The Misty Mermaid
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In "The Misty Mermaid," Ash, Brock and Misty head back to Cerulean City. When they find out that Misty is a star in buisness, she turns out as a mermaid in the water. When Team Rocket takes place and tries to steal the Water Poke'mon, Ash, Brock and Pikachu help out and none can win. When Misty's Seel evolves into Dewgong, she wins the battle. And now Ash is on his way to get his last badge, and who knows what may happen next? If you want to find out watch "The Final Badge," now on video! "The Final Badge" has Clefairy Tales, The Final Badge and It's Mr. Mime Time!"
Princess Vs Princess -- The Purr-fect Hero -- Misty Mermaid
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Princess Vs Princess" is a good episode for Misty and Jessie. I assume this Princess Festival thing is a Japanese holiday that we don't get in America. For a historical note, this is when Jessie catches Lickitung. Anyway, it seems the deciding factor in the princess contest is a Pokemon battle, for which Jessie has borrowed Weezing and Misty has borrowed Vulpix (always cute) and some of Ash's Pokemon. Surprise, surprise, Jessie does not win, though she would have if Psyduck were more obedient. Anyway, good episode for Misty or Team Rocket fans. I don't know what it has to do with Meowth specifically except that he is briefly in the battle and reminds Jessie that she still has Lickitung after the rest get defeated. "The Purr-fect Hero" -- One of Meowth's episodes, although it doesn't focus on him as completely as "Go West Young Meowth" does. It's another Japanese holiday, which we are calling "Kids' Day." I like cats, so it was nice to have an episode featuring another Meowth that acts more catlike. Team Rocket's disguise for this episode is magicians, with James as the lovely assistant. An above average episode in my opinion. "The Misty Mermaid" -- Good if you like Misty and her sisters, I guess. James's, uh, costume, uh... this is not my favorite episode. But if you don't mind James wearing pink frilly stuff (at least he complains about it a little), well then... I really don't see what this episode has to do with Meowth. One thing I like about this episode is that Arbok is really, really formidable. IN the water, the water Pokemon's element, it is winning (!) against about seven water Pokemon at once (!) until the lousy Seel goes and evolves and Arbok finally loses. Go Arbok! So, Lickitung was great in the Princess festival episode, and Arbok is great in the mermaid episode. Jessie has really great Pokemon."