More lukewarm, than hot pass.
Poker Face | Toronto, Canada | 08/20/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
If you've watched a lot of the Speed channel, you've probably seen some of this footage before. I've seen many different episodes of Hot Pass (on Speed), with two different hosts, but I've not seen this one with Kenny Wallace as the host before. Maybe they showed this on tv as well, but anyway, based on my description, you'll know if you've seen it already.
First of all, the main feature is only 36 minutes long. The Dvd has bonus features (all aired previously on Speed channel) that run about 20 minutes long. That brings this Dvd up to a total of about 56 minutes in length (NOT the 75 minutes, the actual disc claims it is-don't you just love false advertising?). As well, the main feature is in widescreen, and only some of the bonus features that aired previously on "NASCAR Nation" (Speed channel-2005) are in full-screen.
YELLOW FLAG (Caution):
I'm a Kenny Wallace fan, but aside from a very brief comment by Greg Biffle and some radio chatter from various drivers during qualifying, such as Carl Edwards, Rusty Wallace, etc., Kenny is really the only driver that's featured. There are some interviews with NASCAR higher-ups and crew chiefs--Chad Knaus and Slugger Labbe, but if you're expecting to hear from Jeff Gordon or other NASCAR superstars, you're going to be disappointed. However, the bonus features (all aired previously on the Speed channel), do feature: Carl Edwards, Jeremy Mayfield, Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace, Michael Waltrip, Ron Hornaday, and Greg Biffle.
There are some scenes with actual NASCAR racing footage, done in the style of the Speed channel's "Beyond the Wheel" show, but they're very brief. Some actual NASCAR qualifying runs are also shown as well, but don't get this Dvd if you're only interested in seeing actual racing footage.
The main feature starts off with very basic information, but did gradually provide some interesting tidbits of stuff I didn't know. Still, if you're a big NASCAR fan, I wouldn't be suprised if you learn absolutely nothing from this entire Dvd. However, I still think it's worth at least a rental, just to watch Kenny toasting his sandwich (very brief-but funny).
GREEN FLAG (Begin main part of review):
The 36 minute main feature, breaks down into ten chapters. The intro is too brief and basic to grade, but I will grade the other nine. The audio is in 2.0 channel Dolby stereo or 5.1 Dolby surround.
Chapter 2) Race Shop Tour- We go to Kenny's race shop and see what they do there. I wanted more. GRADE: C+
Chapter 3) NASCAR'S Oval Office- Basically the penalty trailer, where you get yelled at by Mike Helton, etc., for being naughty. Much too short and very basic. GRADE: D
Chapter 4) NASCAR Control- Informative, but I've seen it all better explained on other racing broadcasts. GRADE: C
Chaper 5) Goodyear tires- Interesting enough...each tire costs $402, etc., but I wanted a bit more. GRADE: C+
Chapter 6) Sunoco gas- Very brief and virtually useless. GRADE: D
Chapter 7) NASCAR Inspection- Much longer and more detailed than I expected. Well done. GRADE:A
Chapter 8) Race crews- Again, much longer and more detailed than the first six chapters. GRADE: A
Chapter 9) Qualifying- Not very detailed, but I did enjoy seeing the actual video/film of Carl Edwards spinning and lightly crashing his car, during qualifying at Bristol, and some other driver's qualifying efforts, at other tracks, as well. GRADE:B
Chapter 10) NASCAR Community: Actually this is just a tour of Kenny Wallace's 1999 Heritage motor home (that he's very proud of--it's all paid for). Plus, it's here where you find out his favorite videogame is NASCAR:Dirt To Daytona (PS2). The funny thing about that is--you can tell from the game box, that it's a used copy from EB. Poor Kenny, no freebies. Even funnier, is watching him try to remove his sandwich from his toaster oven. Love ya, Kenny! GRADE:A
I've seen all of these previously on the Speed channel. Mostly from "NASCAR Nation", I believe. I still enjoyed watching some of them again, and will once again grade them. The time in brackets, is the individual running time of that bonus.
Note: All these Bonus features, except for #3-Ron Hornaday and #4-Michael Waltrip, are also on the "NASCAR:Nextel Cup Series 2005" Dvd. As well, on that Dvd, it has the entire five and a half minute version of the Carl Edwards with Brian Deegan bonus, instead of the shortened version (4:22) that's on this Hot Pass Dvd.
1) Jeremy Mayfield's RV (2:44) (prev. aired on "NASCAR Nation"-Full-screen): I'm a sucker for these motor home tours. Both Jeremy and his wife Shana, were funny. Interesting facts are also shared (like, Jeremy is addicted to Ebay). GRADE:A
2) Mark Martin in Arkansas (4:29) (from Speed Channel- Full-screen): Mark's, "Salute to the Fans" tour. He's also joined by Rusty Wallace, who tells a funny story about accidentally leaving pre-teen Kenny Wallace, behind in a bathroom. Mark and Rusty were very pleasant and enjoyable to listen to. GRADE: B
3) Ron Hornady Home Tour (2:40) (from Speed- mostly widescreen): Bit too basic for me, but good enough. GRADE: B Minus
4) Michael Waltrip with Darius Rucker (3:04) (from "NASCAR Nation"-Full-screen): Michael interviews Rucker (from Hootie and the Blowfish- music group). Best part is seeing Michael's belly trying to bust out of his shirt, while an added in, white arrow points to it, with the words, "all muscle". GRADE: C+
5) Carl Edwards with Brian Deegan (4:22) (from "NASCAR Nation"- Full-screen): Cutie pie, Krista Voda, interviews Carl about his love for motocross. Carl and the guys ride the dirt, on Deegan's (freestyle motocross rider) own backyard course. GRADE: C+
6) Greg Biffle with the Detroit Lions (2:51) (from Speed- widescreen): Greg meets some of the Detroit Lion, NFL football players. Pure fluff. GRADE: C
If you haven't seen most of this stuff, than it's probably worth a purchase. However, if you've already seen all, or most of the bonus features on the Speed channel (like I had), than it's probably best to rent it, or wait till it drops in price, since the main feature is only 36 minutes long, and not as detailed as it should have been in many areas."