"If you have seen any other Real World You Never Saw DVDs, then you will know what to expect with this DVD. The formula is the same. For those that don't, it's pretty much a collection of outakes that show the cast acting silly. There is no drama here.
I give this DVD an average rating because MTV never puts much effort in the DVDs. The short runtime is weak enough, but the special features are always lacking. I was hoping this time they could at least throw in the City High promo songs for this season, but instead we get the same old house tour and cast bio/audition tapes.
Like I said, it's average at best."
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is really a horrible dvd...its a whole bunch of clips that leave you hanging.... you dont know whats going on the whole time, and its 19 3 or 4 minute tracks of different misc. video clips. most of these are choppy and at horrible angles....it should be titled "The Real World You Didnt Want To See" Its really pointless. Plus all the nudity is still blocked...for those who were anxious to know...."
You Can Live Without Seeing It
mrmidnite1 | Utica, NY USA | 10/14/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I loved the Real World Chicago. So, I was really psyched to be able to see some of the behind the scenes material. I was even more disappointed once I saw it.What they have thrown together is only mildly entertaining. A story about a bird getting loose in the house, nicknames the cast came up with, and how they "uncover" the Real World filming vault in the basement. Yawn. This was a really strong cast with some really different personalities and I was hoping they would have shown some of the ways those personalities clashed. A DVD should have opened up opportunities to show stuff you couldn't show on TV - they completely missed the boat on that. All of this material (with VERY few exceptions) could have been shown on TV, as is. If you are truly a die-hard Real World Chicago fan, look for this DVD secondhand. Anyone else is better off taking a pass on it. A real wasted effort."
The Real World You Never Saw - Chicago
b_potato | Milwaukee, Wis USA | 06/13/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I had started watching the movie with minimal expectations. The movie featured some funny segments such as Aneesa's special "friend" and Tonya's extensive vocabulary. I didn't think the movie was that funny though. I was hoping for a lot more. Compared to previous "You Never Saw"s, this one wasn't that great. If you have watched the season and have a few extra bucks, get the movie. It isn't a must though."
Short and Boring
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoy watching the Real World on MTV, so I was looking forward to viewing this DVD.Some of the segments were boring.I was disappointed because the DVD is too short. MTV records the cast 24/7 so you'd think there would be more footage to share on this DVD. Not so."