The epic sets sail...! It is the era of adventure, as countless souls are lured along the Grand Line in pursuit of dreams far greater than any they?ve ever dared to imagine. Wealth, fame, power? It?s all available for the ... more »taking to the lucky soul that can find it: The legendary One Piece. Among those on the high seas is a youth on a quest to be king of them all ? Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirate! But first he must find a ship, a crew and some supplies. Determined to recruit those at first unwilling to his cause, the young captain remains undaunted?Uncut, unedited, and featuring an all new FUNimation dub!« less
Some things i'd like to point out about One Piece:
1. Its really good! veeeeeeeeerrrrryy good :D funny, original, deep meaningful storylines, very cool and likable characters.... thats a brief description but i could honestly write pages on how good it is :)
2. It starts off just ok... but it gets better and better as it goes along... just like a snowball rolling down a mountain that eventually becomes an avalanche! i'm not kidding! i wasn't that into it at the start.. just watching it cos i heard it was good.. finally around episode 40ish (nami's story) i thought.. hey this is quite good! then the aribasta arc (around episode 90-125ish).. i was like wow! and it just gets better and better! and i'm not just saying that.. it really does! :)
3. Dont worry about watching the One Piece movies. they aren't written by Eiichiro Oda (the super cool guy that writes/draws One Piece manga), they're basically almost like filler episodes that dont really progress the main story. you can watch them once you've seen the anime episodes and dont have anything to do.. but dont watch them first! it might put you off and make you think One Piece is not great. I love One Piece.. and i dont even really watch the movies. I saw some reviews on amazon for the One Piece movie Desert Princess (forgot the exact title).. and some first time viewers got really put off by it.. which is a huge shame. the reason that movie is bad is they tried to condense 30+ anime episodes into a movie length feature... you lose so much emotional impact that way. just ignore the movies and maybe watch them after you've seen the series. you dont even really need to watch the movies.
4. if you are put off by the unusual way that its drawn.. dont worry.. you'll get so used to it.. and soon you couldn't imagine it drawn any other way! :)
5. Dont be put off by the length of the series. Trust me, once you're into it.. you'll wish that there was more episodes! :)
Well i hope this has helped you decide to give One Piece a try.. post a comment if u started watching the series and liked it! I hope you dont decide to quit your job in a few months and become a pirate! yohoho! hehe (i know i want to! :P)
An AMAZING Series!
Lik Chan | MA United States | 04/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One Piece is a great series and this uncut version will impress you more than the terrible botched job that 4kids released awhile back. One Piece is epic and full of heart. The characters are funny and their motivations for their journey will keep you watching. You'll cheer when they win and you'll hate the baddies that try to stop them. It's a cast filled with great characters and exciting stories. This uncut version is a must-have!"
Its about time!
Matthew | 03/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One Piece, for the first time in America, is going to be released, Uncut and with the new Funimation voice cast! If your used to the 4kids version, and like that version, then im sure you will love this version. Better voice acting, and completly uncut. The cover art looks pretty nice as well! I sure cant wait until more One Piece Releases come out, thank you Funimation for what you are doing!"
All negative aspects of this release are overshadowed by the
Sarah | Washington | 06/05/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"...that Funimation is respecting this wildly popular show enough to give us One Piece in all it's uncut and unedited glory. Yeah, I really wish there were special features, and I hope and pray with all my might that future releases will contain more episdoes, since - as many have mentioned - One Piece is still going strong at 500+ chapters in the manga and 300+ episodes of the anime.
And it is all oh so good. I am consistently amazed by this show. Sure, it's goofy and adventurous. But it can also be utterly heartbreaking, gut-bustlingly hilarious, and violent enough at points to be wince-worthy. Not that any one of those things is merit enough by itself. It's just that One Piece is all of those things at once and it's so darn seamless. Really. I cannot praise this show highly enough.
That being said, since this is a review of a DVD set and not the entire show, I was unsure about buying this set because it only has the first thirteen episodes, but I bought it in hopes that my purchase would reflect the desire for One Piece among American consumers. Plus, it's fantastic to watch on a large television screen, instead of a small computer screen.
And if you are worried about the English dubbed voices, let me just tell you that I am in love with the original Japanese voices, but my 10-year-old sister has a hard time reading subtitles, so we watched it with the English dub. It does take an episode or two to get used to the new voices, but Funimation has really done a good job. Characters don't have outrageous and stereotypical accents like in the 4Kids dub, and Zoro is actually called "Zoro" instead of "Zolo"! Hurrah!
It's lovely to go back and relive the early days when all our favorite characters first met, and to viewers who are new to the world of One Piece, I want to put it on the record that when I first read One Piece (I read the manga before I saw the anime) it took me quite a while to get into it. Heck, I didn't even like pirates! But all good things take time, and I kept reading, and soon I was hooked. So give it a chance. And if it turns out it's not your cup of tea, then thanks for looking anyways. But you'll never know what you might be missing if you don't try it, right?"
One Piece - As it was always meant to be!
Simon | Brampton, ON | 06/23/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After waiting for years to see One Piece get some decent treatment in North America, Funi has finally delivered the goods in spades. These 13 episodes cover the beginning of Monkey D. Luffy's quest to become the Pirate King, including the introductions of crewmates Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and also Luffy's fateful childhood encounter with his hero Shanks. The set ends halfway through the "Kuro" arc, as the gang fight to protect a village from being pillaged by pirates. To be continued in volume 2.
As mentioned, this is not the horrid 4Kids dub, nor is it a merely serviceable dub like so many other anime shows are saddled with. There's care in the script and the acting, making the English adaptation just as valid and enjoyable as the original Japanese. The original music is intact as well, and even the openings and endings have faithful English counterparts. There's strong production value all around.
About the only thing that keeps this set from being truly "uncut and unedited" as billed would have been the inclusion of the original One Piece logo on an alternate angle (Funi uses their gold variation, which removes the Luffy caricature for an actual "I"). But it's a small quibble on what is otherwise an outstanding set.
Not many shows get a second chance, and few come back as good as this. Highly recommended."