A New Orleans law student finds herself embroiled in a terrifying web of intrigue extending to the highest levels of government after she writes a speculative legal brief exposing the activities of a powerful oil magnate.
Jennifer D. (jennicat) from ST AUGUSTINE, FL Reviewed on 4/2/2014...
Great movie. Twisty. Actors were great. But with that cast is hard not to be a great movie.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Eliza M. from CORBETT, OR Reviewed on 7/21/2012...
My husband & I enjoyed watching this movie all over again. It had been several years since we'd seen it.
It was exciting, thoughtful and we saw things we'd not noticed before.
Usually, I prefer the book to the movie, but, in this case, I prefer the movie!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Peter Q. (Petequig) Reviewed on 8/3/2011...
Excellent rendering of Grisham's blockbuster novel.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Brad S. (Snibot) from DALLAS, TX Reviewed on 2/26/2010...
Excellent writing, direction, and acting.
Denzel Washington has a powerful performance as a reporter, and Julia Roberts hits another home run as a law student. Stanley Tucci is simply amazing as an assassin making his later roles (fashion guru in The Devil Wears Prada) all the more impressive, what a fantastic and rarely recognized talent he is.
Suspense is maintained throughout the story without getting tiring.
This is a good film for a permanent collection to dust off and watch every so often.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Should make Ruth Bader Ginsberg nervous
Gunner | Bethlehem,Georgia | 02/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Pelican Brief DVD
The Pelican Brief is based on John Grisham's novelThe Pelican Brief (John Grisham) in which a student (played by Julia Robert's) discovers a plot to assassinate a couple of U. S. Supreme Court Justices so that two less environmentally biased justices can be appointed. Julia Roberts is beautiful as usual and Denzel Washington is superb, also as usual.
Highly recommended for fans of Julia Roberts, Denzel, Washington, and John Grisham.
Gunner February, 2008
The Pelican Brief
Kelly | Littleton, Colorado | 04/05/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a movie full of intrigue and suspense. Denzel Washington turns in one of his best performances as Gray Grantham. Julia Roberts is equally as exciting as Darby Shaw a Tulane law student. Together they work to expose a criminal conspiracy that involves many high officials that include the White House. When attempts are made on their lives, it becomes a race to see if they can solve the case before they forfeit their lives in pursuit of justice.
Fasten Your Seatbelts.......
L. Shirley | fountain valley, ca United States | 02/20/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This review refers to the Warner Bros 1997 DVD edition of "The Pelican Brief"....."The Pelican Brief" is a poltical thriller that will keep you invovled from beginning to end. It teams legendary Director Alan J Pakula("Klute"/All the President's Men") with equally legendary mystery writer John Grisham("The Firm"/"The Client"). Then add these names into the mix...Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Hume Cronyn, Sam Shepard, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow, and a score by James Horner, and you've got yourself a great recipe for a well made film. And although I did not find it as compelling as "All the President's Men" or as suspenseful as "Klute" or "The Firm", I did find myself, thanks to the great acting, becoming totally involved with the characters and the storyline.Here's the story...Two Supreme Court Justices have been assassinated. Brillant law student Darby Shaw(Roberts), who has a passion for constitutional law, decides to start do a little investigating of her own concerning the deaths. What she finds is too frightning to even believe. She prepares a brief, that winds up in the hands of government officials, and pretty soon anyone involved winds up in the mourge as well. Darby goes on the run fearing she is next and doesn't know who to trust. The only one she can turn to is investigative reporter Grey Grantham(Washington). The two race to prove her theory as they become the hunted as well.Lots of great action and intrigue keep the story going.The DVD is very good as far as the quality of the picture and sound. The widescreen presentation, lets you see all the action,the picture is clear and colors bright and sharp.The Dolby surround brings it all right into the room with you. The only problem I had with the DVD was having to turn it over after 1:17 into the film. I did notice though in the technical info that the release date of the DVD is 2/4/03. I have had mine much longer and although it appears to be the same DVD, perhaps they rereleased it. Maybe renting it first would answer that question. Not much in the way of "Bonus Features". There are some production notes, including how the cast prepared for their indivual roles(in which we are assured that Stanley Tucci, who plays an assassin, did not go out and kill anyone!), and there are some previews of other films made by Alan J Pakula.I would reccommend this film to anyone who is a fan of Grisham, Pakula, Roberts or Washington, or if you just enjoy a good thriller.Get the popcorn ready and get ready to jump!.....enjoy...Laurie"
Gus Mauro | Brandon,mb | 10/23/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Juila Roberts in a great role shows her true acting abilltiy and proves she can hold her own in a serous role. Roberts plays Darby Shaw, a law student who writes a brief concering the mysterious deaths of two supreme court justices and soon is marked for death by hired killers and crooked cops. On the run she trusts no one except one man an ambitous reporter(played to perfection by Denzel Washington)who wants to keep her alive so she can tell her story. Amazing film with the right amount of suspense and intrigue, and what`s so good about this film it managed to rise above the cliches that usually surronds this genre there was absolulty no love angle between the two leads just an innocent woman on the run type of story. Based on the novel by john grisham and probably the best one adapted to the big screen. A little too long 2½ hours long but it reached a staisfying conclusion. The best scene was the On foot chase scene in the underground parking lot. Great movie a must for any Julia Roberts Fan."
Problem with DVD
John Reynolds | Los Angeles | 03/09/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The only objection I have to this DVD is that you have to turn it over half way through the movie to see it all!"