The eternal Sifu Returns for another round.
SereneNight | 11/03/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Again the eternal Sifu Lam Ching Ying Returns to use his taoist powers to supress a vampire infestation in our world . This time Lam (Sifu) fights the dark vampire family brought back to life by some idiotic cave explorers.The comedy element is high in this film as it is in the other Mr. Vampire saga Films.This time we have a little munchkin of a vampire boy that befriends and plays with some children that hide him in there closet.The parents also reawakend are searching the city for there child whos busy playing and spooking other kids from the neighborhood. Lam and his funny students of the arts have a hell of a time with the vampire parents that are wreaking hilarious havok on the locals and even are hopping across cartops at one point.Lam and crew work with all there taoist arts to comabet the vampire family yet are somewhat compassionate to the little vampire boy.More comedy antics in this 2nd installment in the Mr. Vampire series a must see and highly recommended.We also see more of the taoist magic and spells used to combat the vampyric chinese undead."