This series, A Newsreel History of the Third Reich , includes unique footage plundered by Russian Troops in 1945. Compiled as it is from German newsreels which were made under the influence of Goebbels' Ministry of Propag... more »anda, these are by no means accurate histories but allow unique insight into how the period leading up to and including WW2 was presented to the German people.
Volume 12 deals with the fourth part of the year 1942. It covers events on all the German fronts including: Western Front - after the fall of Compiegne, heavy defenses are set up along the Atlantic and channel coasts; Home Front - Hitler and Goering plan offensives on the Eastern Front; Atlantic Front - a Japanese u-boat on Atlantic patrol visits Germany; Eastern Front - the ferocious battle for Rostow, fighting for the city street by street.« less