Oh woe.
A. Moore | US | 04/01/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you are looking to own the DoCo music videos that were the original opening and endings to the OAVs, you will not find them here. Viz completely left them out of this smaller set, which is an EXTREME dissapointment to me, since that was half of the reason why I liked the OAVs so much. Bad form, Viz. Bad form.
They also chose to arrange the discs in the same case, stacked on top of each other, which always makes me worry about scratches and the like. Not happy with this set up at all.
But if you just want a review of the actual content, the Ranma OAVs are wonderful. Probably the only "episodes" of the series that I could still sit down and enjoy with no worries."
But Wait...There's More!
Underground Reborn | ny | 06/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"How could I possibly finish my reviews of Ranma 1/2 without mention the 12 OVA episodes that followed the show? These 12 episodes pick up right where we left off. Ranma and the gang are still growing together and getting into the usual...until these 12 episodes came along that is.
These episodes truly stand alone from the origional TV series. For one the animation is brilliant and much more fluid that the TV show, but thats how it goes with the quality factor. What truly sets these 12 episodes up on the pedestil is the intensity that is brought with each incredible half hour. There isn't much room for cheap laughs here. There is everything from giant 7 headed dragons to baby phoenixes, enchanted murderous dolls and even a huge christmas party that has an ending that will make you want to hold that special someone close to you.
Finally this is the moment in time where we get one step closer to the bond of Ranma and Akane at this stage in life Ranma lets the world and the viewers know exactly how he feels about Akane. So prepare for the action the laughs and yes the many tears that are shead as you watch the final 12 special adventures of Ranma 1/2. (Trust me you can skip the movies)
*Recomended Episode: Tendo Christmas Scramble*"
Very good
melted sugarball | dublin, Ireland | 05/21/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is an extras-free, 2 disc set of all 12 OAVs. I'll rate all 12:
Shampoo's sudden switch-A magic brooch causes Shampoo to hate Ranma 4/5
Tendo Christmas scramble- The Tendos hold a Christmas party 4/5
I'll be the one to inherit Mother's recipes- Akane tries to cure her inability to cook 4/5
Growing up with Miss Hinako- a new and odd teacher comes to school-4/5
The one to carry on Two new girls come to the dojo claiming to be Soun's daughters- 3/5
The one to carry on part 2- Akane tries to win back the dojo 3/5
Reawakening memories- Akane travels to a forest to return a horn she was given as a child 4/5
Reawakening memories part 2- Ranma and Ryoga help Akane to save Shinnosuke 4/5
The lengendary phoenix- Kuno hatches a violent phoenix on his
head 3/5
Cursed tunnel of lost love- Ukyo and Shampoo try to break up Ranma and Akane 4/5
The evil ogre- Kasumi is possessed by an evil ogre 4/5
The 2 Akanes- Akane's body is taken over by a vengeful doll 5/5"