Explore One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World — PROGRAM ONE VICTORIA FALLS — No other waterfall in the world can match her scale, which is why many — consider her one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Flowing... more »
from its source 1,000 miles to the north, the Zambezi River reaches the
edge of one world and plummets 350 feet into another. The Zambezi is
known as the River of Life across southern Africa, but life there is not always easy.
South Africa s Rugged Cliffs Provide Unlikely Home to Fascinating Wildlife
Rising sharply from the South African landscape, cliffs like spines of a
dragon form the majestic Drakensberg Mountains. Born of Jurassic molten lava, they span more than 600 miles and tower more than 10,000
feet. Despite the impossible terrain and unpredictable weather, Drakensberg is home to a fascinating array of animals, including one ultimate
survivor: the eland, the largest member of the antelope family.« less