Introducing Captain Luffy's next two crewmates!
Steven R. Peck | 08/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Volume 11 of One Piece will stand as a significant milestone as it introduces for the very first time TWO major characters that will ultimately join Monkey D. Luffy in his quest for the One Piece. In the first episode of this DVD, our heroes and their new friend Vivi are making their escape from the town of Misty Peak and the dangerous agents of the Baroque Works organization when they meet a mysterious woman who has come aboard their ship. Vivi identifies her as none other than Miss Sunday, second in command of the BW. Although Luffy and the rest try to fight Miss Sunday, Miss Sunday tosses all of their weapons away without even seeming to touch them. What is Miss Sunday's secret, and what is the BW's master plan? I won't say too much more about Miss Sunday except that in the distant future we do learn her real name, her past, her dreams, and the reason why she is compelled to stow away once again on Luffy's ship, this time for good.
Soon after this, Nami contracts the Grand Line Fever and Luffy realizes that he ought to have a ship's doctor on board. But where to find one? An evil pirate captain named Wapol rules the next island and has forced all the doctors to work for him. Well almost all. A man named Dalton reports that a witch doctor named Kureha still lives on top of the highest mountain, so Luffy and Sanji begin the difficult climb with Nami in tow.
Once they reach the top, Kureha nurses everyone back to health (Luffy and Sanji get somewhat frostbitten). Luffy wants Kureha to join his crew, but Kureha refuses, saying that people need her here. However, Kureha offers the services of her apprentice, Tony Tony Chopper. It's a rocky first encounter to say the least. Luffy and Sanji think that Chopper (being a little reindeer) would make a better meal than a doctor. And Chopper really doesn't like most humans anyway. Nevertheless, having consumed the Human Human fruit, Chopper has taken on many human characteristics (intelligence, the ability to speak, and bipedal gait) and is therefore ostracized by the other reindeer, not to mention that Chopper has a blue nose instead of the usual red one (yes, an aside to Rudolph!) And that pink top hat with the white X on it? That's mighty weird too!
Volume 12 will be pretty much all about Chopper, his origins, how he got his medical training, how he invented the Rumble Balls to enhance his fighting skills against the bad guys, and at last, how Wapol and his crew are defeated and Chopper joins Luffy's crew as the ship's doctor. And Volume 12 is coming out right on CHRISTMAS DAY! How appropriate for a reindeer themed DVD!"