Often described as the best of the Elm Street sequels, Patricia Arquette (Stigmata) is placed in a hospital psychiatric ward with six other troubled teens, who all dream about the same horrible Freddy Krueger (Robert Englu... more »nd) trying to kill them.« less
One of the best Nightmare movies behind the 1st one!
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 3/29/2010...
This film is essential viewing if you enjoyed the original. Skip part 2. Part 3 does a decent job of handling the Freddy character and has the return of Nancy.
Movie Reviews
My Very Favorite!
Brett Michael Roberts | Renton, WA USA | 07/14/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors is one great movie. Everything that was wrong with Freddy's Revenge (Part 2) has been fixed to create one of the best films of this series, and one of the best horror films ever made. I'm serious! This blows stuff like "The Exorcist" right out the window. This is the perfect horror film. It's scary, funny, has great suspense, good acting, great writing, good cinematography. Everything! The film begins with young Kristen Parker (Patricia Arquette, in her first movie role) having a horrible nightmare. She wakes up, and is faced with another nightmare! In this nightmare, Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) cuts her wrists open. When her mom finds her, it looks as if Kristen was trying to commit suicide. So, her mother, Elaine (Brooke Bundy) takes her to a hospital full of (supposedly) crazy teens, whom try to commit suicide as well. As it turns out, they're all dreaming of Mr. Krueger, but all the doctors think they're psychotic. Dr. Elizibeth Simms (Priscilla Pointer, Carrie) has them sedated to help them sleep well. However, this causes many deaths, and they keep on coming until Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp), survivor of the first film and now a dream specialist, comes to help them. Dr. Neil Gordan (Craig Wasson, Body Double) takes a liking to her, and so they both try to help out the troubled teens before there are no more troubled teens to help!This movie's fantastic! Thanks to a clever script by Frank Darabont (who would later write "The Green Mile" and "The Shawshank Redemption") and co-written with three others including series creator Wes Craven. The script's great. It moves at a good, fast pace, and never slows down a bit (something Part 2 did quite a bit). Look out for Larry Fishburne (The Matrix) in a small part as Max. I wish people would stop being so mean to poor Heather Langenkamp and her acting abilities. I felt she did great with her role. She simply doesn't have much to do this time around. I find her a great actress, and it's a shame she didn't make it to many other movies. Craig Wasson plays the caring doctor well, Priscilla Pointer is great in a part you'll hate and watch out for a cameo on TV by the sci-fi cult horror clasic, Critters, another Robert Shaye film.Great DVD, as usual. And, as usual, the extra features are on the bonus disk in the Nightmare Series Encyclopedia in the box set. This movie does have great picture and sound quality, though! You get either mono (poo!) or 5.1 surround (now THAT'S what I'm talking about!). Just switch around the two sounds, you'll definately see the difference! You also get producton notes, Jump To A Nightmare, a proper widescreen 1:85:1 anamorphic ratio, as well as (unless you get the boxed set) a 1:66:1 standard format. The only extra NOT in the boxed set is theatrical trailer (it's actually a teaser). For DVD-Rom you get an easy trivia game as well as an entire script and links to the Freddy website!All together, great DVD! I'd recommend it to any body anyday!If you found my reveiw helpful, please vote for me! Thanks!"
The best Nightmare yet!
J. Rich | 10/19/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie brings back alot of memories. I feel that this film had all the best elements of the first film and the most horrifying elements of all the other films. It's by far the best written of all the films.
In this film, Freddy returns with his sights on killing the remaining kids of Elm Street who are all in a mental ward....oh gee I wonder why? Also, Nancy (from the first film) makes a reprise in this film. In my opinion, this film should have been the second one and the second film should have been the third, but one must realize that this was probably a casting problem or maybe she couldn't do it....hmmmmm.
One of the unique qualities about this film is that it's the beginning of where Freddy starts to kill his victims in unusual ways. It also marks the beginning of Freddy as "King of the One liners." What's really disturbing besides Freddy are these kids. I mean they are strange, mentally-ill rejects, which with the help of a doctor and Nancy they will all unlock powers to help them battle Freddy in the dreamworld.
This third installment isn't just the best Nightmare film, but is also the most shocking of them all! A must buy for all horror fans."
Venture into the Dreamland of Freddy's world
retrowens | Alabama, USA | 10/04/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While I was watching "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors," I thought to myself that this is what a sequel should be. Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) returns to the lineup in this third installment of the classic series as a past victim who will do anything to help out the teenagers that Freddy Krueger is now terrorizing. However, to help the kids out, she needs their cooperation and the help of Dr. Gordan. What makes "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3" a great sequel is that it has a lot of good horror scenes such as Freddy turning into a snake and trying to eat Kristen (Patricia Arquette), and it also has good suspense, and even a sense of adventure. Dr. Gordan insists to Nancy's father that he shows him where Freddie Krueger's bones were buried years ago. At the same time, Nancy, Kristen, and the rest of the ones who are being terrified by Freddy's nightmarish wrath, and must team up to do what they can to save themselves. That's when the sense of adventure comes into focus.The special effects for "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3" are also top notch. If you like horror movies, I recommend getting this movie."
Freddy's back again!
Jesse Watts | Florida | 06/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you think for a moment, the possibility of falling asleep...discovering a monsterous killer, that will never ever leave you alone until you are destroyed. Every time you're awake, you're fear never let's up. He'll eventually get you, because, unlike Friday the 13th, Halloween, Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer...you can't escape the killer by hiding or running. We all eventually have to go to sleep. That's the way it is. Unlike all the other slashers, Freddy has an advantage on the controls of you're body. This is not to say anything negative about other horror villains. I'm simply saying, Freddy's the most clever of all the screen's horror movie stars. In his thrid screen adventure, Freddy haunts a mental hospital where he continues to disturb the last of the Elm Street kids. Nancy Thompson, from Nightmare 1, comes into focus with Craig Wasson's character, to help these kids with their horrifying nightmares of one red and green sweatered, blade-gloved boogeyman. I wonder who that could be??? Well, Freddy starts to kill teens, one-by-one in standard modern-day horror style. And we notice he's more in the lighting of this film than in previous installments. I don't think that's a bad thing. I find his features should be revealed. His features are amazing. The make-up artists who work on the films, David Miller and Kevin Yagher, have always done a superb job doing Freddy's make-up. As for the story of the film...it was eventuall do to the fact Freddy haunts several teen-nightmares. Some say these films mainly offer great effects. But, I think in saying that, they over-look how great these effects are. And anyway, there's much more to these films than just special effects."
Son of a Hundred Maniacs...
Michael Crane | Orland Park, IL USA | 07/18/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I practically grew up on watching "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies. Been watching them ever since I was little. Freddy Krueger is my all-time favorite horror villain. "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors" is probably one of my personal favorites in the series. It's got a great script, great concept, and it's entertaining as hell. Both chilling and funny, this is a movie to watch if you want a good time.This particular "Nightmare on Elm Street" has a rather ingenious storyline; possibly the most creative in the series. The "survivors" of Elm Street are slowly falling victim to Krueger's violent rampage one by one (although the deaths are considered "suicides" by the doctors). Only a few remain alive in a psychiatric ward and they all have similar nightmares. They all dream of a man who is horribly scarred and wears a glove with razor blades for fingers. And they know that he is out to get them. However, these aren't your typical survivors. They have special powers and gifts in their dream world that makes them unique and powerful. These gifts and powers may be the only thing that can stop Freddy once and for all, before he murders each and every one of them.This one was actually co-written by Wes Craven, the man behind the original "Nightmare on Elm Street." It really shows because this one isn't as funny as the later ones. It's more creepy and scary, too. The movie was very well-directed and written. The actors were great and each of them really made the movie work. And of course, you have to give credit to Robert Englund, who really shines as Freddy. There is no way anybody else could play the part. Englund practically made the role his own. The DVD doesn't have much to offer, but it does look and sound great. No more having to deal with the mono VHS copy that was recorded in "extended play." The picture is crystal clear, and even a little TOO clear at parts. The new Dolby Digital mix is also really good. You do have the option to listen to it in mono, which is the original theatrical mix. Other than that, no eye-popping extras."A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors" is a Freddy movie to remember. Not only is it scary and even funny at times, but it's also very creative and impressive. I'm a fan of all the Freddy flicks, but this one is probably my favorite of them all. This is something recommended for ALL horror-buffs. Then again, all of you horror-buffs have already seen it, now haven't you? Well, then to the rest of you... check it out when you can!"