Rose H. from LOUISVILLE, KY Reviewed on 6/9/2013...
Loved Pink Panther films as a child and it's nice to have the whole collection on hand when I'm feeling nostalgic.
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Movie Reviews
Like Old Friends, They're Always Great To See!
Robert I. Hedges | 07/15/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Having been a fan of "The Pink Panther" series from childhood, I was ecstatic that this set was being released, as the films are otherwise out of print on DVD (although luckily I still have my trusty VHS copies in reserve). I am tempted to give the set five stars simply because it is a wonderful day to see these films back in print, but realistically I had to take it down a notch as there a couple of negative considerations, the most obvious of which, of course, is the absence of "Return of the Pink Panther" from the collection, ostensibly because of legal hang-ups. Whatever the cause, the absence of the first of the 1970s-era "Panthers" is sorely missed. The other minor negative is the relative absence of special features on the movie DVDs, although the original "Pink Panther" has a wonderful trivia track. I would have really loved commentary tracks with Blake Edwards and some of the actors. I am somewhat ambivalent on the extremely unusual packaging the set comes in. It is hard to adequately describe the case, but suffice it to say that removing half of the DVDs is annoyingly difficult, although it looks very stylish.On the positive end, you get four great "Panther" movies and the bodged-together "Trail of the Pink Panther", plus a disk of extras. Some people have dismissed the extras disk as inconsequential, but I rather enjoyed it. I particularly liked the documentary "The Pink Panther Story" which was heavy on interviews and insight. I had no idea that Sellers hated "A Shot in the Dark", whereas I (and many others) think it is a perfect movie in every way. I knew that Sellers could be somewhat Mercurial to work with, but I had no idea, for instance, that he had certain colors that he would not tolerate around him, and in fact made the producers of one of the movies once repaint a train because he couldn't stand the color! Also on the disk is a documentary about the animated Panther, which is quite interesting, as well as several of the short subject cartoons, which seem selected at random. They did include the Oscar winning "Pink Phink", the first cartoon short of the Pink Panther, which was an excellent choice. "Psychedelic Pink" included an annoying laugh track, and "Pinkfinger" was one of the weaker of the cartoons, which I have great recollection of from childhood. Interestingly enough, there are two related subject cartoons, one each of the Ant and the Aardvark, and The Inspector (in a fairly weak episode) to round out the extra disk.This is a great set overall, with just a couple of things bringing it down to a four rating. I recommend it to all "Panther" fans everywhere, and to anyone who loves to laugh."
Great Collection but......
Serrano | Florida | 10/30/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great collection but there is a big problem, it did not include the best film of the series, "The Return of the Pink Panther (1974)", with this film the collection would have been "Perfect""
The Pink Panter Film Collection
Henry | 02/01/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Finally us Pink Panther fans are getting what we have wanted. Its just a shame that 'The Return of the Pink Panther' was not included. All in all it is great to have it in a collectors box set with special features. For the first time 'The Trail of the Pink Panther' has been released on DVD which I am looking forward to since I saw it on TV. What would really be great and us fans should ask for it is a box set with all eight films:
"The Pink Panther" (1963)
"A Shot in the Dark" (1963)
"The Return of the Pink Panther" (1974)
"The Pink Panther Strikes Again" (1976)
"Revenge of the Pink Panther" (1978)
"The Trail of the Pink Panther" (1982)
"The Curse of the Pink Panther" (1983)
"Son of the Pink Panther" (1993)
Then we all would truly be 100% happy. But this will do. This is a must have DVD set!"
The Funniest Films Of Any Time
Kaya Savas | Bethesda, MD USA | 04/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"MOVIES: Within this collection are some of the funniest movies ever conceived by man. Not only did these movies spawn off the Oscar winning cartoon that is known worldwide and is still being shown on Cartoon Network today, it also created a model for new generation "screwball" comedy (well in 1964) that can be seen in films today. Characters such as Harry and Marv from the first two Home Alone films follow this formula. The characters Leslie Nielson plays in almost all of his satires are all modeled after Peter Seller's Inspector Clouseau. This character is so perfectly crafted that it will have you rolling around in laughter. Peter Sellers is a legend of comedy, a brilliant comedic actor. The way this character is, is that he is the most clumsiest, reckless, and graceless person there is and he always tries to recover from everything he does by acting serious about it. The collection includes all films except for The Return of the Pink Panther, Curse of the Pink Panther, and Son of the Pink Panther. Return of the Pink Panther should be there but is owned by another distributor, Curse of the Pink Panther really has nothing to do with the series since it does not star Peter Sellers, and Son of the Pink Panther was an abysmal. These classic films are the funniest you will ever see, if you have never seen them I highly suggest this collection. The title "Pink Panther" was never intended as a cartoon but actually was referring to the diamond in which the bumbling inspector was to find because within the diamond there was a minor flaw that resembled the shape of a panther and the diamond had a pink hue so that's how it fits together. So, all in all every collection should have this sitting on the shelf for you will never see a better comedic performance in past, present, or future.VIDEO: WOW! That's all I can say. I am shocked at how crisp these transfers are. I have recent movies that don't look as good as these do, they really cleaned up the print from the original 1964 reel, and same for the other four films. Anyway, the film is in a 2.35:1 aspect ratio as well. I have to say though the picture was impressive for a film 40 years old (referring to the first one).AUDIO: Another wow in this department. You'll get a 5.1 surround mix that is excellent for these classic films. The audio does not sound degraded or present any loss of quality. Very goodPACKAGING / EXTRAS: The case comes in cardboard slip case. Once taken out you'll have fun with the squishy plastic/foam digipak that resembles a book. When the digipak unfolds the discs are aranged in three sepreate segments in a very creative way yet with one minor flaw. The discs overlap eachother, two per segment. And even though they look mighty cool all set in place this is where the flaw is. Discs 2, 4, and 6 are overlapped by 1, 3, and 5. So if you need to get to those even numbered discs then you need to pop out the odd numbered one on top of it. As goes for extras we get a nice collection of original Pink Panther cartoons (4 to be exact), and two others. One that has nothing to do with the Pink Panther (it's just released by the same people whi created the original toons), and then one modeled after the actual character of Inspector Clouseau. There is also a 10 minute featurette explaining the phenomenon of these cartoons. Then we have a documentary titled "The Pink Panther Story". Each film also contains their original theatrical trailers on their own discs (not on the bonus disc), and each film has a photo gallery, and The Pink Panther has a commentary track. A limited number of extras plauge the set slightly, but not enough to hurt the quality of the set overall. One of the best collections to come out of MGM in a while."