Don't confuse with the 4Kids version, this is great!
M. Lam | NY, USA | 01/25/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Kudos to Funimation for releasing the uncut series of One Piece DVDs! Gone are the crappy voices and lollipops from the US TV release. If you want to go authentic, by all means the Japanese audio track is great. But the English dub is done really well, too. This is just anime done right.
I've already read the manga series in Shonen Jump, so I knew what to expect, but the performances in this Third Voyage DVD set are just amazing. Sanji is way cooler than I had given him credit for. And during some of the Nami backstory sequences I even cried a bit. ^_^
There are some very emotionally powerful moments in this series, and the animation, story, and voice acting dos a fantastic job drawing it out. I'm so glad that this has been right for the English speaking anime viewing audience, and eagerly look forward to the next volume.
BTW, in terms of extra features, Funimation includes the marathon mode that I believe they started with Dragonball Z. Basically, if you pick this mode it skips playing the intro, ending, previews, and last episode recaps, essentially streaming all the episodes together into one big show. It's a cool feature, but I really enjoy the intro and ending songs, so I generally watch the normal mode. Also included are textless intros and endings (so you can fully view the animation without text blocking the view)."
If you can only own one long runner, make it this one
DC_Fan_52 | Texas | 01/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Part three of Funimation's much beloved redub of One Piece. It's not that crappy Saturday morning version, I assure you. Uncut and unedited the way it's supposed to be.
For this stretch of episodes, it's nonstop action. We get the conclusion of the Baratie Arc and jump straight into the Arlong Arc. The two main villains appearing in these episodes are Don Krieg and Arlong. Sanji officially join the crew, and we get to look at Nami's backstory. One Piece really hits it's stride with these episodes, and there's nary a fluff episode in sight.
Special mention should go for episodes 35 and 36, Nami's backstory. I was concerned that the dub would lose the emotional weight of the story, but I was pleasantly surprised when the english VA for Nami managed to bring the right emotional sting to the role.
And don't foget to watch the commentary, you're paying for it, after all."
One Piece As It Should Be!
L. Browitt | 02/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had bought this after already feverishly getting 1 and 2. It is amazing! I love One Piece, and was very disgusted with what 4Kids did to it.
Funimation does a simply FANTASTIC job with their Uncut One Piece. Nami's voice actor has some extremely intense scenes in this set, and executes them all perfectly.
Even if you watch the Japanese Version of One Piece (Which I still do, as well as read the manga), you will love these box sets! And I can't wait for the next one to come out!
Funimaiton, excellent job!"