Collect the entire first season of "The Osbournes," the most outrageously fun reality television show ever, with THE OSBOURNES ? THE FIRST SEASON, a 2-disc DVD. Starring legendary rocker Ozzy Osbourne, his amazing wife Sh... more »aron and their kids Kelly and Jack, THE OSBOURNES ? THE FIRST SEASON includes never-before-seen bonus footage, and many terrific DVD programs including set top features and DVD ROM features, with new cast interviews, commentary tracks, "Too Oz For TV" blooper reel, an Osbournes bingo game and lots more. THE OSBOURNES ? THE FIRST SEASON uncensored version has even more hilarious wit and wisdom from Ozzy?s clan. "The Osbournes" has become a top-rated "reality show" phenomenon. Last Fall Ozzy Osbourne, the original Madman of Rock, opened up his family life to the cameras, and the resulting television series has earned a huge fan following. Whether familiar with Ozzy?s musical career or not, audiences everywhere have grown to know and love each Osbourne family member. THE OSBOURNES ? THE FIRST SEASON collects all the unforgettable personalities and day-to-day problems and pleasures that come from being a part of America?s most fun-to-watch first family.« less
A must for hardcore Ozzy fans but a pass for the rest of us!
Movie Reviews
Osbournes on DVD!
Angela M. Healey | Hull | 12/12/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Osbournes is one of the best TV shows around, and I can't wait for the Complete First Season to come out on DVD. This version is uncensored, so you can see footage that they didn't show on TV (according to Amazon, on 6 episodes). This DVD, unlike most television shows that come on DVD has a lot of bonus material and special features, as well as all 10 great episodes from the first series:1. There Goes The Neighborhood
We meet the family as they move into their new Beverly Hills home. After problems with the furniture, Ozzy displays his dismay with a tricky remote control. Later, Ozzy performs on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", despite his nervousness. Kelly and Jack have a love-hate relationship and physically fight throughout the episode. The show closes with Sharon trying to sort through her funny family issues.2. Bark At The Moon
The Osbournes are settling into their new house as their pets settle too. Some rambunctious pets ruin the furniture and leave "presents" on the ground. Sharon enlists a pet therapist to help the situation. Also, Kelly is pulled over by cops due to poor driving.3. For The Record
The Osbourne clan visits the "Big Apple" sans Jack. As Ozzy makes many guest appearances on shows such as NBC's "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" and TRL, Jack goes to a "hippy" camp where he apparently breaks all the rules and has a miserable time. Then the family makes it home in time for Kelly's 17th birthday. Complete with cauldrons and contortionists, Kelly has a little too much fun and gets a tatoo. Meanwhile, a girl sleeps in Jack's room and the door is locked.4. Won't You Be My Neighbor?
The epsiode begins with Kelly venting her anger to Ozzy because she has a ob/gyn appointment that she doesn't want to go to. Then Sharon and Jack get upset because their next door neighbors blast techno music at 2:00 in the morning. After Sharon sets them straight by yelling at them and, like an Osbourne, reveals all her opinions. A food fight begins when the neighbors perform a rendition of "My Girl" and ham, bagels, and the like enter the backyard next door. After the police pay a visit to the Osbourne home, and they are let off with a warning, Ozzy gets in on the action and breaks a window with a log.5. Tour Of Duty
Ozzy is about to embark on a U.S. tour and realizes that he's out of shape. He enlists a personal trainer and tries to become healthy. Then, Kelly takes her mom on a shopping spree which leads to Kelly misplacing Ozzy's credit card. It's finally time to go on tour. Jack stays home so that he can start his own record label. Ozzy films a video that spoofs "Lady Marmalade" from Moulin Rouge. Ozzy gets upset with Sharon because she booked tour dates in close succession but then he takes to the stage.6. Trouble In Paradise
Ozzy is still on tour but suffers a leg injury. Jack struggles to abide by the rules and worries the nanny a great deal. When the patriarch and matriarch return home, Jack is partying with his friends. This leads to a family meeting. Jack and Kelly tell their parents that their lives are different from anyone they know due to touring and fame. Sharon half-understands their dilemma but tells them that they have to stop taking advantage of their parents. Ozzy confronts Jack with his alcohol and drug use and tells Jack to look at how it has affected him. After the talk, Kelly has an epiphany and tells her mom that she will change her friends.7. Get Stuffed
Ozzy still has a foot injury. As he takes too much medicine (with alcohol), he takes the dog out for a surreal walk. Kelly becomes upset because Jack has gotten a lot of recognition in his musical career while she has received none. Kelly seeks consolation from Ozzy, to which he provides little--but does confront Jack. Ozzy then tells the family that he wants to be alone for his birthday. Disregarding his request, the clan surprises him in Chicago and he is pleased.8. No Vagrancy
Jack brings his friend, Dill, a professional skater that is no stranger to alcohol and drugs, into the house so that he can receive the hotel treatment that only the Osbournes could provide. He clashes with the mom and dad: 1) Ozzy never remembers meeting him 2) Sharon finds a bottle of Jack Daniels and attempts to pee in it 3) Dill messes up Sharon's Kitchen 4) Ozzy feels that he's overstayed his welcome. Eventually Dill agrees to leave (as if he had a choice) to Jack's chagrin. Also, Lola, the loveable bulldog, is given away without Jack's knowledge. Ozzy ultimately agrees to bring Lola back as long Jack provides the proper care to the dog.9. A Very Ozzy Christmas
It's Christmas and the Osbournes celebrate as only they can. Sharon, Ozzy, and Jack are in New York on tour when they receive word that their security guard had been arrested for attempted burglary. They return home and Ozzy gets reacquainted with the dogs...Christmas morning approaches and Lulu (Ozzy's son from a previous marriage)visits. Ozzy helps make Christmas dinner and the meal is filled with feuding words and Kelly eventually leaves the table. Jack then receives a knife and Ozzy confiscates it.10. Dinner With Ozzy
Ozzy reflects on his childhood, life, and family as he dines in front of a camera. He describes his problems and how he doesn't know what a 'normal' family would be. At the end of the episode Ozzy is presented with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Clips are shown of highlights of the family's first season.I would reccomend this to any Osbournes fan, or if you want to know what the fuss is about, buy it and find out. The first season of 'The Osbournes' is great, packed with special features, never before seen footage and commentary.- E d d y -"
Gregg Taylor | Branchville, NJ United States | 03/07/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you've never seen "The Osbournes" on MTV, then you probably wouldn't be looking it up on AMAZON...Suffice it to say, these 2 DVD's are the BEST Source material for THE rock legend, Ozzy Osbourne.
HOWEVER: I had to write this particular review to let people know something about the episodes...they are NOT EXACTLY THE SAME as you've seen on MTV!--For some reason, MIRAMAX doesn't seem to have the same "clearance rights" as MTV, since I have spotted 6(!) alterations made to at least 5 of the 10 episodes!! For the nit-pickers out there (like me), I'll list the ones I've found:1) When Sharon orders Jack to clean up Lola's alien "mess," he NO LONGER sings, "Who Let the Dogs Out."
2) When Kelly nearly sets fire to the kitchen, Ozzy NO LONGER sings the Talking Heads' song title, "Burning Down the House."
3) On the tour bus during the Christmas holidays, when Jack serves Ozzy spare ribs, Ozzy NO LONGER mimics the slogan/jingle: "I want my baby-back, baby-back, baby-back--" (you know the rest).
4) When the ...bubbles appear onstage, Sharon NO LONGER sings, "Tiny Bubbles"...
5) The noisy next-door neighbors sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"--TWICE--replacing the (heavily?) copyrighted, "My Girl."
6) During the making of Ozzy's "Moulin Rouge" spoof-video, he NO LONGER tries the line: "Molcha-Choca-lotta (whatever)," or doesn't even mention "STAR WARS"...that scene is COMPLETELY missing.Don't get me wrong...these anti-infringement "modifications" DO NOT take away from the sheer enjoyment of these 20-minute episodes, but to someone (like myself) who has obsessively watched them countless times on MTV, the changes are obvious...and even sometimes painful to watch."
"We're not the .... Partridge Family."
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 05/28/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Welcome to the home and domain of the Prince of Darkness and his loving family. No matter what the ratings or sales, the Osbourne family has become one of the focial points of American attention and probably will stay that way for some time. They're a fantastic bunch of people.This DVD set (the uncensored one doesn't have words bleeped out) contains the first season, ten episodes of Ozzy Osbourne, heavy metal rocker; his strong, smart wife-manager Sharon; son Jack and pink-haired daughter Kelly. (And a lot of pets, too) Food fights, pet therapy, teen partying, settling into a new home, dogs messing up the furniture, stolen thongs, and much more pepper this interesting, entertaining TV show. The Partridge Family they ain't... thank God.What makes this middle-aged rocker and his family different from other fly-on-the-wall reality shows? Maybe it's their honesty, maybe it's because they were were the first. With the abundance of the F-word and the don't-kiss-up attitudes, the Osbournes are a breath of fresh air on TV in general. They remain perhaps the only good reality show out there. Even if you weren't a fan of Black Sabbath, you'll quickly become acquainted with Ozzy: eccentric, funny, and profanely sweet at times. Sharon is intensely loyal and loving to her hubby, sometimes acid-tongued, witty, and capable of being as peculiar as he is. Jack and Kelly serve as exceptional counterpoints to their parents, sometimes petulant, sometimes disobedient, sometimes just doing their best to rebel (clubbing, getting tattoos, and so on). They can be as witty as Sharon, and their exchanges sometimes just blossom into hilarity -- sometimes unintentionally ("I feel like I'm invisible" "Shut up!") And they all love each other quite clearly although they sometimes have odd ways of showing it ("Merry Christmas, baby. Another .... year. I adore you, sweetheart. Now, ... off.")It mostly takes place in the Osbournes' house, a big Beverly Hills mansion that has been decorated in accordance with the Osbournes' personalities. Don't expect a central theme -- lots of weird decorations, plenty of crucifixes, personal bedrooms, and lots and lots of antiques. And the DVD set has plenty of extras -- extra footage, games, "Ozzy's Ten Commandments," interviews, an "Ozzy translator," commentary, and more.Love them or hate them, the Osbournes are undeniably entertaining, and this DVD set is a wonderful means of seeing this show over, and over, and over. (My feelings toward this series are summed up best by Ozzy himself, paraphrased: "I love you, but you're all ... mad.") Definitely worth getting and keeping."
Nothing Like Good 'Ol Family Values
Michael Crane | Orland Park, IL USA | 03/26/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Oh boy. There goes the neighborhood...I really do not care for MTV these days. If they played actual music videos like they did in the old days (was it that long ago?), maybe I'd watch more. However, whenever "The Osbournes" are on, I find myself glued to the TV. Well, now the entire first season is yours to own on DVD.**NOTE: Do NOT get the "censored version." I know people like the bleeps, but there is an option on the DVD that allows you to listen to it censored if you like. So, now you have the chance to hear them both! So go with the "uncensored version" if you want the best buy.**There's no real storyline, there's no cute little set-up, and there's no "phony characters" to mix things up. This is as real as it gets. Everything you thought Ozzy's life would be is the EXACT opposite. He's stuck in hell and his family is the main reason. With a house full of various animals, a son and daughter who fight on a daily basis, and a wife who seems to be the only one who knows how to run things, "The Osbournes" is an unpredictable show with surprises around every corner. But as dysfunctional and weird this family seems, there is love... or at least I think there is...The complete first season is a success in my eyes. Every single episode is classic and you'll want to watch them over and over again. If you're having a bad day, you just have to pop this in and you will feel so much better as you laugh along with this whacky family. Each episode has a very high replay level and you're bound to catch something new that you missed the first time around.This DVD set is fantastic. I was surprised to learn that you can watch it CENSORED if you like. I know people are torn on whether to get this uncensored one or the censored version, but now that decision won't be hard to make. Go with the "uncensored version" since you get the choice of either watching it with the bleeps or without. (I actually think it's funnier to hear them swear without the bleeps. Hearing Sharon say the "mother-f" word is priceless!Extra features included are: commentary, language censoring option for each episode, season highlights, edit a scene, new interviews, additional footage, and so much more. Lots of goodies for you to explore."The Osbournes: The Complete First Season Uncensored" is a fantastic DVD set that has a very high replay level. I've already watched all of the episodes at least five times already. I was very pleased with how the DVD was done and glad that they did the show justice. If you love the show, don't pass this DVD collection for a second. A very worthy purchase, indeed."
If you're a fan of the show, get this!
E. A Solinas | 03/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, first things first -- the DVDs allow you to enable the 'censor' beep, even in the 'Uncensored' DVD version; if you want the censored version, enable it.I wasn't a huge fan when the series started, but watching one of the Osbourne-marathons on MTV got me hooked. This is a two DVD set, with episodes 1-9 on Disc One, and episode 10 and the extras on Disc Two. As I mentioned above, you can enable or disable the censoring for each episode. It will remember which setting you enabled if you watch a couple of episodes at a time, so you don't have to go back and re-enable it in one sitting. It does default to off, though, so you will have to turn the censor back on if your DVD player was turned off.In addition to the Censor for each episode, there is an Ozzy-translator; great stuff.The extras include typical fare: access to 'restricted' websites, bloopers -- which I think are better than some of the episodes, and bios. I'm looking forward to the Season 2 set!!"