God awful
Dumb Blonde Reviewing | In my bed | 02/09/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This movie just couldn't decide what it wanted to be, whether a comedy, drama, or romance. At just little over an hour & a half, it felt overly long, and dragged. When plied with alcohol, I can easily fall asleep during a particularly dull movie, but I was tired as it was after having not slept well the previous night, and kept having to eat something to keep me awake during this. I never noticed it as much during Friends, but David Schwimmer has one expression and that's the irritating hangdog expression. The whole film felt like the way you feel when you're in a rush, and people are (deliberately) getting in your way, or just coming to a dead stop, and leave you walking off, muttering to yourself. The Pallbearer tries to put a different spin on a romantic comedy and fails miserably.
This film's one saving grace is the actress playing Schwimmer's mum, who's never given the decency of a name, just credited by "Tom's mother". She was in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen as Miss Baggoli, although she looked like the mum from Carrie 2 as well. She wasn't on screen apart from a couple of scenes, and she was hilarious, especially in one of her early scenes, when she opens the door to her son's room and finds one of those security chains blocking her way. The look on her face is fantastic, including her line: "What's this friggin' chain for?"
Apart from her, this film belongs on really late night TV, where no-one will ever see it."