Most of the best Python sketches are on this disc
Craig MACKINNON | Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada | 08/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The chaps must have been particularly inspired by the muses during the latter half of the first season of the Flying Circus, which makes up the material for these two DVD's. (Episodes 7-13) Almost all of my favourite sketches are on these discs, including Blancmanges Playing Tennis, North Minehead Byelection (with "Mr. Hilter"), Buying a Bed, and, of course, the definitive Dead Parrot Sketch. There is really very little else to say about the material except that if you've never seen Monty Python in its original form, this is the disc to buy, and if you're a fan and can only afford to buy this collection one at a time (like me), this is the one to start off with.The quality is very good - the sound is much clearer than I ever heard on those PBS marathons. Although the discs were produced by A&E, they are the full episodes as they were meant to be seen ("full frontal nudity" and all), not the hatchet jobs they broadcast on their network. Of great use is the subtitle feature - the laugh track is so overbearing it's next to impossible to hear some lines, which the subtitles can rescue for you. Also, if you're not used to British slang, this should help you out as well.The extra features are not great. Mostly they are clips from other episodes - basically little teasers to get you to buy more episodes, I think (and also "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" versions). There are little production tidbits (in the form of text) about each episode, usually explaining the origin of one of the sketches. All-in-all, don't buy the DVD for the extras, buy it for the quality of the video and audio, and the subtitles, if you think they would be useful."
Classic Python, crystal clear.
David Howe | North Brookfield, MA | 11/22/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an excellent addition to any true blue Python fan's collection. The DVD enhancements are up to the same level as the humor of the series, with the same tongue-in-albatross wit that launched the troupe into history. The classic sketches often are reprised in the Loony Bin to great effect, especially for those who can't get enough Crunchy Frog or Terry Gilliam animation humor. There are many classic sketches in this series that still can ellicit a chuckle, at the very least. The digital clarity only ehances the Python experience."
It's still funny after all these years.
D. Mabey | 03/27/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
""I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay." Who doesn't remember Michael Palin uttering this line in the famous butcher barber/lumberjack skit? How about Upper Class Twit of the Year? And, the Dead Parrot? All of these skits and more can be found on this 2 cd set. If you like the obscurity that is Python, then this is the set to purchase. The one segment I did not like was aliens turning into Scotsmen. That went on far too long."
"Do you want to come back to my place?"
B from America | USA | 08/05/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You might have noticed my first extensive and overly detailed review for DVD set 1 (episodes 1-6) where I listed all of the individual sketches you will get on that set. Well, if you haven't, then go bloody well check it out then, you twit! (nothing personal) Anyway, this is a review just like the previous one - overlong and tediously informative. Again, I won't waste time on reviews of the material - You know it's extremely silly!DVD SET 2(episodes 7-13)Disc 1(or 3) consists of: Camel spotting/You're no fun anymore/The Audit/Science Fiction Sketch/Man turns into Scotsman/Police Station/Blancmanges playing tennis/Army protection racket/Art critic-the place of the nude/Buying a bed/Hermits/DEAD PARROT/The Flasher/HELL'S GRANNIES/Llamas/A man with a tape recorder up his nose/Kilimanjaro expedition/A man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose/Homicidal barber/LUMBERJACK SONG/Gumby crooner/The refreshment room at Bletchley/Hunting film/The VisitorsDisc 2 (or 4) is sillified with: Walk-on part in sketch/Bank robber in Lingerie shop/It's a tree/Vocational guidance counselor/Ron Obvious/Tunneling from Godalming to Java/Pet Conversions/ Gorilla librarian/Letters to "Daily Mirror"/Strangers in the night/Lavatorial humour/Interruptions/Agatha Christie/Undertakers film/Jimmy Buzzard interview/Interesting people/Eighteenth Century social legislation/Battle of Trafalgar/Battle of Pearl Harbour/Falling from building/"Spectrum" - talking about things/Visitors from coventry/Mr. Hitler/Silly voices at the police station/Upperclass twit of the year/Ken Shabby/How far can a minister fall?/Restaurant abuse/Advertisements/Albatross/Come back to my place?/Me Doctor/Historical Impersonations/Quiz programme on "Wishes"/"Probe Around" on crime/Mr. Atilla the Hun/Psychiatry/Operating TheatreThese are the sketches accessible through the menus on the DVDs themselves, so if you notice a sketch not listed...well, then your a complete geek.This set also contains extras like: Meet the chaps, Pythonisms, Gillianimations, Lumberjack and Albatross Live!, Trivial Quest, and Talent show!"