Nevin Hawkins | Redondo Beach, CA United States | 11/07/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is for Nico fanatics only. I saw her in concert twice - with and without a backup band. At the time, I assumed I caught her on some bad nights. After watching this DVD, I now believe what I saw was just Nico doing what Nico did onstage. Please note that this is not a high quality DVD film. It looks like home movies shot in some pretty sleazy concert venues. One gets the feeling that they are watching a very disturbing dream set to music. Half of her performances are solo (my favorite) and the other half with backup. Well, what does Nico do in this DVD besides perform her songs in a very detached manner - smokes, drinks, and makes a few unintelligible comments in her thick accent - what more should one expect - it's Nico. I believe she was a sad, tragic, enormously talented woman that went virtually unnoticed in her lifetime. With all its flaws, I am still glad I purchased this DVD."