer
Creator & Founder
Becoming: "The One": A Guide to Discovering your True Soul Mate Within (NEW EDITION)"
Talk about a life-changer
Kari Blevins | NJ | 09/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Brief background: I went from being laid off from a job in manufacturing industry I had for 10 years to having to move back in with my parents to now owning a successful dog kennel. And it's all thanks to the teachings of Abraham-Hicks.
I first read Ask and It Is Given and then devoured everything I can get my hands on. I am leaving a review for this DVD because, not only do I believe it is one of their best, but because, I have found, absorbing their teachings is easier watching Esther speak rather than just reading the material.
This DVD is one you can watch over and over when you feel yourself slipping into worry and self-doubt. That's what I did. At my lowest point, I just allowed myself to surrounder and took the advice given. It worked for me. It will work for you.
Also, if you're looking for tools to use beyond the ones Abraham-Hicks offer, I suggest reading The Rich Switch - The Simple 3-Step System to Turn on Instant Wealth Using the Law of Attraction. Tools will help you your energy positive (and more of a magnet for all you want). The more tools you have, the better."
Message really hits home when you can watch instead of read
Cynthia Wong | West Hollywood | 10/05/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A friend of mine let me borrow this DVD and it was excellent. I have read a few books by Abraham-Hicks, but never seen anything on video. Maybe it's just me but I find that the message that Abraham tells us is much more powerful when you watch it rather than read it. I also found each person who was helped had a question which I myself was thinking. I thought that was a strange coincidence. Normally when I watch something like this, I only watch it once. However, this is something I would love to see again and again. I am looking forward to seeing more videos from Abraham-Hicks. It is a very powerful message and this is a great way to receive it."