David A. from MARSHFIELD, WI
Reviewed on 11/3/2015...
I wanted to like this movie, I enjoy Christian allegories such as the "Chronicles of Narnia". I have not read "Pilgrim's Progress", but it is mentioned in "Little Women" as one of the character's favorite books. The film is very disjointed and episodic, with little to no effort spent on explaining what is happening. It is very obvious the point is to reach heaven, but there are very wierd moments. When the interpreter (Holy Spirit?) is showing the main character a woman in despair over her sins and talking about how she is going to hell, no explanation is made, they just move on to the next door. How is despair a lesson? What is the point of that scene? Why didn't anyone tell the woman God is merciful?
Another random scene is when a character named "fearless" cuts down 4 enemies with his sword on his way to heaven, end of scene, never mentioned again. I won't go on any more, but if the Kendrick Brothers films (Courageous/Fireproof/Facing the Giants) are the big leagues, this film is pure tee-ball. If you are the director or acted in this movie, thank you for making this film, I know you meant well. Hope this doesn't hurt your feelings.