This looks very familiar
J. Rosario | México, D.F. | 02/14/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I'm being generous by giving this a three star rating because I'm a huge fan of cheesy 80s slasher films. Unless you're the same, this probably won't interest you. This movie is perfect if you want to invite your friends over, drink a few beers and watch something funny. If you were to watch Offerings hoping to be wowed with the horror and violence you'd not only be disappointed, but you'd notice that the director shamelessly makes a blatant rip off of Halloween. Everything from the escape from a mental hospital, and the way the killer walks, all the way up to the climax music is identical to Halloween. Buy this if you like horror films that are funny for all the wrong reasons. If you're looking for a serious slasher to watch, I'd strongly recommend Michele Soavi's Stagefright."
Halloween clone that belongs in the garbage bin
M. Ryan Fairbanks | Cleveland, Ohio | 08/04/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The slasher era brought about a tidal wave of movies that followed the same basic blue print in hopes of being as successful as name brand franchises like Halloween and Friday the 13th. It was no secret, imitation was not a new marketing strategy by any means. This dud from the late 80's, however, ripped more than just a few pages from the Halloween handbook.
Our story begins with the strange, introverted kid of the neighborhood getting pushed down a well by a group of bullies. Fast forward ten years later where the kid, now a grown adult, hacks his way through a couple nurses to escape the mental ward and get revenge on the kids who pushed him down the well.
To put things in perspective, Offerings is to Halloween as Beyond The Door is to The Exorcist: A laughable, and shameless rip off that basically equates to a z-movie version of the film it copies. You'll spot tons of stuff copied directly from John Carpenter's classic. Shots of the killer from behind complete with heavy breathing, the doctor who is out to stop him, there's even a scene where a grave is stolen for goodness' sake! Picking out bits that Offerings stole from Halloween almost becomes a stupid "I Spy" game the viewer can play as they watch the movie.
It's hard to think of a single redeeming value of Offerings. I did manage to get a few laughs from the actor who plays the sherriff, in one of the most amazingly stupid performances ever. "The lab has reason to believe that the sausage on that pizza was human!". Just one of the many priceless quotes this fat mongoloid utters throughout this abomination!
I don't recommend Offerings to anyone. If you can get a copy cheap, maybe watch it for a laugh or two."
Super-CHEAP "Halloween" rip-off but entertaining anyway!
Shemp-Masta-Flash | Chicago USA | 03/28/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie has a budget of maybe $930, lame-to-amputated acting, and a cheesy 80s-synthesizer soundtrack...but it's fun all the same! This movie even presages "Scream/Scary Movie" in a way (teens who've just eaten pizza with sausage [human meat] are watching & commenting on a horror movie on TV; local cops = morons). There's not much gore but there IS some nice direction/camera work and some of the killings are imginative. It's a big-hair, acid-washed-jeans nightmare! For a cheesy/cheap-O rip of "Halloween" it's actually amusing in an Ed Wood-y/MST3000 way."
1.75 STARS: No question about it, this is DEFINITELY a Hallo
HorrorMan | The Marsten House | 12/21/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
""Offerings" is a rather poor attempt to rip-off the greatest horror movie of all-time in John Carpenter's original classic, "Halloween". These people did not even attempt to hide their plagiarism of Carpernter's classic. The acting is not very good at all, and the movie is certainly unoriginal. Even the music is similar to that in "Halloween". Obviously, this movie was unable to capture the atmospheric brilliance of "Halloween", and is only mildly entertaining as a conventional slasher flick. For a superior attempt to rip-off "Halloween", I recommend "He Knows You're Alone" which is a good horror flick in its own right with its own charm (even though it borrows extensively from "Halloween") and certainly much better than "Offerings" at attempting to clone "Halloween". Overall, "Offerings" comes across as generic and predictable."