Crossover historians will appreciate this
rarecdcollector | sprawl, CA USA | 03/01/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great documentation of the greatest crossover artists in NBA history. crossover historians will appreciate an entire section in the special features section dedicated to no other than Mr. U.T.E.P. 2-step himself "Timbug" Tim Hardaway, which shows nothing but consecutive game clips of him performing the killer crossover on unsuspecting yokels. in the main movie, AI has his bit as well as steve francis, and thankfully they didn't forget jdub and his amazing ball handling skills. marbury has some footage but unfortunately no knicks clips. nevertheless, i was surprised how extensive this dvd is. not only does it include today's top crossover artists, it also has some footage of big men with handles, such as kg, duncan, and the unforgettable showcase in footwork
of hakeem olajuwon against david robinson in the western conf finals of 94. but that's not all! for some reason they decided to add extra clips in the special features section of nba high fliers
clyde drexler and ron harper during the 80s. they also have special sections on cousy, pete maravich, magic johnson, isiah thomas, and michael jordan, even though some of these players have nothing to do with the crossover. anyway, this dvd perhaps has too much footage, but it's good to see the nba didn't skimp on this dvd. i was very pleasantly surpised. a great capsule of yesterday's and today's greatest ankle shakers."
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BORING
Micheal Hunt | Hellbourne | 07/14/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is terrible.
Has anyone even heard the term ankle breakers before? I'm still not too sure what it is. I remember now why I stopped watching the NBA about ten years ago. This feature is presented by Steffon Marberry who has got to be the most boring, un-carismatic, yet, most egosticle S.O.B they could find. He is so boring talking for ages about how good he is and how he is the best player ever... yeah right, get over yourself STARberry pfft
The rest of the thing is filled with egotisticle players aswell. And a lot of boring interveiws. and stuff. It shows highlets of players who do have ball skill, but, tho I dont have that kind of talent, and I would have my butt kicked in a one on one match with any of them, it's still remains that it is so boring to watch 100 replys in a row of a crossover dribble into a boring little lay-up. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It's not entertaining, it put me off the NBA once again. Even the bonus features are dull and boring. The star plays or whatever it is started off ok, but then got boring... i couldnt finish watching this boring DVD filled with snore plays and a bunch of guys hogging the ball, showing how they have no skills when it comes to TEAM work and prove once and for all that they are about showing off and trying to make a name for themselves only.... yet, they never stop to think, "Why dont we ever win a game?" ITS BECAUSE YOU HOG THE BALL and this video just shows the highlights of it.
This DVD should be called Egos and Ball Hogs."