Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum continues his quest to become the world's greatest Pokemon master. He's already caught two of the amazing creatures with the help of Pikachu. Together with Misty, they'll travel across the land ... more »searching far and wide for all 150 Pokemon - he's "gotta catch 'em all" to be the very best.« less
"I liked the part where I got to see Claferie, and I liked when Onix knocked over Team Rocket. That's all."
Meowth Says: This is a Perrrrrrrrrrfect movie!!!!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a Grrrrrreat movie! Clefairy is one of my favorites! I love the "Clefairy Chant!" Meowth is one of my favorite Pokemon! He is soooo cute! I like the way he says "Meowth That's Right!""
Getting better
adamant_the_black_mage | 07/16/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As we remember from the last DVD, Ash and Misty are venturing through Viridian Forest.Following the game, they should reach Pewter Town now, right.
Nah, not yet. Looks like we have to slow down a bit, or the show'll be over in 30 episodes.So, they're still in Viridian Forest. Ash meets a pokemon trainer named Samurai (uh..), who want a fight after losing to Gary earlier. The fight turns out to be a bore-fest where Ash's and Samurai's Metapods harden a few dozen times. It ends with a bucnh of Beedrills kidnapping Metapod. Woo, finally rid of him. Now to get rid of Pikachu, and catch some good pokemon. Nah, Ash embarks on a rescue mission, but is attack by J&J who want Pikachu. They end up getting attacked by more Beedrills, while Metapod defend Ash. The experience evolves him into Butterfree, a pokemon even worse than Pikachu. Blah.
Well, Ash and Misty continue their journey, and reach Pewter City, where Ash decides to enter the Pokemon League. To enter, he has to travel between cities and towns, challenging the local pokemon master in a battle and win. This'll give him a badge to brag about. Get 8 badges, and you can enter the league. Ash challenges the local master, Brock, but is easily beaten. An old man named Flint, who turns out to be Brocks father, helps Ash super-charge Pikachu making him win. Almost. Ash gets the chanse to cheat, but turns it down. Brock hands him the badge anyway, and joins him on the journey. On the way to the next town, Cerulean, Ash and co journey through Mount Moon, where they meet a scientist named Seymour, and stop Jessie and James from stealing the mysterious Moon Stone from the Clefairies, a very rare species of pokemon. The stone is supposed to evolve pokemon into otherwise unattainable forms, making it very useful for Team Rocket. Ash and co don't succeed, however, and J&J get away with the stone. The Clefairies stop them with a bit help from Brock's Onix, use the Moon Stone to evlve, and beat up the Rocket agents. Turns out the stone was a bit more powerful than they thought.So, what do we have here? 3 very good episodes, each deling with a different pokemon species. The first one cover the Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill family, then we have Brock's pokemon, Geodude and Onix. And finally, Clefairy and Clefable.
Can't really say much else, cept that these are among the best episodes at this point in the series, and I recommend this DVD to all fans."
(5 out of 5 stars)
"BROCK IS SO CUTE!! I know it sounds pathetic to think acartoon character is cute but just look at him!!! WHATEVER TO YOU ALLWHO THINK POKEMON S**ks!! IT KIX A**!!! I mean just watch the video and you get so drawn in!! LONG LIVE POKEMON!!!"
adamant_the_black_mage | 03/31/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"THE MYSTERY OF MOUNT MOON contains episodes 4, 5 and 6. Episode 4 is called Challenge of the Samurai. Ash and Misty are lost deep in the Viridian Forest. They meet a strange-looking warrior who calls himself the samurai.Ash challenges the Samuria. Both fighters' Metapod seem to be putting up a boring battle. So, the battle is cancelled. Then, Ash and Pikachu and Misty and the samurai are attacked by a swarm of Beedrill. They all run off. But Ash's Metapod won't get into its PokeBall. It is mad that Ash abandoned it to save himself from the Beedrill. Then, the Beedrill attack and Metapod evolves! Ash's Butterfree saves our friends and they say goodbye to the samurai and continue on. Episode 5, Showdown in Pewter City. Ash, Misty and Pikachu reach Pewter City. Ash battles the gym leader, Brock but Pikachu gets crushed by Brock's Onix. Ash is shocked and runs off with Pikachu in his arms, sobbing. Then, a weird man tells Ash that he can recharge Pikachu at an abandoned power plant nearby. So, Ash Pikachu and the man go to the Power plant and charge Pikachu by running the electric machines. Ash returns to the Pewter Gym. Brock uses Geodude. Ash uses Pikachu. (This proves that Ash is really stupid because he also has a Butterfree, which is awesome against rock, but he still chooses Pikachu). Geodude loses. Then Brock uses Onix. Pikachu's Thundershock attack starts a fire and sets off the Gym's sprinkler system, eroding Onix's body. Ash goes away because he didn't beat Brock. But Brock insists that Ash take his Boulderbadge. So, Ash takes it and Brock joins Ash and Misty on their journey. Episode 6, Clefairy and the Moon Stone. Our friends reach Mt. Moon and meet Semour, a Pokemon researcher. He gets attacked by a colony of Zubat, but Ash saves him. Then, they find out that Team Rocket wants to steal the Moon Stone from the Clefairy. Ash, Brock, Misty and Semour defeat Team Rocket and save the Clefairy's Moon Stone. That's about it."