Chris W. (kungfudalek)
Reviewed on 3/2/2013...
Great Show wished it would of got a second season.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Reviewed on 12/7/2009...
Interesting show...another one from the Sci-Fi Channel that played for one season and didn't get renewed. About a woman that could take an incredible ammount of pain and not die...she gets shot, thrown off a building, poisened, stabbed...etc. Pretty cool :) Jane and her team hunt Neuros, people that can do incredible and often unsettling things with their minds. Extremely violent so definitely not for kids. Like every show, some episodes are better than others. Glad I took the time to check it out. Based on a comic book of the same name.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 10/14/2009...
Another great series which fell through the cracks. This one took the standard secret 'team' formula which many Scifi series contain and stretched it to unheard of areas...especially so about 2/3 of the way through this season. Some of these episodes were mind blowing...absolutely excellent writing...I'm sure that the authors of the original comic book felt honored. Kept me guessing and often still surprised me in the end. Acting was well above average. I particularily enjoyed the techno/EBM incidental music.
After viewing this season, it seems silly that they chose to cancel it...still, was curious enough about this one to view it. Wouldn't want to keep this in my collection though.
Going to step up on my soapbox for a second...Personally, I grew sick of good shows being cancelled a few years back (last straw was when they cancelled Shaun Cassidy's 'Invasion'...Grrrrrrr...that one still fries my frijoles.) So I cast my ballot and stopped watching TV...and wasting my time with their vicissitudes and sponsors. Now I watch DVDs on MY weekly viewing schedule (with NO commercial breaks)...usually shows which I know have run their arcs through several seasons to a satisfying conclusion. Really, who wants a DVD collection full of loose ends, eh? Amazon is chock full of depressed reviews from folks whose favorite show was cancelled and the production team and writers were not given enough notice to conclude it properly. Usually only takes a few more episodes to do that, right? (For example...see Jericho.) Wonder if the networks have done any research to determine how much DVD sales are increased by simply giving a series a proper ending before cancelling it? Stop me now...I'm starting to talk sense...ugh.
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Bryan L. (50kmwalk) from PT REYES STA, CA
Reviewed on 12/8/2008...
Intense, interesting, and hard to take your eyes off of--that's PKJ! I found Kristana Loken very appealing here with her 'snarky' running narrative leading the show. They also 'de-glamorize' her normal gorgeous model looks by giving her darker hair and having her dressed in what looks like 'Ben Davis' work clothes most of the time but she's still very sexy. The plots don't make sense a lot of the time but this is a show you can watch & enjoy w/out needing a whole lot of 'back story'. 4 Stars.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.