Violence only implied, movie gets in your head
David S. Rush | St. Louis, MO | 01/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had read or heard about this Arabic language movie, and I was very interested so I bought a copy. Just as an aside, I told a coworker and friend that I had purchased the film. He is Egyptian and the movie had a special interest for him. We made a night of it, his wife and mother prepared a traditional Egyptian dinner and we watched the movie with his wife and his parents. He sent the kids to their rooms, although now I do not believe that to have been necessary.
It is a story about two friends in Palestine that decide to become suicide bombers. It explores why they would take such an action. The Western mind has a hard time comprehending this course of action. The movie paints of picture of two sympathetic individuals in an impossible situation without any real hope.
It also delves a little into the "characters" that recruit these young men (and of late women) for these suicide missions. It is not a pretty or complimentary picture. They make even used car salesmen seem honorable.
It in small ways demonstrates the frustrations and indignations of living in Palestine when most things are ultimately controlled by the Israelis.
While you would think this would be a violent and bloody movie, it is not. What violence there is, is implied or left to the viewer's imagination.
I still do not think suicide bombing is right or the solution to anything, but the movie did give me some insight into why it happens. It gave me insight into a different side of the Palestine/Israel conflict than I receive from the American media.
It is well worth watching for those reasons, and it is a well made movie to boot. Go rent it or buy it.
This movie is in Arabic with English subtitles.
Killing will never right the wrong!
Medusa | Troy, MI | 07/12/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I included some of the movie's dialog to get the prospective viewer interested in certain aspects of the movie. So if that is a spoiler for you, please stop here!
Said and Khaled are young Palestinian friends who are recruited to go on a suicide bombing mission against the Israelis. During their scary journey of decision they express their emotional struggle when contemplating the possibility of killing innocent whilst remembering their oppressed past and hopeless future.
The brain washing used to recruit young men that plays on their pain and beliefs, like bacteria on an open wound, are shown through many discussions like what the recruiter said:" What can you do when there is no justice or freedom? Then there's the individual that is forced to fight for it. If we give in to the law that says, the strong devour the weak, then we become the animals. That's intolerable. Death is better than inferiority. That means whoever fights for freedom, can also die for it."
The two friends strike a friendship with one of the guys love interest who is an open minded and educated woman. Dialog is the main tool in the movie to describe how difficult it is to get humans to let go of their hatred. The erudite young lady argues with them: "That's no sacrifice. That's revenge. If you kill, there's no difference between victim and occupier."
The dialog again shows how young men face the decision of killing themselves and others as Said puts it: "Even worse, they've convinced the world and themselves that they are the victims. How can that be? How can the occupier be the victim? If they take on the role of oppressor and victim then I have no other choice but to also be a victim and a murderer as well. I don't know how you'll decide, but I will not return to the refugee camp."
Eventually, the conversations become simply cold lectures, but some credit should be given to the honesty and truthfulness while exploring the problem of suicide attacks. This is an attempt to convince the extreme Palestinians to snap out of physical fighting and ponder the thought of dialogue and civilized thinking.
Watch and think for yourself, you might learn something!