Reviewed on 9/19/2020...
4/5 Rating - The Purge - This movie went off the mainstream cookie cutter plots and was a bit brutal at times so it's not for the lighthearted.
3/5 Rating - The Purge Anarchy - I liked the first movie better than this second one. The second one had a different style to it but still had the core concept of the purge.
2.5/5 Rating - The Purge Election Year - The first movie was the best, second was good and third brought a character from the second. This movie was pretty suspenseful and action packed but the ending of it was a bit weak and unbelievable in a few parts of it in my opinion.
3/5 Rating - The First Purge - I did not really like the first part of this movie and could have done without all the racism and use of the N word. After thirty minutes, this fourth installment of the Purge series focused it's plotline and brought you back to the craziness that many of you have grown to love. I predict that they will continue to make more of these purge movies in different U.S. cities, (i.e. Purge Los Angeles, Purge Detroit, Purge 25, LOL) It's an endless movie series like Friday the Thirteenth. If you like this kind of insanity like the other movies, then you need to watch this.