An incompetent magician is using Exeggicute to hypnotize his audience into thinking he is world-famous. Ash and his friends have to teach the magician right from wrong before they get hypnotized too! When a kind, beautiful... more » girl cures Meowth's sickness using her own home-made remedy, it falls for her and tries to help her evolve her cowardly Paras. Can Meowth be a hero even though it's a villain? Finally, Jigglypuff puts on a concert in the "Town That Never Sleeps!"« less
Jules Carrozza, the Japanese film k | Bridgewater, MA, USA | 01/22/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Jigglypuff (Purin in the Japanese language version) is so cool. Just hearing Jigglypuff singing it's marvelous song fills me with wonder and delight. The first episode on this tape is about this wacky paraniod magician and some Exeggute and Exeggutor. Charmander also evolves into Charmeleon. The next episode is about a girl who's Paras is so weak that it'll never evolve. But with some help from Ash and the gang, and Team Rocket, it ends up evolving into Parasect. Then the final episode on this tape, is the epsiode of the video's title. A lonely Jigglypuff is seraching the land for people who can hear her song without going to sleep. It's absolutly hilarous to watch Jigglypuff put crouds of people to sleep abd then suddenly puff in it's cheeks and doodle on everyone's face with a permanent marker. These episodes are really enjoyable and are worth a few err laughs."
Pokemon's neurotic pop star
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Of the myriad Pokemon, I think Jigglypuff is the funniest. Its first appearance, in "The Song of Jigglypuff", is especially hilarious, as the poor Pokemon wanders the earth looking for an audience that won't fall asleep when it sings. (Needless to say, it never finds one.)The pattern is always the same: Jigglypuff begins its song, everybody falls asleep, Jigglypuff gets upset that nobody stayed awake to hear the entire song, out comes the marker ... PUFF! It's priceless.My one complaint is that a collection of Jigglypuff episodes hasn't been released. Its later appearances are just as funny, especially in "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon" (where we even see Jigglypuff's fantasies of stardom). But "The Song of Jigglypuff" is still well worth seeing."
Love that Jigglypuff!
Zack Davisson | Seattle, WA, USA | 01/21/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ah, sweet irony. A sad Jigglypuff only wants someone to appreciate his singing, but everyone keeps falling asleep. Even the doofy Psiduck can't stay awake! Ash has the answer, and soon Jigglypuff puts on a concert in "The Town that Never Sleeps." A great episode featuring my favorite Pokemon. The second half doesn't appear to be on the next DVD. The other episodes include a fake magician using Eggsecutor to hypnotise people, and Meowth falling in love. All good Pokemon fun."
Zack Davisson | 09/08/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I like that movie. I liked the part when Ash gets hypnotized and thinks he's a Bulbasaur. I loved the whole thing except when that pretty girl's Grandmother tried selling Ash Misty and Brock potion that grows hair on your nose and tongue."
Jiggly Puff Jigg a LeEEEeee Puff!
Zack Davisson | 09/03/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Cute story. I don't like Pokemon, but Jigglypuff is so cute! Even though the title's called "JIGGLYPUFF pop," there's only ONE Jigglypuff-related episode in this. That's why I gave it 3 stars."