"Ever felt you been here before and yet not...Deja vu, right? NO, it's a bad remake of a classic disaster film.
32 years later, Hallmark Entertainment tries to do a mini series of the Poseidon with modern day updates. Instead of a tidal wave, it is a bomb that inverts the ship upside down. The cop character is now a homeland security agent (Adam Baldwin) dragging a terrorist through the wreckage of the ship to justice. The priest is now a Bishop (Rutger Hauer). The Red Button character from the first movie, now played by Bryan Brown, is now married to singer, an International Idol pop star. The smart kid from the first film is now a junior Speilburg with a video cam that never runs out of battery life. The young girl (Pamela Sue Martin character in the first film) is now the daughter of Steve Guttenberg, a cheating family man who is headed for divorce. Peter Weller is the Captain who character name is the same as the original book's author (Paul Gallico)...a nice touch! You can not fault the actors, they do the best they can with this would blame the script writer who could not make this chestnut revised without treading too close of repeating the deepness of the original
There are a few additions to the remake that does not make this sail any better. Alex (ER) Kingston is a sort of federal international rescue head, the role seem so added at the last minute. A ship's doctor (C. Thomas Howell) who reminds me of DR Bricker from Love Boat.
However, this watered down soap opera is not better than the original in a longer many ways it drags down the audience in this watered down version. In someways, it seem like a LOVE BOAT episode with dramatic melodrama and adventure added in the mix. If you saw the first, most of the same things happen with few changes. The last shot is the ship sinking..THANK GOD NO SEQUAL!
So you want that sinking feeling again, get the originally 1972 film with Gene Hackman, Red Button, Shelly Winters, Ernest Borgnine and Stella Stevens. The Poseidon Adventure (Special Edition). However This remake misses the epic adventure mark by miles.
Bennet Pomerantz AUDIOWORLD"
Terrible remake of the disaster classic
Joseph Haggard Jr. | 05/21/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Before "Poseidon" hit theaters, this TV-movie remake of Irwin Allen's 1972 disaster film classic aired on NBC this past November. Of course having seen and enjoyed the original "Poseidon Adventure", I had to see this one. In the end, I wish I hadn't.
This TV-movie version is absolutely bad filmmaking. It's as simple as that. Bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, and bad special effects. So many of the original film's scenes are replayed here, and the changes that were made were absolutely wrongheaded. For example, the one big change that was made here was how the ship capsizes: instead of a giant tidal wave it's a terrorist blast that sends the ship upside down. To have the ship turn over by a terrorist blast instead of a giant tidal wave was a very big mistake. This was a change that I found totally inappropriate. But that's not all. The movie wastes a fine cast of actors (from Rutger Hauer to Steve Guttenberg to Peter Weller) who are all powerless to stop this film from self-destructing. The writing and directing look as if they were done by amateurs. But the worst thing about it are the lousy special effects, which look absolutely cheap in this film, especially in the fiery climax.
I want to make a point at how bad this film is. I don't know if it was the filmmakers behind this junk or the executives at NBC who decided on this but when this movie first aired last November it aired on one night over three hours (with commercials). Originally, this film was supposed to air as a two-parter (four hours over two nights), because that's the version you get on DVD. So this was cut by 40 minutes before making its network debut. I've seen both versions, and either version won't make any difference because they're both bad.
The new feature film remake "Poseidon" isn't a great film but at least it has better special effects than this one. It also has better actors too, and a director (Wolfgang Petersen) who knows how to make exciting movies (even though his "Poseidon" remake isn't as good as his previous movies). So if you have to choose between which remake to watch, see "Poseidon" and skip "The Poseidon Adventure" TV-movie.
But my real advice is all too obvious: stick with the original 1972 movie."
I'll give it TWO STARS for the BEDROOM SCENE
Reginald D. Garrard | Camilla, GA USA | 05/13/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This tepid remake of the Irwin Allen original features only one thing worth mentioning: the topsy-turvy rollover scene between Steve Guttenberg's character and his shipboard mistress as the two are in the midst of a "secret rendezvous." The sight of the tumbling pair, along with the cabin's furniture and other appointments, is good for a snicker or two.
The computer imagery of the overturning ship, as well as the other "special effects," is about as wooden as a deck chair from the Titanic."
Bad bad bad
Daniel Sundkvist | Oslo, Norway | 07/15/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Oh dear.... how unworthy of the original, it deserves a much better remake. Please, just skip this one, and keep the original.
So many bad scenes to give as example, but I`ll settle with the ending, when the US marine keeps shouting to the survivors through his megaphone "hurry up, the Poseidon has only a few minutes to live"..... and yet, nothing happens. The hull is completely motionless, how on earth can he figure the end is
And one more thing, why did they arrange for background music ALL THE TIME?? Very annoying."
Mediocrity upside down
Trevor Willsmer | London, England | 06/03/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"...but a long way from Hell, last year's mini-series version of The Poseidon Adventure doesn't live down to its reputation. Aside from Peter Weller's every other line being "I'm Captain Paul Gallico" or "This is your captain, Paul Gallico" just in case anyone doesn't get the joke or Steve Guttenberg (looking increasingly like a failed attempt at cloning Albert Brooks) constantly endangering everyone's life to stop them to tell him how much he likes them with what he thinks is his best sincere voice but which really sounds like someone trying to have a conversation while having a particularly difficult bowel movement, there aren't many unintentional laughs to be had.
Rutger Hauer simply looks bewildered, as if he wandered onto the wrong set by mistake and somebody gave him a hat and a dog collar, Sylvia Syms looks alarmingly like Shelley Winters, C. Thomas Howell is starting to look even more alarmingly like an ageing 80s porn star and only Bryan Brown and Adam Baldwin look like they're having any fun. The spirit of Irwin Allen is briefly resurrected near the finale: sadly, it's not the Allen of The Towering Inferno or the original Poseidon but the one who spent an eternity having people very, very slowly cross a bridge one by one for the last two reels of When Time Ran Out.
This DVD is the uncut two-part version, with a not especially interesting featurette and six cast interviews (including one with Guttenberg that's so smug and self-satisfied you'd happily drown him for real) and a DVD trailer."