Editor s Choice - Yoga Journal Get into shape, relieve stress, become stronger and more flexible & increase energy! With over 20 routines, no other DVD offers so much to help you learn and progress in the hea... more »ling art of yoga. Simply select the routine you need on any given day and this amazing DVD will adapt to meet your exact needs. Explore the amazing world of yoga with the most comprehensive and extensive DVD available. Practices range from 20 to 120 minutes. Power Yoga for Every Body makes the beauty and power of flow yoga accessible to everyone. This comprehensive system of yoga can get into shape and increase flexibility while relieving stress and tension. For both the beginner and advanced practitioner, Power Yoga for Every Body is a safe and effective way to explore this powerful form of yoga. Renowned yoga instructor Barbara Benagh explores the asanas through her famous Slow FlowTM method of vinyasa (poses that flow together) while emphasizing alignment and awareness of breath. Routines include: - AM and PM practices - Increased flexibility - Strength & Balance building practices - Relaxation - Stress Relief - Special interview with the instructor - and many more!« less
"The menu of selections for different level of workouts is very useful. There are 24 practice options that slowly walk every level person through a program. If you are unsure of how to do certain poses, this video is top quality in showing you the correct way to do the posture.
Yes, excellent addition to any yoga library.Why Five Stars?
COMPREHENSIVE. Although there are some minor drawbacks this video is the best one of about ten I have in my library. I have all the big names and they do not give you enough workouts for your money. Other videos attempt to deal with individual issues by selling you additional videos or multiple box sets. Beware of those highly advertised names that cannot get a good comprehensive workout on one DVD/VHS.Slight Shortcomings?
1. The pace is a bit slow but you do get a good workout with time to focus on your technique.
2. Most people interested in yoga understand that there are a series of sun salutations. These are a bit repetitive between the different workouts.
3. If they release another version of this they should consider having individual segments easier to access throughout the menu.Competing Yoga tapes should?
Take a look at the format, which gives you options to do different workouts. For example "I have about 45 minutes and want to do a challenging workout." Or "I just have twenty minutes and want to loosen up a bit." Having this option is by far one of the best features of this tape.BUY THIS DVD, take a few classes from different instructors. Register for yoga journal online (free). There are several good workout programs, if you are serious add a couple of tapes to your collection. If you are new, take your time. If you have some experience, try the challenging level for a good home workout.Best wishes to you and yor practice.Good luck, Good will, Namaste.P.S. I do not author or sell any yoga programs."
Thorough and soothing
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the second yoga instruction DVD I've bought, the first being disappointing, but "Power Yoga for Every Body" is excellent. This is the one I am following on a daily basis, and I just love it; can't say enough good things about it. The three ability levels each containing over a dozen separate work-outs to choose from, will keep me occupied and constantly learning and improving for a long time to come. I'm a beginner but I can see that this DVD is so packed with ever more skilled routines that there is plenty for me to grow into.I find Barbara Benagh's style of instruction perfect: a soothing voice that helps the calming process, and extremely clear advice on breathing, stressing the importance of when to exhale or inhale---I find that the breathing guidance really does assist the proper execution of the movements and poses, and she seems to have timed her cues at exactly when you are taking that breath naturally. The relaxation sessions at the end of each routine are phenomenally restful.As other reviews have mentioned, pose sequences are repeated in many routines, but this is fine as they are combined with differing poses also, from routine to routine and level to level.One must be aware, however, that the title of "Power" yoga does not refer to something frenetic in any way; some poses are quietly challenging, but the pace of the workouts is calm, gentle and quieting. I mention this just incase anyone takes the word "power" to mean vigorously-paced or fast-moving. To me the power part lies more in the strength I feel developing as I become more skilled at the poses. The actual pace is a gentle "vinyasa flow" from one posture to the next, emphasizing slow movements, calm, steady breathing, and a quietude of mind also.I chose this DVD after carefully reading the reviews of other users here, to find out exactly what to expect, and I'm so happy with it that I'd like to say thanks for that, and add my own as confirmation that this is a terrific choice for a wonderfully instructed and demonstrated DVD, which has enough variation and content to grow with you."
Perfect DVD for Experience Yogi's and Beginners
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I teach Ashtanga Yoga and I find it challenging to teach beginning students the flow method of power yoga. I found this DVD to be the perfect tool to help those new to the practice, but also for the more experienced who can benefit from slowing down every now and then and getting a chance to be more in tune with their bodies.The DVD is jammed pack full of programs for every occassion, including the full practice, quick workouts, morning, evening etc. One major feature is that you can follow-along to the programs as your body progresses over time. I am advising all of my students to get this DVD and I think Power Yoga for Every Body compliment any yoga library."
If you want one Vinyasa DVD - this is it!
Griff-Man | CT | 03/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Why aren't more yoga DVD's this thoughfully produced? Instead of just putting a VHS session on DVD and breaking it up into segments - this DVD provides many begining, intermediate, and advanced workouts. The instructor gives great cues without being distracting. The pace is great - time to get into and out of each asana - but still provides the flow of power yoga. This is a DVD that you can grow with and learn a lot from. I bought a few power yoga DVD's all at once - and had I known how much this offered and how well it was put together I would have only bought this and Yoga Shakti with Shiva Rea. Moderately good was Power yoga with Rodney Yee and moderately moderate was power yoga with Bryan Kest (a bit fleshy and flashy for a yoga dvd). Poor was Ashtanga Yoga with Nicki Doane. Again if you are beginer or intermediate practitioner that wants to expand into Vinyasa/Power/Ahstanga/Flow then Barbara Benagh's Power Yoga For Everybody may be the only DVD you need."
Good change of pace from Ashtanga series
James E. White | Oak Park, IL | 08/17/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I read a few reviews of this DVD concerning ashtanga teachers requesting their students to try this DVD as a change of pace to practicing the Primary and/or Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga. I can definitely understand why. I tried a few of the work outs on the DVD. The Sun Salutation, the Standing and Balance Series. The work has a similar intensity to Sun Salutation A & B and the Standing Postures. The biggest difference is there are certain poses you feel as if you are doing forever. For instance Chateranga (a.k.a "Yogic Pushup") is performed so many times and so slowly, a person can't help, but get stronger. This is a part that's kind of breezed through (at least I do) when doing the sun salutations when I warm up for the Primary Series. This DVD forced me to pay attention to detailed aspects of the practice like this one.
Ashtangis will definitely recognize most of the poses performed on this DVD (e.g. hand to big toe, hand to foot, triangle, revolved triangle, side angle, revolved side angle, etc.) There are a few poses that are performed a little differently. For instance the standing hand to big toe pose is performed with the arm extended out instead of having the hand on the hip, the intense side stretch is performed with the hands on the floor instead of behind the back in prayer position.
The pace is indeed slow, but ujjayi (victorous) breath is maintained throughout. I think this is the type of workout that will make a person who is used to practicing Ashtanga or any other type of fast flow yoga to slow down and focus on holding poses. There are several levels of the workouts that a person can try (beginner, intermediate, challenge). I tried the challenge and perhaps that is why some of the poses were held the way they were. Despite the slow pace, I was certainly able to work up a sweat performing the workout.
I would suggest this DVD for anyone who wants to try flowing type yoga, or a person who is used to faster flowing styles to try and slow down a little. My only problem with this DVD was there would be certain points where the dvd would just stop. I'm guessing this is a technical problem, which probably doesn't have much to do with the content of the tape itself. Otherwise, this was a good solid way to do an ashtanga-type workout, without as many of the really difficult poses included and at a much slower pace."