Breastfeeding is one of the greatest gifts you can give baby. But for many women it's easier said than done. The REAL DEAL on BreastfeedingTM shows modern moms how to make breastfeeding work; it gets moms from OUCH! to AAA... more »HH? Viewers get a lactation consultation, a breastfeeding support group and a one-on-one latch-on lesson all in one reasonably priced 25-minute video. Moms also get invaluable girlfriend-to-girlfriend advice along with some much-needed laughs! In this award-winning video, viewers watch as a brand new mother learns techniques for latch-on, positioning and holds, eliminating discomfort and increasing supply. You'll also get answers to common questions such as: What are the health benefits for mom & baby? How long should I nurse? Can I have a glass of wine? Can I get pregnant while nursing? And much more.« less
"I have already breastfed two children, but not without problems. I was happy to view this dvd and pick up some pointers to make the third time easier. I was particularly impressed with the demonstration of latching on and the explanation for why the various holds are so important for proper latching on. It is difficult to really appreciate these techniques from books and even with assistance from a lactation specialist the view is rather awkward looking down at yourself. There really is no substitute for seeing another woman correctly hold and position a newborn for nursing. Due to my schedule and obligations I was never able to attend a support group and I don't anticipate being able to this time around. Therefore, the Real Deal has been exactly what I need to prepare and to feel like I have a readily available resource for those 2am feedings when things don't seem to be going exactly right. I have suggested the Real Deal to my sister-in- law and plan to tell my pediatrician about it -- I am too reluctant to give up my copy until feeding is well established!"
Eileen Flood O'connor | New York, NY | 10/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Since experts agree that there is no better gift to give your baby than breast milk, there is really no better present to give your expecting friend than The REAL DEAL on Breastfeeding. As a mother of two, who had her share of ups and downs with the breastfeeding process, I found this video to be an extremely informative and thoughtfully presented introduction to the miracle of breastfeeding. It discusses not only the range of emotions tied to breastfeeding, but very practically demonstrates the physical 'how-to's' of the process. I found the frames of a woman actually putting her child to her breast with the guidance of a mid-wife particularly powerful and instructive. I know breastfeeding is supposed to be a 'natural' process, but as I and so many moms will attest, in the beginning it does not always feel so easy or natural. It's reassuring to listen to the experiences of other moms, not to mention the advice of experts that this video provides. A new mom with whom I recently shared The REAL DEAL, said it answered so many of her questions about breastfeeding and the physical demonstrations helped to speed and ease the process of feeding her son. It's really a must for all expectant mothers who plan to breastfeed!"
Reading how to breastfeed just isn't enough . . .
jtk | 09/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is great! Before my son was born I read numerous books and articles on breastfeeding, but it was the Real Deal on Breastfeeding video that brought it all together. I strongly urge purchasing the video for anyone who is a first time breastfeeder or for anyone who had a tough time and gave up sooner than planned in the past.
I received the Real Deal on Breastfeeding DVD about a week before I gave birth. As mentioned above, although I read a lot on breastfeeding this DVD really pulled it together for me. The zoomed in demonstrations truly helped me to understand what the books and articles were describing. When I watched the video I literally said,"
Great Present for Your Wife
Chris D | New York | 07/31/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The DVD has high marks from my wife. The instructional DVD is very informational and comprehensive. The show has real mothers and experts discussing the topic. (...) Guys don't have to watch the video, but you'll help your wife feed your baby.
Inspirational Tool for New Moms
Melissa | 11/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I found this video to be both instructional and inspirational and a true cause for optimism. The "everyday" moms featured on the video offered realistic concerns and solutions to many of the common breastfeeding myths and challenges. For a user-friendly and comforting look at how to breastfeed your baby, watch this video!"