If a broom falls, company is due. When a circle rings the moon, trouble looms, Should you misplace your broom, sorry; a hand vac can't be used in an exorcism rite. Fun and excitement abound in the Owens family of wily witc... more »hes. One problem, though: the men the Owens women fall in love with are doomed to an untimely death. Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman bring a sparkling screen magic to Practical Magic, adapted from Alice Hoffman's bestseller and directed by Griffin Dunne (Addicted to Love). They play Sally and Gillian Owens, sisters hexed by a centuries -old curse...and coping with a witches brew of events involving a possible love match (Aidan Quinn) for one, a zombie (Goran Visnjic) for the other and a need to resume the age-old witchcraft taught by two doting Owens aunts (Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest). Sit for a spell and enjoy.« less
Lots of fun and a great plotline with lots of A-Listers in this!
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 12/15/2021...
Cute, romantic comedy about sisters who are witches.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Rebecca R. (Rainbow) from HOOPA, CA Reviewed on 10/8/2014...
Practical Magic is a different spin on a romance movie. It's about two sisters that are witches and have been raised in a home with their aunts whom are also witches. One sister is proud of who she is and doesn't care what anyone thinks while the other is in denial and just wants to be normal and have a normal life. This movie made me laugh, cry, swoon and jump. It is a little bit of everything. The moral of this story is be who you are, don't be ashamed to be you. I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars because of it's amazing plot and versatility.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Larry N. from BEALETON, VA Reviewed on 8/12/2014...
Pretty decent movie. More of a chick flick, but I enjoyed watching it.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jennifer D. (jennicat) from ST AUGUSTINE, FL Reviewed on 3/29/2014...
Great movie. Great soundtract too! In my library.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Virginia M. from SIERRA VISTA, AZ Reviewed on 2/11/2011...
How can you go wrong with this casting. Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman backed up with Stokard Channing and Dianne Wiest. I would have liked to see more of the last two but that's Hollywood for you. This was a good movie and a keeper. I think Bullocks roll had more depth to it then Kidmans. It's always easier to play a bad girl/slut type looking for love in all the VERY WRONG places, then a single mother hiding from love so she won't be hurt again. Add to that a little Practical Magic and who know what could happen.
Enjoy the movie.
7 of 7 member(s) found this review helpful.
Nancy W. from CHARLOTTE, NC Reviewed on 1/11/2011...
Chick Flick however the guys like it too with these actresses! Good humor and a plot.....great movie.
4 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Chrissy N. from DELTONA, FL Reviewed on 1/30/2010...
I love this movie. Okay maybe I love the soundtrack more. Defenitely a sisterly, girly type movie!
4 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Lore T. from BLAIRSVILLE, GA Reviewed on 1/29/2010...
okay, not my favorite genre
2 of 12 member(s) found this review helpful.
Sharon M. from PALATINE, IL Reviewed on 12/8/2007...
Got DVD off of eBay.
2 of 9 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
I loved this movie.
tradervic27 | Durham, NC United States | 02/18/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No matter what religion you are or how you feel about witchcraft, if you enjoy good acting & a great storyline, you'll like this film. Both Bullock & Kidman are excellent & their characters are well-drawn, likable & familiar. Most women will relate to the loves & losses, trials & errors of these independent young women. They are, of course, different in some ways. Born into a legacy of witches & dark history, the Owens females live under a curse that destroys any man who gets too close to them. (Then again, some of us may have felt 'cursed' more than once in our love lives...)Bullock plays Sally, the levelheaded one who is determined to have a "normal" life. She falls in love early (w/a little crafty help from the aunts -Stockard Channing & Dianne Wiest), then marries & has two daughters who look exactly like she & 'Gillie' (Kidman). For a few years, Sally is blissfully happy until the day she hears the cricket chirp - a sign of impending death. After her husband is killed, Sally falls into a depression so deep that only her sister can pull her out.They have an unbreakable bond - not only of blood & love, but of spirit. The strength of this bond actually saves Gillie's life, when she manages to hook-up with an evil madman who 'comes back' from death. The ending is quite well done. This was a movie about belief, trust, family & a very old fight - good vs. evil. It was also about a love strong & pure enough to break a centuries-old curse, true enough to save a woman pulled in the depths of true evil. It is touching, satisfying & emotionally uplifting. Rent it! Then rent it again for the soundtrack alone!"
tradervic27 | 10/01/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A truly magical ancestress, a witch in very deed, escapes the hangman's noose only to place a curse on herself and her female posterity. What ensues is an enchantingly wonderful, though sometimes dark, tale of two witch sisters who live to deal with the family curse. Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock star as the witch sisters who approach their upbringing in magic very differently. Bullock's character, the level headed and pragmatic Sally, wants nothing more than to find true love and live a normal life while her sister Gillian (Kidman) wants to live it up and change the men in her life like most people change their socks.The two join magical forces when one of Gillian's assorted men emerges as a sinister character played by Goran Visnjic. Their adventures seem to have gone well until a lawman (Aidan Quinn) shows up with all too many questions and seems all too familiar to Sally.Perhaps even more appealing than Kidman and Bullock from the standpoint of screen presence, Dianne Wiest and Stockard Channing star as a couple of enchanting -- almost Victorian -- aunts of our two heroines that are absolutely spellbinding and unforgettable. Practical Magic, regardless of the theme, is not a Halloween flick like Hocus Pocus and should not be avoided by any who might think that it has seasonal appeal. An enchantingly entertaining film!Douglas McAllister"
The BEST movie involving the Craft I've ever seen
Feywild | Freezing in Michigan | 08/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a Wiccan, I was happily surprised at the treatment of witches in this film. Unlike the power-hungry, psycho teenyboppers of The Craft (a horrendous, disgusting film! ), this movie treated their witches with a light, humorous touch. As a romantic, I couldn't recommend this movie more.Though the special effects were very Hollywood, you have to keep in mind that this movie was made by Hollywood. No, we can't float off roofs; no, we can't raise the dead. Still, all in all, it was a beautiful movie; an affirmation of witchiness!There was little treatment of the religion of Wicca, but then again the women were never stated to be Wiccan. They are witches, yes, but that's not necessarily the same thing. Some of my favorite movie lines are in this movie (the other is "Ghostbusters"): "There is no Devil in the Craft."; "You can't practice magic while looking down your nose at it."; and "There's a little witch in all of us."I love this movie. I will watch it again and again and again. And I find myself singing the songs by Faith Hill and Stevie Nicks (wonderful, magickal Stevie!) at work in the middle of the day.Buy it. Watch it. Love it."
Simply Magical
Amanda Goodwin | 03/20/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After reading the excellent novel by Alice Hoffman, I was excited to see this movie, since rearely are there any good films made about witches, especially romantic comedies. But 'Practical Magic' is charming. Yes, Aidan Quinn could've done SO much better (he didn't seem all there), but other than that, it's great. Stockard Channing and Dianne Weist are adorable. Channing plays the delightfully abrasice aunt, while Weist is the sweet gentle one (quite a change from her role as the Wicked Queen in NBC's the 10th Kingdom). Kidman is so scatterbrained you have to love her. And, as usual, Sandra Bullock plays the reserved romantic, which suits her acting ability. You can also see ER's Goran Visjinc playing the crazed abusive boyfriend (very different from his ER character). All in all, this movie was excellent, although Quinn's performance was dull. Still worth the money."
Good, but Far from Perfect
R. M. Fisher | New Zealand = Middle Earth! | 12/10/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie certainly is a mixed bag! Not only does it mix in several very good and poignant scenes with some utterly illogical and cheesy ones, but compresses within it no less than five plot strands! Gillian and Sally (Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock) are the latest in a long line of witches, stemming from their ancestress Maria Owens who was banished from her village on the crimes of witchcraft. Pregnant with her lovers child, and devastated that he never came to rescue her, she placed a spell upon herself that she might never again feel the pain of love. However, this spell became a curse, and for the next three hundred years, the men that any Owens women ever loved would reach an untimely end. This is what happened to Gillian and Sally's father, and soon after their mother died also of a broken heart, leaving them to stay with their quirky aunts Frances and Jet (Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest). The four make a loving family, but as Jet puts it - 'with the sweets comes the sour', as the close-knit town community despise the strange and eccentric Owens women...except of course when its in their best interests to go to the aunts for help with their life-love.
Exposed to the desparate and all-consuming nature of love that is witnesses in the aunt's customers Sally decides that she never wants to fall in love. Gillian however can't wait, and while she scampers away from the town as soon as she's old enough, Sally creates a spell in her childhood of the man she is to fall in love with - a man so perfect she feels he can not possibly exist, with qualities such as being able to flip pancakes, ride a horse backwards, and have one green and one blue eye. Her logic is if he doesn't exist, she can never have her heart broken.
Time will tell differently however - by their adulthood Sally is happily married and living a blissfully normal life with two daughters and Gillian is involved with a gorgeous -but dangerous- man. Sally truly loves her husband however, and when the curse takes effect she is devastated. Gillian has problems of her own however when her boyfriend Jimmy gets violent. When Sally goes to rescue her sister they are both kidnapped by Jimmy and manage to escape only by loading his liquior bottle with belladonna, a powerful sedative. Unfortunatly, Jimmy doesn't survive the experience.
Terrified, the sisters perform a ressurection spell, but when Jimmy returns as something 'dark and un-natural' they panic, knock him out and bury him in the backyard. But not all things stay buried, least of all Jimmy, and when a police-dectective from Arizona comes investigating his disappearence the house, Sally is petrified - especially since he has one green eye and one blue one...Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are great as Gillian and Sally, and they carry full weight of the mish-mashed storyline on their shoulders. Kidman's accent faulters at times (especially whenever she says 'aunts') but on the whole performs the carefree, irresponsible younger sister very well. Bullock as the older, more composed and sensible Sally is just as good, and the two can easily pull off the sister bond.
Unsurpringly Stockard Channing and Diane Weist create the aunts perfectly, with Channing as the sharper, more eccentric Frances and Weist as the gentle and kind Jet.
Aidan Quinn however is nothing to sing and dance about. He enters the movie quite late, and then leaves just as early and Bullock has far more chemistry with the actor playing her first husband, even though he's in the movie for an even shorter time (or maybe its just because I love their run 'n jump kiss so much!) ..."