Capsized! Pikachu, Ash and their friends are trapped in the upside-down St. Anne! How will they escape?! Next, Pikachu and the other Pokemon get stranded on a desert island, separated from their trainers, and surrounded by... more » dinosaur-sized Pokemon. Finally, Nastina teams up with Team Rocket in a dirty land development scheme! Can Ash and his friends stop Team Rocket as well as a rampaging Tentacruel!? Episodes: Pokemon Shipwreck, Island of the Giant Pokemon, Tentacool & Tentacruel« less
"This has got to be the best pokèmon video ever. First of all, all 3 shows have a different personality then all the other pokèmon shows, especially island of the giant pokèmon. I recommend this video to everybody!"
This video is so cool!!!I like the Garadoses!!!! | Marietta, Ga | 09/06/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video is about how our heroes and Team R. on the submerged S.S Anne.They must escape before the ship falls into a deep canyon. They encounter giant pokemon and giant Tentacruel.The story was exciting and funny. But it was a little sad. I would recommend this video to pokemon fans."
Seaside Pikachu is cool ^_^ | 08/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I like the part when they thought the giant pokemon were real. team rocket tried to get rid of the tentacool. then the giant tentacruel attacted the city with little tentacools and the giant tentacruel.^_^ (that's pikachu's face)"
Awesome! | 06/28/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this tape even though it rejects the pokemon episode "Battle aboard the st Anne". The episode "Island of the Giant pokemon is my favorite among this whole tape. I would have been more pleased if they actually put "Battle Aboard the st Anne" on this video instead of putting on "Tentacool and Tentacruel". It would have went along much neater and better, but still I rate this A 5 star video!"
Quit killing the romance, Misty! | 03/20/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, that's the only complaint I have about this video. I like Misty, but she interrupted a romantic part . . . . Oh, well. It was in Episode 16, when, wouldn't you know it, you first see for real how much Jessie and James care about each other. Their first cute part started, and Misty went and interrupted them. Who cares, though? That love makes a comeback a few scenes later. So I don't have a real complaint against this. I'm not even complaining about not getting to see "Beauty and the Beach" in this video. In fact, that's a good thing, since it lets you see "Tentacool and Tentacruel" which is a very cool episode. It shows Misty in a nice way! ^_^ Oh, yeah, what about the middle episode, "Island of the Giant Pokemon"? I liked that one too. Especially because of the tie-in with Giovanni. That was funny! Also, that episode sort of gives a reason why Ash said, "Pikachu, it's Zapdos," in the second movie in such a weird way. Or does it? Maybe that he said that has nothing to do with this episode. Oh, well, whatever."