Join a team of international scientists and forensic archaeologists - led by famed Egyptology professor Kent Weeks - as they try to unravel the mystery that links Pharaoh Rameses the Great, a skull found in the largest tom... more »b ever unearthed in Egypt and the most pivotal moment of the Bible's Old Testament.
Rameses II was the self-styled greatest of all the Pharaohs, a man who ruled longer, built more monuments to his victories and controlled an empire larger than any other Egyptian king to follow. A consummate "myth-maker," Rameses left a legacy both astounding and confounding. But does that legacy include driving the Jews out of Egypt, as many Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars believe?
In tomb KV5 in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, witness the excavation of four skulls believed to be those of Rameses elder sons. Using the latest forensic science, Prof. Weeks hopes to identify one of the skulls as Amun-her-khepeshef - firstborn son of Rameses and the man the Bible says was struck down by God. Further evidence leads to another startling Biblical connection: Rameses may indeed be the father of Moses, who rejected his father's will and delivered thousands of slaves from bondage.
Watch as the latest advances in forensic anthropology, CG recreations of the Pharaoh's royal court and dramatized sequences of pivotal moments in his life reveal compelling evidence of Rameses the Great's likely role in an event that is at the very cornerstone of the three monotheistic faiths.« less