"I know a little bit about different kinds of drugs due to some law enforcement training I've had but after seeing National Geographic's special on methamphetamines, it became instantly clear to me that this is the most frightening controlled substance I've ever seen.
On the streets it is referred to as Crystal, Ice, and Crank. Methamphetamines are viciously addictive and provide the hyperactivity effects of Cocaine along with the delusional effects of LSD. As opposed to getting a short `high' from other drugs, this one will keep users pumped up from 6 to 12 hours and create feelings of paranoia, invulnerability, increased strength, euphoria, and may cause some to react in a violent fashion. As for health concerns, it rots the teeth, suppresses the appetite, induces insomnia, and causes brain damage among other things. Its ease of use makes it even more insidious as it can be swallowed, snorted, injected, or smoked and it is cheap to buy or can be easily manufactured by almost anyone.
Methamphetamines can be found in virtually every community from the smallest towns to the largest cities and it radiates through all walks of life from the lowest to highest social classes. It is estimated that there are 26 million worldwide users of this drug. When law enforcement in the United States began to make a concerted effort to eliminate methamphetamine labs, supply then began to come from Mexico using routes already established by Cocaine Cartels.
`The World's Most Dangerous Drug' is only 50 minutes long but this is more than enough time to fully realize the shocking and devastating effects of methamphetamines. There are some graphic photos and a few disturbing video clips but they are necessary elements in complimenting and reinforcing the main message of this program. National Geographic has made a decent documentary here, in my opinion, and whether viewers want to watch this for educational purposes or just out of curiosity perhaps, I recommend it to everyone.
Quality Documentary.
Bernard Chapin | CHICAGO! USA | 10/27/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a very educational production with considerable first hand footage and field reporting. That's what we expect from National Geographic and that's what we get here. The photo comparisons of the premature aging of meth users--"Faces of Meth"--was as depressing as it was compelling. The side effects of this drug are absolutely horrific, and the parts about "meth mouth" are tough to watch. You'll also see a side of Thailand you never knew existed. Before viewing this, I would have never previously thought one drug was more dangerous than any other but I was wrong."
Gary L. Combrink | Nevada | 12/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Unlike the previous reviewer, I have actually seen this video, and have shown it in my highschool classes. NG presents a thought provoking and sometimes disturbing look into the world of meth users, and graphically shows the physical and mental impacts of the drug. I highly recommend this video for anyone involved in drug education."
A Must See
D. Jamieson | Sydney, Australia | 02/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Good lord this film scared the hell out of me! Not that I was ever considering trying this disgusting drug but I certainly would never ever go with in a thousand miles of this stuff after watching this. Every single school student should be shown this film because the shocking effects of this drug are the most powerful tool to stopping them from ever thinking about using.
The most horrifying part was hearing the actual 911 call of a first time meth user who had stopped her car in a forest and was convinced there were people all around her car stopping her from getting out when it was completely a meth induced hellucination. Frightening stuff.
If you are a teacher considering purchasing this for a class I insist you buy it straight away."
Great Documentary!
Easton Glynn | RWC, CA | 01/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary gets the word out loud and clear: Crystal Methamphetamine is the worst possible drug out there. A user will eventually, and almost without exception, get addicted to Meth and getting off it is HELL!! Meth steals your soul and personality. You become a thieving, paranoid sex maniac. Don't ever try it - Not even once!!"