Rowan Atkinson (Bean, Love Actually, Johnny English) returns to his iconic role as the comical and endearing Mr. Bean in this outrageous comedy adventure! Mr. Bean (Atkinson) can't believe his luck when he wins a camcorde... more »r and an all-expense-paid vacatio« less
Dragged along with a few funny spots but this got really going when Willem Dafoe showed up. Bean and others took off for a spectacular ending!
Movie Reviews
A British version of Pee Wee Herman's "Big Adventure"
SalemCat | Salem, Mass | 09/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Compared to recent American Comedies that consist of an endless series of explosions and fart jokes (when they're not burping), this British Film is a delight.
Although much of the film may be a bit slow for American tastes, the pace is well considered and the leisurely segments only make the manic episodes all the more enjoyable.
Like the Disney Hit "Meet the Robinsons", much of the movie doesn't seem to make sense, until the ending when everything comes together in a brilliant, laugh-out-loud conclusion.
They used to make them like this
pattic | NY United States | 11/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Dick Van Dyke Show. The Lucy Show. The Odd Couple.
What on earth do these wonderful old T.V. shows have to do with Mr. Bean's Holiday?
Well, not a whole lot thematically, but there is one very significant tie between them. The classic shows mentioned above were not children's programs. They were prime-time comedy series aimed at adults. They were clean as a whistle for the most part, as shows then tended to be, but the subjects of the shows revolved around divorce, marital troubles, problems at the office etc.
Unfortunately, modern entertainment equates "adult" with sex and violence. In other words, the word adult has been appropriated. Nothing could possibly be funny, clever, inventive or exciting if there isn't at least some sex or controversy right? It's a pretty sad state when "adult" has come to mean "15 year-old boy" :/
Now before you roll your eyes, I am as far from being a prude as you can get. I own and admire scores of R-rated films, and listen to music that would make most "hipsters" hair curl with shock and disgust. But there was a time when writers actually had to be clever to get a laugh, imagine that. Any idiot can walk into a theater full of adolescents, drop the F-bomb and get roars of laughter, and do, now that was easy. The industry has gone from using salatious material to be thought-provoking (Kubrick, Scorsese) to relying on it for an easy thrill.
Well just when you thought that the art of being funny without body parts and fart jokes was a lost art, along comes Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson reminds us with this funny, charming film, that funny is funny. My 9-year-old roared with delight throughout the entire film, as did my wife and I. And the added kick was, it was the first time in a long, long time we did it as a family, without my wife holding the remote with a death-grip to skip over something. It was a nice, and far-too overdue feeling.
Of course there are several references thoughout the movie that will sail over the heads of most children, a scene satirizing a pretentious, arty filmmaker for instance (which was hilarious), but the lion's share of the old, almost silent film-style sight gags and elaborately choreographed Buster Keaton stunts (The amazing walk over a busy highway was pretty impressive), will entertain anyone with a bit of wonder left in them.
A previous reviewer believed that today's children would be bored by Mr. Bean's goofy antics. Sadly, these days he may be right. There are no CGI thingies crashing into each other, no underdressed teen girls chatting on cell phones at the mall, and believe it or not, no fart jokes. But you know something, when I watched my daughter laugh and applaud at the end, I think ...maybe he's wrong.
G.V. | Mexico City, Mexico | 11/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Much, much better than the original Bean movie, in part because Atkinson is a lot funnier when people around him don't talk too much (unlike the first entry). In fact, every thing I disliked about the first Bean movie was corrected here. THIS is what I was hoping for the first time around.
It takes a while for the film to get going but a couple of the set-pieces had me laughing with tears as did the ending. I've watched the fantastic, final musical number countless times.
Not to say this is Citizen Kane but certainly a great time at the movies."
T. L. Harlan | Fort Meade, MD | 09/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you read the critiques of this latest Bean movie (his French vacation) by Amazon's "Thorn Hill at the Movies" from Venice, CA and Jenny J.J., the New Yorker in Florida, you will immediately notice two things:
First, both of these critics are very intelligent and really know the art of film making. They both wrote lengthy reviews explaining why, in detail, Rowan Atkinson and his cast will never be nominated for an Oscar for this movie.
And the second thing that will immediately be obvious to you, if you read the other reviews from the people who laughed so hard they spit their popcorn all over the theater floor, is that they missed the point of the whole movie.
This was not supposed to be a deeply moving life-changing theatrical event to catch the attention of the Academy Awards. This was the same old crazy, dumber than "Dumb and Dumber" Mr. Bean up to his same old zaney antics and bufoonery!
You either like it or you don't. You either find him funny or you don't.
Most of the people in the theater I was at found the movie hillarious. But then, most of them were not Hollywood trained critics. (And frankly, I can't vouch for their IQ level either!)
One thing is clear, though: This is definitely the best made of all Rowan Atkinson's films."
Finally! A movie all the family can see.
William Maudlin | Magna, UT United States | 11/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Finally! This movie is clean but brilliant and sheer entertainment. You can take your saintly aunt Jemima to this one, and you need not fear to let your children, or grandchildren view it either. It is a G and deserves the rating; there is literally nothing in it that is in any way objectionable. Why can't other films accomplish this?
When my wife and I went to see "Mr Bean's Holiday" it was pouring down with rain outside. It was the first day of school too. Maybe that was the reason why there were only six in the movie theater to see this gem? We were three couples, yet for all the small number there was regular, hearty laughter throughout the whole performance.
I don't know why some reviewers found it uneven or disappointing. It managed to have a lot of brand new material in it. The on-location European filming gave added interest. We never lost track of the plot or lost interest in the action.
We're ordering one for ourselves (the wife and I) and one for the biggest of Bean fans among our grandchildren.
By the way every one of more than a dozen grandchildren has been absolutely delighted with Mr Bean and have asked to see the episodes from the TV series again and again, as well as the movie "Bean". This one caps the lot in my opinion."