Episode titles: Ep.4. "The Passing of the Hat" Ep.5. "The Circus Comes To Town" Ep.6. "The Beast Breaker" Luffy and Zoro have set out on their quest for treasure, but soon realize that neither knows how to navigate. When t... more »hey try to recruit a cute and crafty girl navigator, they get more than they bargained for, and are soon caught up in her scheme to steal a map from a scary band of clown pirates!« less
"4kids is universally known throughout anime fandom for butchering all animes that they license.
As in my review of the 1st edited dvd of One Piece where I explained the incredibly lame 4kids edits, you will find the same inexplicable and stupid edits to the show as on the 1st DVD, such as edited out blood (from Zoro's fights) and edited out guns.
1) In the 4kids version, a gun that fires a piece of cork was pointed at Shanks' head.
In the original japanese version, it was a REAL gun with REAL bullets pointed at Shanks' head. The person with the gun had EVERY intention of KILLING Shanks.
2) Zoro's major fight in this arc has all of the blood removed from it, again, by 4kids.
In the original, he bleeds a lot after being stabbed IN THE BACK by the main bad guy of this arc.
Cuts like these should make you question if what 4kids is showing you on Cartoon Network is the real story. Certain characters on this DVD are ALOT more ruthless in the original version, i.e. Buggy. You won't see that in this version. They are also quite willing to KILL if necessary in the original series. Again, you won't see that on the edited DVD.
In other words, One Piece is not a show for 7 year olds. This version is deliberately hiding the real story from you, and this should not be tolerated by anime fans.
And it's only going to get worse...
In future 4kids DVDs of One Piece, entire story arcs will be significantly SHORTENED or SKIPPED altogether. In fact, as of right now, the One Piece dub is at episode 64, which is approximately episode NINETY-FIVE of the original series. (As of Friday, April 21, 2006, Japan is currently at episode 262.) This alone should tell you that something is seriously wrong.
I am only giving fair warning to ALL Cartoon Network and 4kids TV watchers of One Piece. You are being seriously ripped off by 4kids Entertainment.
To make a long story short, this is not One Piece. If you know anyone who has the original One Piece anime in their possession, go to that person and watch it immediately. You won't be disappointed.
In other words, do not buy this severely edited DVD under any circumstances!
Otherwise, 4kids Entertainment will continue to assume that you are stupid and will continue to create such abominations that are excuses for dubs, such as this One Piece dub.
If you want to see the real story, pester 4kids to release uncut DVDs of One Piece. When you see the original story, you will wonder why you ever even thought of considering purchasing this or other edited 4kids One Piece DVDs..."
Sad sad
H. Thompson | Wisconsin, USA | 04/10/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I always find it funny that the 12 year old fans of the homeland versions (US or what have you) always enjoy the funtastic little things thrown in by 4Kids or other similar companies. Probably because they are the suckers that are being targeted?
If you really have an open mind towards anime in general, this show is very action packed and also much more comedic in its original format. Although not many people die in this show, there is a hefty amount of blood and violence to go around. Proving that One Piece was made for (at the very least) early and mid teens. Not 8-12 year olds. Oh well, this is life. America has been butchering good foreign shows for ages. I used to like a lot of this kind of stuff too when I was younger...then I grew up. Too bad for me I never grew out of the teenager phase (almost 25 now).
Who knows, maybe one day someone will make laws against this kind of sadness from even starting. Or by (hopefully) castrating the ones who thought of it in the first place!!
Love - Julian Frys"
This is not really One Piece
Metatron | 01/03/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you are already a fan of One Piece, skip this. This is the extremely butchered American version. You know, the version with the entire original musical soundtrack deleted, two full story arcs missing (and about 32 of 85 or so episodes simply deleted from the series altogether, so far...and they haven't even gotten to Arabasta and Skypiea yet), every episode deleted to about 4 minutes shorter than its original Japanese run, references to death, smoking, blood, guns, and drinking removed, ridiculous accents added to every character for no apparent reason, and an entire script written in bad puns.
Everything that makes One Piece one of the greatest adventure anime series of all time just simply isn't here. The characters are shells of their true selves, the drama has been diluted by either being edited to a bare sanitized minimum at best or being drowned out by bad generic Casio keyboard "background music." And, of course, you'll have to sit through that absurd "rap" opening.
To add salt to the wound, there is no uncut version or even a Japanese audio track included on this release, nor is there an uncut release of the series planned for the US at all at this time. All in all, this version is an insult to the characters and story Oda Eiichiro created and an embarassment to those of us who actually care for this series.
And if, you actually do enjoy this version of the show, by all means go out there and find the original uncut version of the show. You'll love it a hundred times more, I guarantee."
Why can't they put both versions on one DVD?
Caleb M. Lee | Baton Rouge, LA USA | 01/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'll probably end up getting this anyway. I've got most of the Japanese episodes from the Internet, but I still love the horrible editting of this version. I think it makes it so much funnier. Plus, I can pop this version into my TV and go about household chores while listening to it.
I just really wish they'd make a feature to choose which version you watch. Or make a special edition with 2 discs (one edited and One unedited). I think tons of people would buy it, even you 4Kids haters out there.
In the end, this is a good buy if you enjoy the show and don't absolutly HATE the 4Kids version. I know its not the Japanese One Piece that you all "LOVE", but its still a dang good show that you can't help but love."
Both versions would be better...
Carolyn | NSW, Australia | 05/15/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Though I gave this DVD 4 Stars I'm a little disappointed with the lack of extras and lack of episodes on a disc.
For an Anime series that has more then 300 episodes, you'd think they'd put more then just 3 episodes a disc (look at Rurouni Kenshin, 40+ DVDs because it has so many episodes and there's only 3 episodes a disc). Not only but $19.99 for just 3 episodes and almost no extras is just a rip off. The extras include trailers for other Anime and production art. That's about it for DVDs 1 and 2.
I first viewed One Piece about a year ago when it first came out as the English Dub version and I have to agree with other angry fans about how it's been butchered. Now that I've found out about the 40+ episodes been removed or cut because the company who licensed it want it for `kids' even though in Japan it's not aimed at kids.
I'd love both the original version and the edited version for sale on the same disc (then it'd be worth what they expect you to pay) and it'd make so many fans of the ORIGINAL series happy.
I'd like to see what's so different between the edited and original version (I already know about the swearing and violence).
Don't get me wrong though, I love the edited version, it's really funny and Luffy is the coolest! This group of episodes (4-6) introduces us to Luffy's past with Shanks, Buggy the Clown and Nami joining the crew. And that's about it for such a small group of episodes."