Compress a season's worth of MTV's The Real World into 90 minutes, marry it to a Girls Gone Wild video, and basically you've got The Real Cancun, an ambitious if unwieldy effort to extract a feature film from bawdy footage... more » of a spring break spent in sunny Mexico. Created by The Real World's production team, Cancun tosses 16 attractive college kids into an unrestrained, endless party in paradise, where the waves are majestic, the booze flows freely, and wanton sex--despite free-form nudity and ample opportunity--proves a surprisingly elusive dream. The trouble here is that a lot of spaghetti was thrown at the wall, but none of it sticks: There are too many people, not enough time to develop compelling individual stories or relationship cycles, and an unwillingness among most of the cast to make a leap from relaxed licentiousness to uncensored lust. In other words, there's no payoff anywhere. --Tom Keogh« less
"This extraordinarily silly MTV "documentary" features a carefully selected group of shallow, stupid, unsympathetic, unlikable, allegedly good-looking Americans in their early twenties who are celebrating spring break in Cancun, Mexico. There are altogether too many of these beach boys and beach girls---we never get to know them as people; with the exception of the two male African-American friends, they are completely without charm or appeal. They have nothing interesting to say and seem to have no identity. Each one of them complains about their relationships and how difficult it is to find "the right person," and I was completely indifferent to their personal problems. There is absolutely nothing about these people to make them seem interesting---they are characterologies, cardboard-cut out figures, stereotypes.
There is only one good thing about this film (hence the two-star rating): the wet T-shirt competition. MTV apparently thought: "Let's place a camera in front of these people! Hedonism and fun will ensue!" It didn't work. The film is BORING. Very often it is IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL what is going on. The "climax" of the film has the participants "hooking up"---strangely enough, they are "hooking up" with their clothes on. This conclusion was obviously contrived by the MTV staff, who wanted the film to end... in some way or another! The participants don't even seem to be having fun. Watching THE REAL CANCUN is a bit like watching someone ELSE's home movie and wishing you were somewhere else. Even if you like Snoop and alternative music, the music soundtrack of this film is just awful. Aimless, pointless, stupid."
Wow, stupidest movie ever
Nuwan Weerahandi | NJ United States | 11/07/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Luckily I didn't pay to see it. The only reason why I watched it in the first place was to see some half naked hot chicks, but even in that department it was lacking.
You would think a brainless movie about spring break would at least have some hot chicks half naked. Nope. Just one wet t-shirt contest that you can watch on any episode of Wild On.
It tries so hard to be like Real World, but fails miserably, no interviews, bad editing, and the idiots who they picked to be on the movie are boring. On top of that, they seem to play for the camera, most of their dialogue is akward, as if they are only having a conversation for the sake of the movie. WTF?
If you are looking for a brainless movie with half naked chicks, fast forward to the wet t-shirt segment, watch it, then switch off the tv."
The Most Degrading Movie Ever!
Leah | commerce | 04/26/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ok. This movie has to be one of the WORST movies ever! Its about 16 college students and their spring break vacation in Cancun, Mexico. It's extremely embarassing and degrading, though most guys will probably enjoy this trash. Basically, this is a more professional verson of "Girls Gone Wild", only with guys included. It's just a watered-down porn flick for the theaters. It's not even worth watching. I would really give this zero stars. Its amazing what they can get away with these days."
Booze, Babes and Cameras
Eric M. Croas | Dallas, GA | 07/12/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was full of hot bodies, lots of booze, candid moments and somehow they even created a plot and cast of characters.As an older college student myself, I have missed out on infamous Spring Break romps, and after seeing this film, I am definitely sorry to have missed out on it.Prior to watching the movie, I thought it might be a loosely edited hodgepodge of drinking, hot bods and no real drama behind it. Well, I was half right. The thing that I liked, and others may just laugh at, is that the film was edited like a scripted story. Given the drama usually seen on The Real World, it may have been, but I still liked the choices made.There are 16 who were given the trip to Cancun, but we seem to only follow a handful of them. Bring a scorecard, because the first time you watch it's hard to keep track of everybody.The extras offered on the DVD are good. They offer additional materials that allow the viewer to see more of the interactions that created this guilty pleasure."
MTV needs to grow up
Eric M. Croas | 08/13/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Here is the proof for why the rest of the world hates us. After seeing these mindless, soulless sex-crazed pod people parade around like they were GODS in this sad excuse for a movie, I can see why America is viewed by others as an evil country. What exactly do we value anymore?"