Danny Ocean likes his chances. All he asks is that his handpicked squad of 10 grifters and cons play the game like they have nothing to lose. If all goes right, the payoff will be a fat $150 million. Divided by 11. You do ... more »the math.DVD Features:
Audio Commentary:Feature-length audio commentary with stars Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Andy Garcia Feature-length audio commentary with director Steven Soderbergh and screenwriter Ted Griffin
DVD ROM Features:DVD-ROM enabled -- "In or Out" Game and web links
Documentaries:Behind-the-scenes documentary HBO First Look: "The Making Of Ocean's Eleven" Behind-the-scenes documentary: "The Look Of the Con", an inside look at the fashion in Ocean's Eleven
Revisited this and it was quite entertaining with lots of well known actors.
S A A. (Learned2Heal) Reviewed on 12/27/2011...
Absolute, unadulterated crap! I will never (!) trust IMDB again. 7.7???? I give it a 2 - and that's being generous. This movie has a bunch of big names who all try to do their best with a truly crap plot. It is ho-hum at best. I give it 1 big, all-too-generous star. Great for a feeble-minded romp on an already dismal day, but little else. If you like decent comedy and a riveting plot line, do *not* waste your time on this one. And I say this with the full knowledge that I am listing my copy into the 175th position in the system and, once you read my review some of you may actually take heed and not order this movie which, of course, means that my time owning it will be extended. But I can't, in good conscience, not warn you...
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 4/29/2011...
Horrible waste of time. Pretensious bs best describes this film. A boring, badly acted, hideously directed cheese fest.
1 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Michelle B. from NORTHRIDGE, CA Reviewed on 10/27/2009...
I love this movie. It has you rooting for the bad guys though. It's a question of bad vs. worse, so I guess that's okay. Ocean's Eleven is a lot of fun with great twists, including the fact that Matt Damon plays a nerd.
1 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Rosalio N. (piobman) from POST FALLS, ID Reviewed on 8/30/2009...
An average movie with big name actors. The movie plods along slowly only to have a ridiculous ending that reaches beyond logic at the end. The plot/ending is a tired hollywood trick that's been done so many times it lost its overall effect, however, it makes little sense when you look back at the entire story. For those who are not fans of the actors in the movie... you may find it a bit tiresome. As thief movies go... there are far better out there especially in the foreign movie making world. Nothing particularly new or ingenious here. Just hollywood selling big names with a ridiculous hollywood ending to try and give a "twist" ending.
2 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Kristina G. (familiagarduno) from COLUMBUS, OH Reviewed on 12/26/2008...
Having seen all three of the Ocean's movies, I can't say enough about the trilogy - I can't wait to see it go on and on and on and on.... Maybe it's because of George and Brad.....
1 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Amy T. from MCCOOK LAKE, SD Reviewed on 12/6/2007...
good movie
0 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Stylish, smart and cool - just don't think about it too hard
Mike Freed | 01/23/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Ocean's Eleven" is a Ferrari of a movie: cool, stylish, and classy. And if, like a Ferrari, it doesn't always work, that's OK - who will complain when it's so stylish?The premise is lifted right out of the 1960 Rat Pack original: Danny Ocean (George Clooney, suave as hell) is released from prison, and plots to steal over $163 million from the vault of a Las Vegas casino during a heavyweight fight. He recruits his old buddy Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt), and they put together a dream team of crooks, each of whom has a specialty. There's a computer geek, a demolition expert, a con man, a pickpocket, and so on.And, of course, there's Danny's ex-wife, Tess (Julia Roberts), who's now involved with the manager (Andy Garcia) of the casino Danny intends to rob. So, Danny's not only after money - he wants his girl back as well. But she's having nothing of it, as evidenced by this neat dialogue piece:Danny: "I've paid my debt to society."Tess: "Funny, I haven't gotten my check yet."Dialogue like that is one of the great pleasures of this movie; watching it delivered by the likes of Clooney, Roberts, Pitt and the stellar supporting cast (Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Carl Reiner, Elliott Gould, et al) is the other.And, in fairness, it's a good thing that the dialogue and acting is so good, because as a pure caper flick, "Ocean's Eleven" is, to be charitable, a little thin. In the best caper movies ("The Heist" comes to mind), the theft itself is the star of the movie - the intracicies, the backup plans, the intrigue. In "Ocean's Eleven," we're expected to believe that a casino with over $150 million in its vault wouldn't have a backup power generator, or that the vault's security system wouldn't have a motion sensor.But criticisms like that are akin to nitpicking that red Ferrari 575 because it has a small trunk - the point isn't realism, it's style, and like a Ferrari, "Ocean's Eleven" has it in droves."
Fun, Cool, A-List Stars
J. Daniel | New York | 02/25/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"OCEAN'S ELEVEN is one of the five best films of 2001. I mostly wanted to see it because some of my favorite actors- Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon- star. I was disappointed that Julia Roberts didn't even show up until 45 minutes into the movie, and didn't even speak until several scenes later. She has a pretty small part, but when she is on screen, she steals the spotlight.Here's the basic plot of the movie. Danny Ocean (George Clooney) is a thief just getting out of jail. He meets up with Rusty (Brad Pitt) and comes up with a scheme to rob the Bellagio casino in Las Vegas. The vault in this casino contains more than $150 million (including money from the MGM Grand and Mirage casinos). The catch is that Danny's ex-wife Tess (Julia Roberts) is dating the owner of all three casinos, Terry (Andy Garcia). So Danny hopes to win her back while robbing her boyfriend. To help him pull off the elaborate heist, he seeks the help of eleven men, all with different expertises. Two are great with explosives or electronics, another is a pickpocket,two are drivers, one is a casino security expert, another is a former casino dealer, another is a acrobat, and two others are professional theives. The men are introduced, and after training the men (some of which have no skill in stealing whatsoever) the robbery comes into action. The plan to rob the casino is so detailed it's a little difficult to keep up with. There are a few surprises, including the fact that they actually call Terry and tell him they are robbing him (don't worry, that doesn't give away anything). I'll let you see the rest when you go see this great movie. Most kids could probably see this. The reason this film was rated PG-13 was mostly language (a certain four-letter word is heard once or twice, and the finger was shown) but also for a little sexual content. Most kids over 11 are probably mature enough to see this.I don't quite know what category this movie fits into. Drama, I guess, although there is some comedy and romance, and certainly action. I would recomend it to anyone. I have yet to meet someone who didn't like this. It's great entertainment that Hollywood could use more.THE BEST THING: The twists in the plot that
even fool the audience.THE WORST THING: Julia Roberts is not on
screen nearly enough, but she does do a good job with the acting, as usual.I hope you see this movie, and I also hope this movie gets nominated for the Oscars' Picture of the Year. It certainly deserves it."
Great Stars, Great Movie
krizisrad | Ada, MI USA | 05/26/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've got to admit, half the fun of this movie is the star-gazing. George Clooney is great as a convict recently released from jail, Brad Pitt is Mr. Suave as his right-hand man, and Julia Roberts plays the icy ex-wife beautifully. Throw in Matt Damon as a pick-pocket and Andy Garcia as a casino mogul and you've got the gist of this movie's star power.
The plot is pretty simple: Danny Ocean (Clooney) organizes a group of eleven highly skilled criminals to simultaneously rob three of Vegas' biggest casinos. Their plans are over the top and outrageous-and you can't help but smile watching them put into action. There are also some really memorable touches in the movie: including Brad Pitt teaching Shane West and Topher Grace how to play poker. This movie kind of serves as a who's-who in Hollywood. "Oceans" probably won't spark any deep conversations or teach you any life lessons, but it's fun watching the celebrities interact onscreen. If you want something deep and thought-provoking, this probably isn't your movie. But if you want to watch something purely for entertainment, this is a great and fun film."
Okay, now I gotta see Ocean's Twelve
Peggy Vincent | Oakland, CA | 01/09/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Yeah, it's impossible, it's ridiculous, it's contrived, but you gotta love the acting and the chemistry between the actors. Only Julia Roberts' role was maybe a mismatch, and that's difficult for me to say as she's one of my favorites.
The 1960's original version with Frank Sinatra and the infamous Rat Pack was fun, too, but this contemporary one makes full use of all the modern cinema techniques that make action/adventure films such fun to watch.
The whole setup (a plan to rob several Las Vegan casinos owned by a guy who has `taken possession' of Danny Ocean's ex-wife) is convoluted and sometimes difficult to follow - and frankly, rather than hit replay and try to figure it all out, I'd just advise suspending disbelief and going with the flow.
It's a hoot.
A fun slick spoof to relax with. Not to be taken seriously.
Linda Linguvic | New York City | 05/07/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This lighthearted romp of a caper movie is a remake of the successful 1960s film staring Frank Sinatra and the rest of the Las Vegas Rat Pack. The title refers to the name of the lead character, Danny Ocean, played by George Clooney, who assembles a team of 11 men to steal $180 million from a casino. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the film is a slick spoof all the way, the high profile cast being the glue that holds this film together. There's Brad Pitt and Matt Damon and Julia Roberts and Andy Garcia and Elliott Gould and Carl Reiner. And there was no expense spared on the wardrobe or the glittery sets or the use of modern high tech special effects. Forget about the story; it's not supposed to be real. But yet there's fast paced action and tension throughout as the cast deals with setbacks and complications leading up to and including the caper. It's fun all the way. Just relax and don't take it seriously."