Currently Available DVDs (1) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (40)2011 - Damnation Alley 2011 - Damnation Alley (Blu-Ray) 2011 - Gordon's War/Off Limits (Double Feature) 2011 - Dog Tails Collection 2010 - Strategic Command 2009 - Mike's Murder 2009 - A Hero Ain't Nothin But A Sandwich 2009 - City Confidential Faith and Foul Play in Salt Lake City 2008 - White Dog - Criterion Collection 2008 - It's Good to Be Alive/River Niger 2008 - Only the Ball Was White 2006 - Its Good to Be Alive/Coach of the Year 2006 - Trouble Man 2005 - Huckleberry Finn (Full Screen) 2005 - The Mahalia Jackson Collection 2005 - Hustle 2005 - Russkies Legend of Wild Horses Alec to the 2005 - The Legend of Gatorface 2005 - King 2004 - Go Tell It on the Mountain 2003 - Knockout 2003 - Kids Ten Commandments 5 DVD Set 2002 - It's Good to Be Alive 2002 - Sounder 2000 - Original Gangstas 1998 - Serpent Rainbow (Ws) 1997 - The Terminator Tom Sawyer / Huckleberry Finn - Twilight Time (1973) Sounder / A Dog of Flanders Conrack