JUST a review, nothing more to it.
gossamer | 12/26/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There are more than a few false statements in the Product Description above, which is also featured on the DVDs cover too.
For starters "penetrating" I believe is hardly apropriate here, if you're a Pink Floyd fan you will most probably learn nothing more here than you already know - I personaly have found articles on two recent "Clasic Rock" issues far more intriguing and informing than this entire DVD. If you're not a fan then this DVD is totaly worthless and meaningless to you.
"We hear the views of the band" the description states, and so we do BUT on only 5 to 6 occasions throughout the whole DVD, and all are excerpts (of a few seconds each) from previously broadcasted radio interviews that happened to touch the subject of ummagumma or that general period of their work - none specific to this DVD nor going deeply into the album's history or the band's adventures of that time.
"views of the albums Executive Producer, Norman Smith" this is true for what its worth (not of much band or album insight value though). While not mentioned here the occasional outlook of sound engineer of the album (Peter Mew) is of some interest too, the rest of the people actually interviewed for the DVD only have to offer opinions and views of no more weight (IMHO) than yours or mine.
"The film draws on extensive rare footage of Pink Floyd" - and this is the real crime! this so much anticipated by the buyer/fan footage is absolutely worthless as it's being shown or scarcely heard on the background of the CONTINUOUS narration and/or interviews, leaving you ungratified or worse bulding up to an insatiable sensation, since you are able to see all this desirable material that is however stripped of its magic, lost behind non stop jabbering.
As for any hopes of other bonus material such as images... well there is a photo gallery feature that I would more easily consider an offence than offering, since it comprises of about 10 chronologicaly mixed images mostly of low quality and size, and of almost no significance (in some you get only a general view of a Floyd concert stage setup... somewhere ... whenever...) no info, nothing.
All in all if you are set to collecting everything & anything ever produced about Pink Floyd you MIGHT want to get this DVD too - in ALL other cases I can't see a reason anyone would like to spend money on it, you can get all the info it provides (and far more) from various places on the web and/or related publications."