The Pit Workout "Crosspit" The Pit Workout-Crosspit delivers two intense anaerobic half hour workouts focusing on building the core muscles. This workout delivers devastating punches and kick combinations. These workouts a... more »re designed to train targeted muscle groups to continue delivering power when it counts the most. Most championship title fights are 25 min long and consist of flurries and bursts of energy. Each of these half-hour workouts is like going five, five minuet rounds in the ring. The Pit Workout-CrossPit will take you to the next physical level of fitness while introducing new conditioning techniques utilized at The Pit. Join John Hackleman, RN (AKA The Pitmaster) as he leads you through two intense workouts that will literally kick and punch you into the best shape of your life. The Pit Workout combines old school training, attitude, power and discipline with cutting edge, scientific, result-oriented techniques. Workout one: 30 minutes of punches, head kicks, squats, push-ups, squat thrusts, punch/kick combinations, sit ups, and jump rope. Workout two: 30 minutes of push-ups, bag sprints, squats, head kicks, sit ups, pull-ups and jump rope. It is required to have a resistance band or pull up bar for the second workout. Both of which are available at DVD Extras: Include over 20 minutes of Pit workout conditioning tips and techniques explained in detail by John The Train Hackleman. Bonus Features: DVD Extras include over 25 minutes of Pit workout conditioning tips and techniques. Warm-up with light standing stretches Cool down your workout. Anaerobic & Aerobic discussion Explanation of the benefits of HIT for martial arts Explain the differences and similarities of strength and power workouts Explanation of cardio P&S and skill drills in one workout The benefits of combining fitness workouts with drills equals sports specific training« less
"The Pit and it's Master have succeeded again in creating a brutal but highly effective set of workouts. I have been doing the original Pit workout since July 07' and have lost ten pounds while significantly increasing my level of fitness. As those familiar will note, these workouts are hellish (read: not fun and "not Tae-Bo") but absolutely extraordinary and TRULY results-oriented.
If you really want to get in shape these two workouts will go right along w/ the other three on the original workout (i would recommend doing those first and then moving onto these after about three months). The Crosspit workouts are shorter but equally relentless and intense in simulating the experience of "going five rounds." Moreover, a little bit more equipment is required but if you don't have a pull-up bar (used in the second workout) you can use a resistance band with a door-mount.
There are a few recognizable faces from the first work out (besides John) and the production values have increased (it looks and sounds better overall). Also, John assumes a bit of familiarity with the original Pit workout thus, again, i think it is best to do the Crosspit after a few months of the first DVD (especially if you are coming in out of shape [like I did!] or only in "decent" shape.). In addition, there is an interesting set of extra features that expound on what exactly the Pit Workout is, how it works, where it came from, and how to do it best. Once again, HIGHLY recommended for those serious about fitness and results!!!"
Derek J. Harju | Tempe, AZ. | 06/07/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First thing's first, if you're buying these DVDs because you're a Chuck Liddel fan, HE'S NOT IN IT!
Secondly, these drills are a joke, if you've ever actaully trained in an MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing, or BJJ gym these workouts are complete nonsense.
They're poorly paced, there is no discussion of technique at all and if you're used to a real fight gym the intensity level here will put you to sleep.
Even if you aren't really training there are better resources, I would recommend Bas Rutten's set of CD's, they're well paced, well produced, and you can load them into an ipod or boombox anywhere you need them."
Better than P90X!
KS | 06/10/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I completed 90 days of P90X and had great results but wanted more of a challenge and even more results. The Pit workout does it and is more fun for me because I am interested in MMA. I am noticing a higher level of strength and fitness, and getting a little more cut. P90X feels like aerobics compared to this! I still mix in the weights DVDs from P90X, but the PIT pushes you harder. And you are still using just your body and don't really need equipment. John Hackleman is a cool dude and is helpful and instructive with no BS.
My only criticism is that you should do some jump rope or jacks while John talks before each set cause he stretches the water break about a minute too long sometimes.
Get all the videos, you will have a more interesting choice of stuff to do to avoid boredom."
Another brilliant and unrelenting release!
Mr. Jm Bott | West Midlands, England | 07/03/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I own the original Pit workout DVD and was very excited to have a go of these two new Crosspit workouts. I am a boxer and have been for a while now and these dvds (Crosspit and Original) are all I need to get in great shape. It is not Tae-bo! Each workout is half the time of the three on the original Pit but twice as intense! I rated myself as being very fit before, however the Pit workouts have proved me wrong. I would highly recommend both sets of dvds for anyone who is into combative sports; Someone looking to lose weight/ get into great shape or someone just wants to achieve a great level of fitness. Cannot say enough just buy it, endure and reap the rewards! Money well spent!
p.s The original Pit workout is also an amazing workout tool."
J. Higgs | Bahamas | 05/12/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It is ok...I spend most of my time in the gym so i got this dvd to see if I could get into doing some stuff at home, but I still spend more time in the gym, but this is a pretty good dvd"